Notion MCP Server

/** * The type of error that occurred. * @public */ export type ErrorType = 'invalid-retry' | 'unknown-field' /** * Error thrown when encountering an issue during parsing. * * @public */ export class ParseError extends Error { /** * The type of error that occurred. */ type: ErrorType /** * In the case of an unknown field encountered in the stream, this will be the field name. */ field?: string /** * In the case of an unknown field encountered in the stream, this will be the value of the field. */ value?: string /** * The line that caused the error, if available. */ line?: string constructor( message: string, options: {type: ErrorType; field?: string; value?: string; line?: string}, ) { super(message) = 'ParseError' this.type = options.type this.field = options.field this.value = options.value this.line = options.line } }