AACT Clinical Trials MCP Server
by navisbio
- src
- mcp_server_aact
import logging
from typing import Any
import mcp.types as types
from pydantic import AnyUrl
from mcp_server_aact.database import AACTDatabase
from mcp_server_aact.memo_manager import MemoManager
from mcp_server_aact.tools import ToolManager
import json
from mcp_server_aact.resources import get_resources
from mcp_server_aact.errors import ResourceError, handle_errors
logger = logging.getLogger('mcp_aact_server.handlers')
class MCPHandlers:
def __init__(self, db: AACTDatabase, schema: dict):
self.db = db
self.schema = schema
self.memo_manager = MemoManager()
self.tool_manager = ToolManager(db, self.memo_manager)
logger.info("MCPHandlers initialized")
@handle_errors(ResourceError, "Error listing resources: {error}")
async def handle_list_resources(self) -> list[types.Resource]:
logger.debug("Handling list_resources request")
resources = get_resources()
logger.debug(f"Returning {len(resources)} resources")
return resources
@handle_errors(ResourceError, "Error reading resource {uri}: {error}")
async def handle_read_resource(self, uri: AnyUrl) -> str:
logger.info(f"Handling read_resource request for URI: {uri}")
scheme = uri.scheme
if scheme not in ["memo", "schema"]:
raise ResourceError(f"Unsupported URI scheme: {scheme}")
if scheme == "schema":
path = str(uri).replace("schema://", "")
if path == "database":
return json.dumps(self.schema, indent=2)
raise ResourceError(f"Unknown schema resource: {path}")
path = str(uri).replace("memo://", "")
if not path:
raise ResourceError("Empty resource path")
logger.debug(f"Reading resource for path: {path}")
if path == "insights":
return self.memo_manager.get_insights_memo()
raise ResourceError(f"Unknown resource path: {path}")
@handle_errors(ResourceError, "Error listing prompts: {error}")
async def handle_list_prompts(self) -> list[types.Prompt]:
logger.debug("Handling list_prompts request")
prompts = [
description="Analyzes clinical trial patterns, development trends, and competitive dynamics within specific therapeutic areas",
description="Therapeutic area or indication to analyze (e.g., 'multiple sclerosis', 'breast cancer')",
logger.debug(f"Returning {len(prompts)} prompts")
return prompts
@handle_errors(ResourceError, "Error getting prompt {name}: {error}")
async def handle_get_prompt(self, name: str, arguments: dict[str, str] | None) -> types.GetPromptResult:
logger.info(f"Handling get_prompt request for {name} with args {arguments}")
from .prompts import PROMPT_TEMPLATE
if name != "indication-landscape":
raise ResourceError(f"Unknown prompt: {name}")
if not arguments or "topic" not in arguments:
raise ResourceError("Missing required argument: topic")
topic = arguments["topic"]
logger.debug(f"Generating prompt for topic: {topic}")
prompt = PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(topic=topic)
return types.GetPromptResult(
description=f"Clinical trial landscape analysis for {topic}",
content=types.TextContent(type="text", text=prompt.strip()),
@handle_errors(ResourceError, "Error listing tools: {error}")
async def handle_list_tools(self) -> list[types.Tool]:
logger.debug("Handling list_tools request")
return self.tool_manager.get_available_tools()
@handle_errors(ResourceError, "Error calling tool {name}: {error}")
async def handle_call_tool(self, name: str, arguments: dict[str, Any] | None) -> list[types.TextContent]:
"""Handle tool execution requests"""
logger.info(f"Handling call_tool request for {name}")
return await self.tool_manager.execute_tool(name, arguments)