MCP Code Analyzer
by emiryasar
- mcp_code_analyzer
- tools
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Any, List
from .base import BaseTool
from ..config import analysis_config, system_config
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ProjectStructure(BaseTool):
"""Analyzes and creates project structure tree"""
async def execute(self, arguments: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
path = self._normalize_path(arguments.get('path', '.'))
if not self._validate_path(path):
return {"error": "Path not found"}
cache_key = f"project_structure_{path}"
if cached := self._get_cached_result(cache_key):
return cached
result = await self._analyze_structure(path)
self._cache_result(cache_key, result)
return result
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error analyzing project structure: {e}")
return {"error": str(e)}
async def _analyze_structure(self, path: Path) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
path = path.resolve()
if not path.exists():
return {"error": f"Path does not exist: {path}"}
def build_tree(current_path: Path, indent: int = 0) -> List[str]:
if not current_path.exists() or indent > system_config.MAX_DEPTH:
return []
result = []
items = sorted(current_path.iterdir(), key=lambda x: (not x.is_dir(),
indent_str = ' ' * indent
for item in items:
if self._should_skip(item):
if item.is_dir():
result.append(f"{indent_str}<dir name='{}' path='{item}'>")
result.extend(build_tree(item, indent + 1))
if item.stat().st_size <= system_config.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
ext = item.suffix or 'no_ext'
f"{indent_str}<file name='{}' path='{item}' ext='{ext}' analyzable='{ext in analysis_config.analyzable_extensions}'/>"
return result
xml_lines = [
f"<project name='{}' path='{path}'>",
*build_tree(path, indent=1),
return {
"structure": {
"xml": '\n'.join(xml_lines),
"project_path": str(path)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error analyzing structure at {path}: {e}")
return {"error": str(e)}
class ProjectStatistics(BaseTool):
"""Collects detailed project statistics"""
async def execute(self, arguments: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
path = self._normalize_path(arguments.get('path', '.'))
if not self._validate_path(path):
return {"error": "Path not found"}
cache_key = f"project_stats_{path}"
if cached := self._get_cached_result(cache_key):
return cached
result = await self._collect_statistics(path)
self._cache_result(cache_key, result)
return result
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error collecting project statistics: {e}")
return {"error": str(e)}
async def _collect_statistics(self, path: Path) -> Dict[str, Any]:
stats = {
"files": {
"total": 0,
"by_extension": {},
"analyzable": 0
"directories": {
"total": 0,
"max_depth": 0,
"by_depth": {}
"size": {
"total": 0,
"by_extension": {},
"average_file_size": 0
for item in path.rglob("*"):
if not self._should_skip(item):
depth = len(item.relative_to(path).parts)
if item.is_dir():
stats["directories"]["total"] += 1
stats["directories"]["max_depth"] = max(stats["directories"]["max_depth"], depth)
stats["directories"]["by_depth"][depth] = stats["directories"]["by_depth"].get(depth, 0) + 1
elif item.is_file() and item.stat().st_size <= system_config.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
size = item.stat().st_size
ext = item.suffix or 'no_ext'
stats["files"]["total"] += 1
stats["size"]["total"] += size
if ext not in stats["files"]["by_extension"]:
stats["files"]["by_extension"][ext] = 0
stats["size"]["by_extension"][ext] = 0
stats["files"]["by_extension"][ext] += 1
stats["size"]["by_extension"][ext] += size
if ext in analysis_config.analyzable_extensions:
stats["files"]["analyzable"] += 1
if stats["files"]["total"] > 0:
stats["size"]["average_file_size"] = stats["size"]["total"] / stats["files"]["total"]
return stats
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error collecting statistics: {e}")
return {}
class ProjectTechnology(BaseTool):
"""Analyzes technologies used in the project"""
async def execute(self, arguments: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
path = self._normalize_path(arguments.get('path', '.'))
if not self._validate_path(path):
return {"error": "Path not found"}
cache_key = f"project_tech_{path}"
if cached := self._get_cached_result(cache_key):
return cached
result = await self._detect_technologies(path)
self._cache_result(cache_key, result)
return result
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error detecting technologies: {e}")
return {"error": str(e)}
async def _detect_technologies(self, path: Path) -> Dict[str, Any]:
tech_info = {
"detected_techs": {},
"frameworks": set(),
"languages": set()
# Scan for technology markers
for item in path.rglob("*"):
if not self._should_skip(item):
# Check against technology markers
for tech, markers in analysis_config.tech_markers.items():
for marker in markers:
if marker.lower() in str(item).lower():
if tech not in tech_info["detected_techs"]:
tech_info["detected_techs"][tech] = {
"markers_found": [],
"files_count": 0
tech_info["detected_techs"][tech]["files_count"] += 1
# Special handling for framework detection
if item.is_file():
if item.suffix in ['.jsx', '.tsx']:
elif == 'package.json':
with open(item) as f:
data = json.load(f)
deps = {**data.get('dependencies', {}), **data.get('devDependencies', {})}
framework_indicators = {
'vue': 'Vue.js',
'angular': 'Angular',
'next': 'Next.js',
'nest': 'NestJS'
for indicator, framework in framework_indicators.items():
if indicator in deps:
# Convert sets to sorted lists for JSON serialization
tech_info["frameworks"] = sorted(list(tech_info["frameworks"]))
tech_info["languages"] = sorted(list(tech_info["languages"]))
return tech_info
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error detecting technologies: {e}")
return {}