Notion MCP Server

import { SupportedResponse } from "./fetch-types"; /** * Error codes returned in responses from the API. */ export declare enum APIErrorCode { Unauthorized = "unauthorized", RestrictedResource = "restricted_resource", ObjectNotFound = "object_not_found", RateLimited = "rate_limited", InvalidJSON = "invalid_json", InvalidRequestURL = "invalid_request_url", InvalidRequest = "invalid_request", ValidationError = "validation_error", ConflictError = "conflict_error", InternalServerError = "internal_server_error", ServiceUnavailable = "service_unavailable" } /** * Error codes generated for client errors. */ export declare enum ClientErrorCode { RequestTimeout = "notionhq_client_request_timeout", ResponseError = "notionhq_client_response_error" } /** * Error codes on errors thrown by the `Client`. */ export type NotionErrorCode = APIErrorCode | ClientErrorCode; /** * Base error type. */ declare abstract class NotionClientErrorBase<Code extends NotionErrorCode> extends Error { abstract code: Code; } /** * Error type that encompasses all the kinds of errors that the Notion client will throw. */ export type NotionClientError = RequestTimeoutError | UnknownHTTPResponseError | APIResponseError; /** * @param error any value, usually a caught error. * @returns `true` if error is a `NotionClientError`. */ export declare function isNotionClientError(error: unknown): error is NotionClientError; /** * Error thrown by the client if a request times out. */ export declare class RequestTimeoutError extends NotionClientErrorBase<ClientErrorCode.RequestTimeout> { readonly code = ClientErrorCode.RequestTimeout; readonly name = "RequestTimeoutError"; constructor(message?: string); static isRequestTimeoutError(error: unknown): error is RequestTimeoutError; static rejectAfterTimeout<T>(promise: Promise<T>, timeoutMS: number): Promise<T>; } type HTTPResponseErrorCode = ClientErrorCode.ResponseError | APIErrorCode; declare class HTTPResponseError<Code extends HTTPResponseErrorCode> extends NotionClientErrorBase<Code> { readonly name: string; readonly code: Code; readonly status: number; readonly headers: SupportedResponse["headers"]; readonly body: string; constructor(args: { code: Code; status: number; message: string; headers: SupportedResponse["headers"]; rawBodyText: string; }); } export declare function isHTTPResponseError(error: unknown): error is UnknownHTTPResponseError | APIResponseError; /** * Error thrown if an API call responds with an unknown error code, or does not respond with * a property-formatted error. */ export declare class UnknownHTTPResponseError extends HTTPResponseError<ClientErrorCode.ResponseError> { readonly name = "UnknownHTTPResponseError"; constructor(args: { status: number; message: string | undefined; headers: SupportedResponse["headers"]; rawBodyText: string; }); static isUnknownHTTPResponseError(error: unknown): error is UnknownHTTPResponseError; } /** * A response from the API indicating a problem. * Use the `code` property to handle various kinds of errors. All its possible values are in `APIErrorCode`. */ export declare class APIResponseError extends HTTPResponseError<APIErrorCode> { readonly name = "APIResponseError"; static isAPIResponseError(error: unknown): error is APIResponseError; } export declare function buildRequestError(response: SupportedResponse, bodyText: string): APIResponseError | UnknownHTTPResponseError; export {}; //#