Explorium AgentSource MCP Server
by explorium-ai
- src
- explorium_mcp_server
- models
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing import Literal, Optional
from enum import Enum
from ._shared import BasePaginatedResponse
# Fetch Businesses Filters
class CompanySize(str, Enum):
"""All available company size ranges.
Possible values:
SIZE_1_10: 1-10 employees
SIZE_11_50: 11-50 employees
SIZE_51_200: 51-200 employees
SIZE_201_500: 201-500 employees
SIZE_501_1000: 501-1000 employees
SIZE_1001_5000: 1001-5000 employees
SIZE_5001_10000: 5001-10000 employees
SIZE_10001_PLUS: 10001+ employees
SIZE_1_10 = "1-10"
SIZE_11_50 = "11-50"
SIZE_51_200 = "51-200"
SIZE_201_500 = "201-500"
SIZE_501_1000 = "501-1000"
SIZE_1001_5000 = "1001-5000"
SIZE_5001_10000 = "5001-10000"
SIZE_10001_PLUS = "10001+"
class CompanyRevenue(str, Enum):
All available revenue ranges in annual $:
REV_0_500K: $0-500K yearly revenue
REV_500K_1M: $500k-1M yearly revenue
REV_1M_5M: $1M-5M yearly revenue
REV_5M_10M: $5M-10M yearly revenue
REV_10M_25M: $10M-25M yearly revenue
REV_25M_75M: $25M-75M yearly revenue
REV_75M_200M: $75M-200M yearly revenue
REV_200M_500M: $200M-500M yearly revenue
REV_500M_1B: $500M-1B yearly revenue
REV_1B_10B: $1B-10B yearly revenue
REV_10B_100B: $10B-100B yearly revenue
REV_100B_1T: $100B-1T yearly revenue
REV_1T_10T: $1T-10T yearly revenue
REV_10T_PLUS: $10T+ yearly revenue
REV_0_500K = "0-500K"
REV_500K_1M = "500k-1M"
REV_1M_5M = "1M-5M"
REV_5M_10M = "5M-10M"
REV_10M_25M = "10M-25M"
REV_25M_75M = "25M-75M"
REV_75M_200M = "75M-200M"
REV_200M_500M = "200M-500M"
REV_500M_1B = "500M-1B"
REV_1B_10B = "1B-10B"
REV_10B_100B = "10B-100B"
REV_100B_1T = "100B-1T"
REV_1T_10T = "1T-10T"
REV_10T_PLUS = "10T+"
class CompanyAge(str, Enum):
"""All available company age ranges in years:
AGE_0_3: 0-3 years
AGE_4_10: 4-10 years
AGE_11_20: 11-20 years
AGE_20_PLUS: 20+ years
AGE_0_3 = "0-3"
AGE_4_10 = "4-10"
AGE_11_20 = "11-20"
AGE_20_PLUS = "20+"
class FetchBusinessesFilters(BaseModel):
Business search filters.
Before calling a tool that uses this filter, call the autocomplete tool to get the list of available values,
especially when using linkedin_category, google_category, naics_category, and region_country_code.
Only one category can be present at a time (google_category, naics_category, or linkedin_category).
country_code: None | list[str] = Field(
description="A list of lowercase two-letter ISO country codes.",
region_country_code: None | list[str] = Field(
description="A list of lowercase region-country codes in the format 'REGION-CC' where CC is the two-letter ISO country code.",
company_size: None | list[CompanySize] = Field(
default=None, description="Filters accounts based on the number of employees."
company_revenue: None | list[CompanyRevenue] = Field(
default=None, description="Filters accounts based on the annual revenue."
company_age: None | list[CompanyAge] = Field(
default=None, description="Filters accounts by the age of the company in years."
google_category: None | list[str] = Field(
description="Filters accounts by categories as classified in Google.",
naics_category: None | list[str] = Field(
description='Filters accounts by the North American Industry Classification System categories. Example: ["23", "5611"]',
linkedin_category: None | list[str] = Field(
description="Filters accounts by categories as used in LinkedIn.",
class Business(BaseModel):
business_id: str
name: str
domain: str | None
logo: str | None
country_name: str
number_of_employees_range: str
yearly_revenue_range: str
website: str | None
business_description: str | None
region: str | None
naics: int | None
naics_description: str | None
sic_code: str | None
sic_code_description: str | None
class FetchBusinessesResponse(BasePaginatedResponse):
data: list[Business]
class MatchBusinessInput(BaseModel):
"""Input for matching businesses. Use multiple identifiers for higher match accuracy."""
name: Optional[str]
domain: Optional[str]
class BusinessEventType(str, Enum):
Valid event types for the Explorium Business Events API.
