MCP Toolbox
by ai-zerolab
- tests
- command_line
import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch
import pytest
from import execute_command
# Mock for asyncio.create_subprocess_exec
class MockProcess:
def __init__(self, stdout=b"", stderr=b"", returncode=0):
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
self.returncode = returncode
self.communicate = AsyncMock(return_value=(stdout, stderr))
self.kill = MagicMock()
async def test_execute_command_success():
"""Test successful command execution."""
# Mock process with successful execution
mock_process = MockProcess(stdout=b"test output", stderr=b"", returncode=0)
with patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=mock_process) as mock_exec:
result = await execute_command(["echo", "test"])
# Verify subprocess was called with correct arguments
# Verify the result contains expected fields
assert "stdout" in result
assert "stderr" in result
assert "return_code" in result
assert result["stdout"] == "test output"
assert result["stderr"] == ""
assert result["return_code"] == 0
async def test_execute_command_error():
"""Test command execution with error."""
# Mock process with error
mock_process = MockProcess(stdout=b"", stderr=b"error message", returncode=1)
with patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=mock_process) as mock_exec:
result = await execute_command(["invalid_command"])
# Verify subprocess was called
# Verify the result contains expected fields
assert "stdout" in result
assert "stderr" in result
assert "return_code" in result
assert result["stdout"] == ""
assert result["stderr"] == "error message"
assert result["return_code"] == 1
async def test_execute_command_timeout():
"""Test command execution timeout."""
# Mock process that will time out
mock_process = MockProcess()
mock_process.communicate = AsyncMock(side_effect=asyncio.TimeoutError())
with patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=mock_process) as mock_exec:
result = await execute_command(["sleep", "100"], timeout_seconds=1)
# Verify subprocess was called
# Verify process was killed
# Verify the result contains expected fields
assert "error" in result
assert "timed out" in result["error"]
assert result["return_code"] == 124 # Timeout return code
async def test_execute_command_exception():
"""Test exception during command execution."""
with patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", side_effect=Exception("Test exception")) as mock_exec:
result = await execute_command(["echo", "test"])
# Verify subprocess was called
# Verify the result contains expected fields
assert "error" in result
assert "Failed to execute command" in result["error"]
assert result["return_code"] == 1
async def test_execute_command_empty():
"""Test execution with empty command."""
result = await execute_command([])
# Verify the result contains expected fields
assert "error" in result
assert "Command cannot be empty" in result["error"]
assert result["return_code"] == 1
async def test_execute_command_with_working_dir():
"""Test command execution with working directory."""
# Mock process with successful execution
mock_process = MockProcess(stdout=b"test output", stderr=b"", returncode=0)
test_dir = "/test_dir" # Using a non-tmp directory for testing
with patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=mock_process) as mock_exec:
result = await execute_command(["echo", "test"], working_dir=test_dir)
# Verify subprocess was called with correct arguments
_, kwargs = mock_exec.call_args
assert kwargs["cwd"] == Path(test_dir)
# Verify the result contains expected fields
assert result["return_code"] == 0
async def test_execute_command_with_tilde_in_working_dir():
"""Test command execution with tilde in working directory."""
# Mock process with successful execution
mock_process = MockProcess(stdout=b"test output", stderr=b"", returncode=0)
test_dir = "~/test_dir" # Using tilde in path
with (
patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=mock_process) as mock_exec,
patch("pathlib.Path.expanduser", return_value=Path("/home/user/test_dir")) as mock_expanduser,
result = await execute_command(["echo", "test"], working_dir=test_dir)
# Verify expanduser was called
# Verify subprocess was called with correct arguments
_, kwargs = mock_exec.call_args
assert kwargs["cwd"] == Path("/home/user/test_dir")
# Verify the result contains expected fields
assert result["return_code"] == 0