MCP Blockchain Server

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# API Documentation This document outlines the API endpoints and interfaces for the MCP Blockchain Server. ## Authentication All API endpoints require authentication using JWT tokens. To obtain a token, you must first authenticate with your API key. ```http POST /api/auth/login Content-Type: application/json { "apiKey": "your-api-key" } ``` Response: ```json { "token": "your-jwt-token" } ``` All subsequent requests should include this token in the Authorization header: ```http Authorization: Bearer your-jwt-token ``` ## API Endpoints ### Chains #### List Supported Chains ```http GET /api/v1/chains ``` Response: ```json { "chains": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Ethereum Mainnet", "currency": "ETH", "rpcUrl": "" }, { "id": "137", "name": "Polygon", "currency": "MATIC", "rpcUrl": "" } ] } ``` #### Get Account Balance ```http GET /api/v1/chains/{chainId}/balance/{address} ``` Response: ```json { "address": "0x...", "balance": "1.234567890", "currency": "ETH" } ``` #### Read Contract ```http GET /api/v1/chains/{chainId}/contract/{address}/read ``` Query Parameters: - `method`: Contract method to call - `args`: Comma-separated list of arguments Response: ```json { "result": "..." } ``` ### Transactions #### Prepare Transaction ```http POST /api/v1/transaction/prepare Content-Type: application/json { "chainId": "1", "from": "0x...", "to": "0x...", "value": "0.1", "data": "0x...", "gasLimit": "21000" } ``` Response: ```json { "uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "url": "" } ``` #### Get Transaction ```http GET /api/v1/transaction/{uuid} ``` Response: ```json { "uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "chainId": "1", "from": "0x...", "to": "0x...", "value": "0.1", "data": "0x...", "gasLimit": "21000", "status": "pending" } ``` #### Submit Transaction ```http POST /api/v1/transaction/{uuid}/submit Content-Type: application/json { "signedTransaction": "0x..." } ``` Response: ```json { "uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "status": "submitted", "txHash": "0x..." } ``` ### User #### Get User Profile ```http GET /api/v1/user/profile ``` Response: ```json { "id": "user-id", "email": "", "name": "User Name" } ``` #### Get User Transactions ```http GET /api/v1/user/transactions ``` Response: ```json { "transactions": [ { "uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "chainId": "1", "to": "0x...", "value": "0.1", "status": "confirmed", "txHash": "0x...", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] } ``` ## Error Handling Errors are returned as JSON objects with the following structure: ```json { "error": { "code": "error-code", "message": "Error message" } } ``` ### Common Error Codes - `auth/invalid-api-key`: Invalid API key - `auth/invalid-token`: Invalid JWT token - `auth/expired-token`: Expired JWT token - `blockchain/invalid-chain`: Invalid chain ID - `blockchain/invalid-address`: Invalid address - `blockchain/invalid-transaction`: Invalid transaction - `transaction/not-found`: Transaction not found - `transaction/already-submitted`: Transaction already submitted