MCP Language Server

// Copyright 2025 Phil Isaac. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "strings" ) func cleanDocComment(doc string) string { // Remove @tags and convert to standard Go docs doc = strings.ReplaceAll(doc, "@since", "Since") doc = strings.ReplaceAll(doc, "@proposed", "PROPOSED") // Fix line breaks in comments and normalize whitespace var builder strings.Builder lines := strings.Split(doc, "\n") isFirstLine := true for _, line := range lines { line = strings.TrimSpace(line) // Skip empty lines if line == "" { continue } // Remove backticks line = strings.ReplaceAll(line, "`", "") // Replace problematic placeholder syntax line = strings.ReplaceAll(line, "{@link ", "") line = strings.ReplaceAll(line, "}", "") if !isFirstLine { builder.WriteString(" ") // Join all lines with space } isFirstLine = false builder.WriteString(line) } return builder.String() } func generateMethodForRequest(out *bytes.Buffer, r *Request) { methodName := methodName(r.Method) // Generate doc comment fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// %s\n", methodName+" sends a "+r.Method+" request to the LSP server.") if r.Documentation != "" { docLines := strings.Split(cleanDocComment(r.Documentation), "\n") for _, line := range docLines { fmt.Fprintf(out, "// %s\n", line) } } var paramType, resultType string if notNil(r.Params) { paramType = goplsName(r.Params) } if notNil(r.Result) { resultType = goplsName(r.Result) if resultType == "interface{}" || resultType == "string" { } else if strings.HasPrefix(resultType, "*") { resultType = "*protocol." + resultType[1:] } else if strings.HasPrefix(resultType, "[]") { resultType = "[]protocol." + resultType[2:] } else { resultType = "protocol." + resultType } } // Function signature fmt.Fprintf(out, "func (c *Client) %s(ctx context.Context", methodName) if paramType != "" { fmt.Fprintf(out, ", params protocol.%s", paramType) } if resultType != "" { fmt.Fprintf(out, ") (%s, error) {\n", resultType) } else { fmt.Fprintf(out, ") error {\n") } // Function body if resultType != "" { fmt.Fprintf(out, "\tvar result %s\n", resultType) if paramType != "" { fmt.Fprintf(out, "\terr := c.Call(ctx, %q, params, &result)\n", r.Method) } else { fmt.Fprintf(out, "\terr := c.Call(ctx, %q, nil, &result)\n", r.Method) } fmt.Fprintf(out, "\treturn result, err\n") } else { if paramType != "" { fmt.Fprintf(out, "\treturn c.Call(ctx, %q, params, nil)\n", r.Method) } else { fmt.Fprintf(out, "\treturn c.Call(ctx, %q, nil, nil)\n", r.Method) } } fmt.Fprintf(out, "}\n") } func generateMethodForNotification(out *bytes.Buffer, n *Notification) { methodName := methodName(n.Method) // Generate doc comment fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n// %s\n", methodName+" sends a "+n.Method+" notification to the LSP server.") if n.Documentation != "" { docLines := strings.Split(cleanDocComment(n.Documentation), "\n") for _, line := range docLines { fmt.Fprintf(out, "// %s\n", line) } } var paramType string if notNil(n.Params) { paramType = goplsName(n.Params) } // Function signature fmt.Fprintf(out, "func (c *Client) %s(ctx context.Context", methodName) if paramType != "" { fmt.Fprintf(out, ", params protocol.%s", paramType) } fmt.Fprintf(out, ") error {\n") // Function body if paramType != "" { fmt.Fprintf(out, "\treturn c.Notify(ctx, %q, params)\n", n.Method) } else { fmt.Fprintf(out, "\treturn c.Notify(ctx, %q, nil)\n", n.Method) } fmt.Fprintf(out, "}\n") } func generateMethods(model *Model) string { out := new(bytes.Buffer) // Write header fmt.Fprint(out, `// Generated code. Do not edit package lsp import ( "context" "" ) `) // Generate methods for each request for _, r := range model.Requests { if r.Direction == "serverToClient" { continue // Skip server->client methods } generateMethodForRequest(out, r) } // Generate methods for each notification for _, n := range model.Notifications { if n.Direction == "serverToClient" { continue // Skip server->client notifications } if n.Method == "$/cancelRequest" { continue // Skip cancel request as it's handled internally by jsonrpc2 } generateMethodForNotification(out, n) } return out.String() }