Memory Cache MCP Server

  • src
import { CacheEntry, CacheStats, CacheConfig } from './types.js'; export class CacheManager { private cache: Map<string, CacheEntry>; private stats: CacheStats; private config: Required<CacheConfig>; private cleanupInterval: ReturnType<typeof setInterval>; private statsUpdateInterval: ReturnType<typeof setInterval>; constructor(config: CacheConfig = {}) { this.cache = new Map(); this.stats = { totalEntries: 0, memoryUsage: 0, hits: 0, misses: 0, hitRate: 0, avgAccessTime: 0 }; // Set default configuration this.config = { maxEntries: config.maxEntries ?? 1000, maxMemory: config.maxMemory ?? 100 * 1024 * 1024, // 100MB default defaultTTL: config.defaultTTL ?? 3600, // 1 hour default checkInterval: config.checkInterval ?? 60 * 1000, // 1 minute default statsInterval: config.statsInterval ?? 30 * 1000 // 30 seconds default }; // Start maintenance intervals this.cleanupInterval = setInterval(() => this.evictStale(), this.config.checkInterval); this.statsUpdateInterval = setInterval(() => this.updateStats(), this.config.statsInterval); } set(key: string, value: any, ttl?: number): void { const startTime =; // Calculate approximate size in bytes const size = this.calculateSize(value); // Check if adding this entry would exceed memory limit if (this.stats.memoryUsage + size > this.config.maxMemory) { this.enforceMemoryLimit(size); } const entry: CacheEntry = { value, created:, lastAccessed:, ttl: ttl ?? this.config.defaultTTL, size }; this.cache.set(key, entry); this.stats.totalEntries = this.cache.size; this.stats.memoryUsage += size; const endTime =; this.updateAccessTime(endTime - startTime); } get(key: string): any { const startTime =; const entry = this.cache.get(key); if (!entry) { this.stats.misses++; this.updateHitRate(); return undefined; } // Check if entry has expired if (this.isExpired(entry)) { this.delete(key); this.stats.misses++; this.updateHitRate(); return undefined; } // Update last accessed time entry.lastAccessed =; this.stats.hits++; this.updateHitRate(); const endTime =; this.updateAccessTime(endTime - startTime); return entry.value; } delete(key: string): boolean { const entry = this.cache.get(key); if (entry) { this.stats.memoryUsage -= entry.size; this.cache.delete(key); this.stats.totalEntries = this.cache.size; return true; } return false; } clear(): void { this.cache.clear(); this.resetStats(); } getStats(): CacheStats { return { ...this.stats }; } private isExpired(entry: CacheEntry): boolean { return > entry.created + (entry.ttl ?? this.config.defaultTTL) * 1000; } private evictStale(): void { for (const [key, entry] of this.cache.entries()) { if (this.isExpired(entry)) { this.delete(key); } } } private enforceMemoryLimit(requiredSize: number): void { // Use LRU strategy to remove entries until we have enough space const entries = Array.from(this.cache.entries()) .sort(([, a], [, b]) => a.lastAccessed - b.lastAccessed); while (this.stats.memoryUsage + requiredSize > this.config.maxMemory && entries.length > 0) { const [key] = entries.shift()!; this.delete(key); } } private calculateSize(value: any): number { // Rough estimation of memory usage in bytes const str = JSON.stringify(value); return str.length * 2; // Approximate UTF-16 encoding size } private updateHitRate(): void { const total = this.stats.hits + this.stats.misses; this.stats.hitRate = total > 0 ? (this.stats.hits / total) * 100 : 0; } private updateAccessTime(duration: number): void { const total = this.stats.hits + this.stats.misses; this.stats.avgAccessTime = ((this.stats.avgAccessTime * (total - 1)) + duration) / total; } private resetStats(): void { this.stats = { totalEntries: 0, memoryUsage: 0, hits: 0, misses: 0, hitRate: 0, avgAccessTime: 0 }; } private updateStats(): void { // Additional periodic stats updates could be added here this.updateHitRate(); } destroy(): void { if (this.cleanupInterval) clearInterval(this.cleanupInterval); if (this.statsUpdateInterval) clearInterval(this.statsUpdateInterval); this.clear(); } }