Google Tasks MCP Server

# Google Tasks MCP Server ![gtasks mcp logo](./logo.jpg) [![smithery badge](]( This MCP server integrates with Google Tasks to allow listing, reading, searching, creating, updating, and deleting tasks. ## Components ### Tools - **search** - Search for tasks in Google Tasks - Input: `query` (string): Search query - Returns matching tasks with details - **list** - List all tasks in Google Tasks - Optional input: `cursor` (string): Cursor for pagination - Returns a list of all tasks - **create** - Create a new task in Google Tasks - Input: - `taskListId` (string, optional): Task list ID - `title` (string, required): Task title - `notes` (string, optional): Task notes - `due` (string, optional): Due date - Returns confirmation of task creation - **update** - Update an existing task in Google Tasks - Input: - `taskListId` (string, optional): Task list ID - `id` (string, required): Task ID - `uri` (string, required): Task URI - `title` (string, optional): New task title - `notes` (string, optional): New task notes - `status` (string, optional): New task status ("needsAction" or "completed") - `due` (string, optional): New due date - Returns confirmation of task update - **delete** - Delete a task in Google Tasks - Input: - `taskListId` (string, required): Task list ID - `id` (string, required): Task ID - Returns confirmation of task deletion - **clear** - Clear completed tasks from a Google Tasks task list - Input: `taskListId` (string, required): Task list ID - Returns confirmation of cleared tasks ### Resources The server provides access to Google Tasks resources: - **Tasks** (`gtasks:///<task_id>`) - Represents individual tasks in Google Tasks - Supports reading task details including title, status, due date, notes, and other metadata - Can be listed, read, created, updated, and deleted using the provided tools ## Getting started 1. [Create a new Google Cloud project]( 2. [Enable the Google Tasks API]( 3. [Configure an OAuth consent screen]( ("internal" is fine for testing) 4. Add scopes `` 5. [Create an OAuth Client ID]( for application type "Desktop App" 6. Download the JSON file of your client's OAuth keys 7. Rename the key file to `gcp-oauth.keys.json` and place into the root of this repo (i.e. `gcp-oauth.keys.json`) Make sure to build the server with either `npm run build` or `npm run watch`. ### Installing via Smithery To install Google Tasks Server for Claude Desktop automatically via [Smithery]( ```bash npx -y @smithery/cli install @zcaceres/gtasks --client claude ``` ### Authentication To authenticate and save credentials: 1. Run the server with the `auth` argument: `npm run start auth` 2. This will open an authentication flow in your system browser 3. Complete the authentication process 4. Credentials will be saved in the root of this repo (i.e. `.gdrive-server-credentials.json`) ### Usage with Desktop App To integrate this server with the desktop app, add the following to your app's server configuration: ```json { "mcpServers": { "gtasks": { "command": "/opt/homebrew/bin/node", "args": [ "{ABSOLUTE PATH TO FILE HERE}/dist/index.js" ] } } } ```