Make MCP Server

  • test
import { describe, expect, it, beforeEach } from '@jest/globals'; import { enableFetchMocks } from 'jest-fetch-mock'; import { Make } from '../src/make.js'; enableFetchMocks(); beforeEach(() => fetchMock.resetMocks()); const MAKE_API_KEY = 'api-key'; const MAKE_ZONE = 'make.local'; const MAKE_TEAM = 1; import * as scenariosMock from './mocks/scenarios.json'; import * as interfaceMock from './mocks/interface.json'; import * as runMock from './mocks/run.json'; import * as runErrorMock from './mocks/run-error.json'; import { MakeError, remap } from '../src/utils.js'; describe('Make SDK', () => { const make = new Make(MAKE_API_KEY, MAKE_ZONE); it('Should get list of scenarios', async () => { fetchMock.mockResponse(req => { if (req.url !== 'https://make.local/api/v2/scenarios?teamId=1&pg[limit]=1000') throw new Error(`Unmocked HTTP request: ${req.url}`); return Promise.resolve({ body: JSON.stringify(scenariosMock), headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, }); }); expect(await make.scenarios.list(MAKE_TEAM)).toStrictEqual(scenariosMock.scenarios); }); it('Should get scenario interface', async () => { fetchMock.mockResponse(req => { if (req.url !== 'https://make.local/api/v2/scenarios/1/interface') throw new Error(`Unmocked HTTP request: ${req.url}`); return Promise.resolve({ body: JSON.stringify(interfaceMock), headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, }); }); expect(await make.scenarios.interface(1)).toStrictEqual(interfaceMock.interface); }); it('Should run scenario', async () => { fetchMock.mockResponse(req => { if (req.url !== 'https://make.local/api/v2/scenarios/1/run') throw new Error(`Unmocked HTTP request: ${req.url}`); return Promise.resolve({ body: JSON.stringify(runMock), headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, }); }); expect(await, {})).toStrictEqual(runMock); }); it('Should handle error in scenario run', async () => { fetchMock.mockResponse(req => { if (req.url !== 'https://make.local/api/v2/scenarios/1/run') throw new Error(`Unmocked HTTP request: ${req.url}`); return Promise.resolve({ body: JSON.stringify(runErrorMock), status: 400, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, }); }); try { await, {}); throw new Error('Should throw an error.'); } catch (err: unknown) { if (!(err instanceof MakeError)) throw new Error('Should throw MakeError.'); expect('MakeError'); expect(err.message).toBe('Validation failed for 1 parameter(s).'); expect(err.subErrors).toEqual(["Missing value of required parameter 'number'."]); expect(String(err)).toEqual( "MakeError: Validation failed for 1 parameter(s).\n - Missing value of required parameter 'number'.", ); } }); it('Should remap inputs to JSON schema', async () => { expect( remap({ name: 'wrapper', type: 'collection', spec: interfaceMock.interface.input, }), ).toEqual({ properties: { array_of_arrays: { description: 'description', items: { items: { type: 'string', }, type: 'array', }, type: 'array', }, array_of_collections: { description: 'description', properties: { number: { type: 'number', }, }, required: [], type: 'object', }, boolean: { type: 'boolean', }, collection: { description: 'description', properties: { text: { type: 'string', }, }, required: [], type: 'object', }, date: { description: 'description', type: 'string', }, json: { description: 'description', type: 'string', }, number: { default: 15, description: 'required + default', type: 'number', }, text: { type: 'string', }, primitive_array: { description: 'description', items: { type: 'string', }, type: 'array', }, select: { enum: ['option 1', 'option 2'], type: 'string', }, }, required: ['number'], type: 'object', }); }); });