MCP Blockchain Server

import { ethers } from 'ethers'; import { logger } from './logger.js'; import { getChainById } from '../services/chainService.js'; // Cache providers to avoid creating too many connections const providerCache: Record<string, ethers.JsonRpcProvider> = {}; /** * Get a configured provider for a specific chain */ export function getProvider(chainId: string): ethers.JsonRpcProvider { // Check cache first if (providerCache[chainId]) { return providerCache[chainId]; } // For default chains, use pre-defined RPC URLs const infuraKey = process.env.INFURA_API_KEY; if (!infuraKey) { throw new Error('INFURA_API_KEY environment variable is required'); } let rpcUrl: string; switch (chainId) { case '1': // Ethereum Mainnet rpcUrl = `${infuraKey}`; break; case '11155111': // Sepolia Testnet rpcUrl = `${infuraKey}`; break; case '137': // Polygon Mainnet rpcUrl = `${infuraKey}`; break; case '80001': // Polygon Mumbai rpcUrl = `${infuraKey}`; break; default: // For unknown chains, look up in the database rpcUrl = ''; // Will be set below } // If RPC URL is not pre-defined, try to get from database if (!rpcUrl) { // This is async, but we need a sync result // In practice, you'd want to refactor to make getProvider async // or pre-cache providers at startup throw new Error(`No RPC URL configured for chain ID ${chainId}`); } try { // Create provider const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcUrl); // Cache provider providerCache[chainId] = provider; logger.debug(`Created provider for chain ID ${chainId}`); return provider; } catch (error) { logger.error(`Failed to create provider for chain ID ${chainId}:`, error); throw new Error(`Could not connect to RPC for chain ${chainId}: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } /** * Get a list of supported chain IDs */ export async function getSupportedChainIds(): Promise<string[]> { const chains = await getChainById('1'); // Just to load the initial chains return Object.keys(providerCache); } /** * Format an address to checksum format */ export function formatAddress(address: string): string { try { return ethers.getAddress(address); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Invalid address: ${address}`); } } /** * Check if an address is valid */ export function isValidAddress(address: string): boolean { return ethers.isAddress(address); } /** * Clean up and close all providers */ export function closeAllProviders(): void { for (const chainId in providerCache) { try { // There's no explicit close method in ethers v6, but we can clear the cache delete providerCache[chainId]; } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error closing provider for chain ${chainId}:`, error); } } }