"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isMentionRichTextItemResponse = exports.isEquationRichTextItemResponse = exports.isTextRichTextItemResponse = exports.isFullComment = exports.isFullUser = exports.isFullPageOrDatabase = exports.isFullDatabase = exports.isFullPage = exports.isFullBlock = exports.collectPaginatedAPI = exports.iteratePaginatedAPI = void 0;
* Returns an async iterator over the results of any paginated Notion API.
* Example (given a notion Client called `notion`):
* ```
* for await (const block of iteratePaginatedAPI(notion.blocks.children.list, {
* block_id: parentBlockId,
* })) {
* // Do something with block.
* }
* ```
* @param listFn A bound function on the Notion client that represents a conforming paginated
* API. Example: `notion.blocks.children.list`.
* @param firstPageArgs Arguments that should be passed to the API on the first and subsequent
* calls to the API. Any necessary `next_cursor` will be automatically populated by
* this function. Example: `{ block_id: "<my block id>" }`
async function* iteratePaginatedAPI(listFn, firstPageArgs) {
let nextCursor = firstPageArgs.start_cursor;
do {
const response = await listFn({
start_cursor: nextCursor,
yield* response.results;
nextCursor = response.next_cursor;
} while (nextCursor);
exports.iteratePaginatedAPI = iteratePaginatedAPI;
* Collect all of the results of paginating an API into an in-memory array.
* Example (given a notion Client called `notion`):
* ```
* const blocks = await collectPaginatedAPI(notion.blocks.children.list, {
* block_id: parentBlockId,
* })
* // Do something with blocks.
* ```
* @param listFn A bound function on the Notion client that represents a conforming paginated
* API. Example: `notion.blocks.children.list`.
* @param firstPageArgs Arguments that should be passed to the API on the first and subsequent
* calls to the API. Any necessary `next_cursor` will be automatically populated by
* this function. Example: `{ block_id: "<my block id>" }`
async function collectPaginatedAPI(listFn, firstPageArgs) {
const results = [];
for await (const item of iteratePaginatedAPI(listFn, firstPageArgs)) {
return results;
exports.collectPaginatedAPI = collectPaginatedAPI;
* @returns `true` if `response` is a full `BlockObjectResponse`.
function isFullBlock(response) {
return response.object === "block" && "type" in response;
exports.isFullBlock = isFullBlock;
* @returns `true` if `response` is a full `PageObjectResponse`.
function isFullPage(response) {
return response.object === "page" && "url" in response;
exports.isFullPage = isFullPage;
* @returns `true` if `response` is a full `DatabaseObjectResponse`.
function isFullDatabase(response) {
return response.object === "database" && "title" in response;
exports.isFullDatabase = isFullDatabase;
* @returns `true` if `response` is a full `DatabaseObjectResponse` or a full
* `PageObjectResponse`.
function isFullPageOrDatabase(response) {
if (response.object === "database") {
return isFullDatabase(response);
else {
return isFullPage(response);
exports.isFullPageOrDatabase = isFullPageOrDatabase;
* @returns `true` if `response` is a full `UserObjectResponse`.
function isFullUser(response) {
return "type" in response;
exports.isFullUser = isFullUser;
* @returns `true` if `response` is a full `CommentObjectResponse`.
function isFullComment(response) {
return "created_by" in response;
exports.isFullComment = isFullComment;
* @returns `true` if `richText` is a `TextRichTextItemResponse`.
function isTextRichTextItemResponse(richText) {
return richText.type === "text";
exports.isTextRichTextItemResponse = isTextRichTextItemResponse;
* @returns `true` if `richText` is an `EquationRichTextItemResponse`.
function isEquationRichTextItemResponse(richText) {
return richText.type === "equation";
exports.isEquationRichTextItemResponse = isEquationRichTextItemResponse;
* @returns `true` if `richText` is an `MentionRichTextItemResponse`.
function isMentionRichTextItemResponse(richText) {
return richText.type === "mention";
exports.isMentionRichTextItemResponse = isMentionRichTextItemResponse;
//# sourceMappingURL=helpers.js.map