IPO_ANNOUNCEMENT: Company announces plans to go public through an initial public offering
- link: str - Link to article
- ipo_date: datetime - Date of IPO
- event_id: str - News event ID
- company_name: str - Company name
- offer_amount: float - Company valuation
- number_of_shares: int - Number of issued shares
- stock_exchange: str - IPO stock exchange
- event_time: datetime - News event timestamp
- price_per_share: float - Price per share
- ticker: str - Ticker
NEW_FUNDING_ROUND: Company secures a new round of investment funding
- founding_date: datetime - Date of funding round
- amount_raised: float - Amount raised in funding
- link: str - Link to article
- founding_stage: str - Funding round stage
- event_id: str - News event ID
- event_time: datetime - News event timestamp
- investors: str - Investors in funding round
- lead_investor: str - Lead investor
NEW_INVESTMENT: Company makes an investment in another business or venture
- investment_date: datetime - News event timestamp
- investment_type: str - Type of investment
- event_time: datetime - News report publishing date
- event_id: str - News event ID
- investment_target: str - Target of investment
- link: str - Link to article
- investment_amount: float - Amount of investment
NEW_PRODUCT: Company launches a new product or service
- event_time: datetime - News event timestamp
- event_id: str - News event ID
- link: str - Link to article
- product_name: str - Name of new product
- product_description: str - Description of new product
- product_category: str - Category of new product
- product_launch_date: datetime - Launch date of new product
NEW_OFFICE: Company opens a new office location
- purpose_of_new_office: str - Purpose of new office
- link: str - Link to article
- opening_date: datetime - Date of office opening
- event_id: str - News event ID
- office_location: str - Location of new office
- event_time: datetime - News report publishing date
- number_of_employees: int - Number of employees at new office
CLOSING_OFFICE: Company closes an existing office location
- reason_for_closure: str - Reason for office closing
- event_time: datetime - News report publishing date
- office_location: str - Location of closing office
- closure_date: datetime - Date of office closing
- event_id: str - News event ID
- number_of_employees_affected: int - Number of employees impacted
- link: str - Link to article
NEW_PARTNERSHIP: Company forms a strategic partnership with another organization
- link: str - Link to article
- partner_company: str - Name of partnering company
- partnership_date: datetime - Date of partnership
- event_time: datetime - News report publishing date
- purpose_of_partnership: str - Partnership purpose
- event_id: str - News event ID
DEPARTMENT_INCREASE_*: Company announces an increase in a specific department
DEPARTMENT_DECREASE_*: Company announces a decrease in a specific department
- department_change: float - Quarterly change in department headcount
- event_time: datetime - Department event timestamp
- event_id: str - Department event ID
- quarter_partition: str - Quarter when change occurred
- insertion_time: str - Event collection timestamp
- department: str - Name of department
- change_type: str - Type of department change
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_*: Company announces a hiring initiative in a specific department
- location: str - Location of hiring initiative
- event_id: str - Company hiring event ID
- event_time: datetime - When role was published
- job_count: int - Number of open positions
- job_titles: str - Job titles being hired for
- department: str - Department hiring is occurring in
EMPLOYEE_JOINED: Employee is hired by an organization
- job_department: str - Employee's current job department
- full_name: str - Employee's full name
- job_role_title: str - Employee's current job title
- event_id: str - Employee's event ID
- linkedin_url: str - Employee's LinkedIn URL
IPO_ANNOUNCEMENT = "ipo_announcement"
NEW_FUNDING_ROUND = "new_funding_round"
NEW_INVESTMENT = "new_investment"
NEW_PRODUCT = "new_product"
NEW_OFFICE = "new_office"
CLOSING_OFFICE = "closing_office"
NEW_PARTNERSHIP = "new_partnership"
# Department increases
DEPARTMENT_INCREASE_ENGINEERING = "increase_in_engineering_department"
DEPARTMENT_INCREASE_SALES = "increase_in_sales_department"
DEPARTMENT_INCREASE_MARKETING = "increase_in_marketing_department"
DEPARTMENT_INCREASE_OPERATIONS = "increase_in_operations_department"
DEPARTMENT_INCREASE_CUSTOMER_SERVICE = "increase_in_customer_service_department"
DEPARTMENT_INCREASE_ALL = "increase_in_all_departments"
# Department decreases
DEPARTMENT_DECREASE_ENGINEERING = "decrease_in_engineering_department"
DEPARTMENT_DECREASE_SALES = "decrease_in_sales_department"
DEPARTMENT_DECREASE_MARKETING = "decrease_in_marketing_department"
DEPARTMENT_DECREASE_OPERATIONS = "decrease_in_operations_department"
DEPARTMENT_DECREASE_CUSTOMER_SERVICE = "decrease_in_customer_service_department"
DEPARTMENT_DECREASE_ALL = "decrease_in_all_departments"
# Hiring events
EMPLOYEE_JOINED = "employee_joined_company"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_CREATIVE = "hiring_in_creative_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_EDUCATION = "hiring_in_education_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_ENGINEERING = "hiring_in_engineering_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_FINANCE = "hiring_in_finance_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_HEALTH = "hiring_in_health_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_HR = "hiring_in_human_resources_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_LEGAL = "hiring_in_legal_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_MARKETING = "hiring_in_marketing_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_OPERATIONS = "hiring_in_operations_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_PROFESSIONAL = "hiring_in_professional_service_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_SALES = "hiring_in_sales_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_SUPPORT = "hiring_in_support_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_TRADE = "hiring_in_trade_department"
DEPARTMENT_HIRING_UNKNOWN = "hiring_in_unknown_department"