Notion MCP Server

"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.buildRequestError = exports.APIResponseError = exports.UnknownHTTPResponseError = exports.isHTTPResponseError = exports.RequestTimeoutError = exports.isNotionClientError = exports.ClientErrorCode = exports.APIErrorCode = void 0; const utils_1 = require("./utils"); /** * Error codes returned in responses from the API. */ var APIErrorCode; (function (APIErrorCode) { APIErrorCode["Unauthorized"] = "unauthorized"; APIErrorCode["RestrictedResource"] = "restricted_resource"; APIErrorCode["ObjectNotFound"] = "object_not_found"; APIErrorCode["RateLimited"] = "rate_limited"; APIErrorCode["InvalidJSON"] = "invalid_json"; APIErrorCode["InvalidRequestURL"] = "invalid_request_url"; APIErrorCode["InvalidRequest"] = "invalid_request"; APIErrorCode["ValidationError"] = "validation_error"; APIErrorCode["ConflictError"] = "conflict_error"; APIErrorCode["InternalServerError"] = "internal_server_error"; APIErrorCode["ServiceUnavailable"] = "service_unavailable"; })(APIErrorCode = exports.APIErrorCode || (exports.APIErrorCode = {})); /** * Error codes generated for client errors. */ var ClientErrorCode; (function (ClientErrorCode) { ClientErrorCode["RequestTimeout"] = "notionhq_client_request_timeout"; ClientErrorCode["ResponseError"] = "notionhq_client_response_error"; })(ClientErrorCode = exports.ClientErrorCode || (exports.ClientErrorCode = {})); /** * Base error type. */ class NotionClientErrorBase extends Error { } /** * @param error any value, usually a caught error. * @returns `true` if error is a `NotionClientError`. */ function isNotionClientError(error) { return (0, utils_1.isObject)(error) && error instanceof NotionClientErrorBase; } exports.isNotionClientError = isNotionClientError; /** * Narrows down the types of a NotionClientError. * @param error any value, usually a caught error. * @param codes an object mapping from possible error codes to `true` * @returns `true` if error is a `NotionClientError` with a code in `codes`. */ function isNotionClientErrorWithCode(error, codes) { return isNotionClientError(error) && error.code in codes; } /** * Error thrown by the client if a request times out. */ class RequestTimeoutError extends NotionClientErrorBase { constructor(message = "Request to Notion API has timed out") { super(message); this.code = ClientErrorCode.RequestTimeout; = "RequestTimeoutError"; } static isRequestTimeoutError(error) { return isNotionClientErrorWithCode(error, { [ClientErrorCode.RequestTimeout]: true, }); } static rejectAfterTimeout(promise, timeoutMS) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { reject(new RequestTimeoutError()); }, timeoutMS); promise .then(resolve) .catch(reject) .then(() => clearTimeout(timeoutId)); }); } } exports.RequestTimeoutError = RequestTimeoutError; class HTTPResponseError extends NotionClientErrorBase { constructor(args) { super(args.message); = "HTTPResponseError"; const { code, status, headers, rawBodyText } = args; this.code = code; this.status = status; this.headers = headers; this.body = rawBodyText; } } const httpResponseErrorCodes = { [ClientErrorCode.ResponseError]: true, [APIErrorCode.Unauthorized]: true, [APIErrorCode.RestrictedResource]: true, [APIErrorCode.ObjectNotFound]: true, [APIErrorCode.RateLimited]: true, [APIErrorCode.InvalidJSON]: true, [APIErrorCode.InvalidRequestURL]: true, [APIErrorCode.InvalidRequest]: true, [APIErrorCode.ValidationError]: true, [APIErrorCode.ConflictError]: true, [APIErrorCode.InternalServerError]: true, [APIErrorCode.ServiceUnavailable]: true, }; function isHTTPResponseError(error) { if (!isNotionClientErrorWithCode(error, httpResponseErrorCodes)) { return false; } return true; } exports.isHTTPResponseError = isHTTPResponseError; /** * Error thrown if an API call responds with an unknown error code, or does not respond with * a property-formatted error. */ class UnknownHTTPResponseError extends HTTPResponseError { constructor(args) { var _a; super({ ...args, code: ClientErrorCode.ResponseError, message: (_a = args.message) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `Request to Notion API failed with status: ${args.status}`, }); = "UnknownHTTPResponseError"; } static isUnknownHTTPResponseError(error) { return isNotionClientErrorWithCode(error, { [ClientErrorCode.ResponseError]: true, }); } } exports.UnknownHTTPResponseError = UnknownHTTPResponseError; const apiErrorCodes = { [APIErrorCode.Unauthorized]: true, [APIErrorCode.RestrictedResource]: true, [APIErrorCode.ObjectNotFound]: true, [APIErrorCode.RateLimited]: true, [APIErrorCode.InvalidJSON]: true, [APIErrorCode.InvalidRequestURL]: true, [APIErrorCode.InvalidRequest]: true, [APIErrorCode.ValidationError]: true, [APIErrorCode.ConflictError]: true, [APIErrorCode.InternalServerError]: true, [APIErrorCode.ServiceUnavailable]: true, }; /** * A response from the API indicating a problem. * Use the `code` property to handle various kinds of errors. All its possible values are in `APIErrorCode`. */ class APIResponseError extends HTTPResponseError { constructor() { super(...arguments); = "APIResponseError"; } static isAPIResponseError(error) { return isNotionClientErrorWithCode(error, apiErrorCodes); } } exports.APIResponseError = APIResponseError; function buildRequestError(response, bodyText) { const apiErrorResponseBody = parseAPIErrorResponseBody(bodyText); if (apiErrorResponseBody !== undefined) { return new APIResponseError({ code: apiErrorResponseBody.code, message: apiErrorResponseBody.message, headers: response.headers, status: response.status, rawBodyText: bodyText, }); } return new UnknownHTTPResponseError({ message: undefined, headers: response.headers, status: response.status, rawBodyText: bodyText, }); } exports.buildRequestError = buildRequestError; function parseAPIErrorResponseBody(body) { if (typeof body !== "string") { return; } let parsed; try { parsed = JSON.parse(body); } catch (parseError) { return; } if (!(0, utils_1.isObject)(parsed) || typeof parsed["message"] !== "string" || !isAPIErrorCode(parsed["code"])) { return; } return { ...parsed, code: parsed["code"], message: parsed["message"], }; } function isAPIErrorCode(code) { return typeof code === "string" && code in apiErrorCodes; } //#