Notion MCP Server

<div align="center"> <h1>Notion SDK for JavaScript</h1> <p> <b>A simple and easy to use client for the <a href="">Notion API</a></b> </p> <br> </div> ![Build status]( [![npm version](]( ## Installation ``` npm install @notionhq/client ``` ## Usage > Use Notion's [Getting Started Guide]( to get set up to use Notion's API. Import and initialize a client using an **integration token** or an OAuth **access token**. ```js const { Client } = require("@notionhq/client") // Initializing a client const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_TOKEN, }) ``` Make a request to any Notion API endpoint. > See the complete list of endpoints in the [API reference]( ```js ;(async () => { const listUsersResponse = await notion.users.list({}) })() ``` Each method returns a `Promise` which resolves the response. ```js console.log(listUsersResponse) ``` ``` { results: [ { object: 'user', id: 'd40e767c-d7af-4b18-a86d-55c61f1e39a4', type: 'person', person: { email: '', }, name: 'Avocado Lovelace', avatar_url: '', }, ... ] } ``` Endpoint parameters are grouped into a single object. You don't need to remember which parameters go in the path, query, or body. ```js const myPage = await notion.databases.query({ database_id: "897e5a76-ae52-4b48-9fdf-e71f5945d1af", filter: { property: "Landmark", rich_text: { contains: "Bridge", }, }, }) ``` ### Handling errors If the API returns an unsuccessful response, the returned `Promise` rejects with a `APIResponseError`. The error contains properties from the response, and the most helpful is `code`. You can compare `code` to the values in the `APIErrorCode` object to avoid misspelling error codes. ```js const { Client, APIErrorCode } = require("@notionhq/client") try { const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_TOKEN }) const myPage = await notion.databases.query({ database_id: databaseId, filter: { property: "Landmark", rich_text: { contains: "Bridge", }, }, }) } catch (error) { if (error.code === APIErrorCode.ObjectNotFound) { // // For example: handle by asking the user to select a different database // } else { // Other error handling code console.error(error) } } ``` ### Logging The client emits useful information to a logger. By default, it only emits warnings and errors. If you're debugging an application, and would like the client to log response bodies, set the `logLevel` option to `LogLevel.DEBUG`. ```js const { Client, LogLevel } = require("@notionhq/client") const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_TOKEN, logLevel: LogLevel.DEBUG, }) ``` You may also set a custom `logger` to emit logs to a destination other than `stdout`. A custom logger is a function which is called with 3 parameters: `logLevel`, `message`, and `extraInfo`. The custom logger should not return a value. ### Client options The `Client` supports the following options on initialization. These options are all keys in the single constructor parameter. | Option | Default value | Type | Description | | ----------- | -------------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `auth` | `undefined` | `string` | Bearer token for authentication. If left undefined, the `auth` parameter should be set on each request. | | `logLevel` | `LogLevel.WARN` | `LogLevel` | Verbosity of logs the instance will produce. By default, logs are written to `stdout`. | | `timeoutMs` | `60_000` | `number` | Number of milliseconds to wait before emitting a `RequestTimeoutError` | | `baseUrl` | `""` | `string` | The root URL for sending API requests. This can be changed to test with a mock server. | | `logger` | Log to console | `Logger` | A custom logging function. This function is only called when the client emits a log that is equal or greater severity than `logLevel`. | | `agent` | Default node agent | `http.Agent` | Used to control creation of TCP sockets. A common use is to proxy requests with [`https-proxy-agent`]( | ### TypeScript This package contains type definitions for all request parameters and responses, as well as some useful sub-objects from those entities. Because errors in TypeScript start with type `any` or `unknown`, you should use the `isNotionClientError` type guard to handle them in a type-safe way. Each `NotionClientError` type is uniquely identified by its `error.code`. Codes in the `APIErrorCode` enum are returned from the server. Codes in the `ClientErrorCode` enum are produced on the client. ```ts try { const response = await notion.databases.query({ /* ... */ }) } catch (error: unknown) { if (isNotionClientError(error)) { // error is now strongly typed to NotionClientError switch (error.code) { case ClientErrorCode.RequestTimeout: // ... break case APIErrorCode.ObjectNotFound: // ... break case APIErrorCode.Unauthorized: // ... break // ... default: // you could even take advantage of exhaustiveness checking assertNever(error.code) } } } ``` #### Type guards There are several [type guards]( provided to distinguish between full and partial API responses. | Type guard function | Purpose | | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `isFullPage` | Determine whether an object is a full `PageObjectResponse` | | `isFullBlock` | Determine whether an object is a full `BlockObjectResponse` | | `isFullDatabase` | Determine whether an object is a full `DatabaseObjectResponse` | | `isFullPageOrDatabase` | Determine whether an object is a full `PageObjectResponse` or `DatabaseObjectResponse` | | `isFullUser` | Determine whether an object is a full `UserObjectResponse` | | `isFullComment` | Determine whether an object is a full `CommentObjectResponse` | Here is an example of using a type guard: ```typescript const fullOrPartialPages = await notion.databases.query({ database_id: "897e5a76-ae52-4b48-9fdf-e71f5945d1af", }) for (const page of fullOrPartialPages.results) { if (!isFullPageOrDatabase(page)) { continue } // The page variable has been narrowed from // PageObjectResponse | PartialPageObjectResponse | DatabaseObjectResponse | PartialDatabaseObjectResponse // to // PageObjectResponse | DatabaseObjectResponse. console.log("Created at:", page.created_time) } ``` ### Utility functions This package also exports a few utility functions that are helpful for dealing with any of our paginated APIs. #### `iteratePaginatedAPI(listFn, firstPageArgs)` This utility turns any paginated API into an async iterator. **Parameters:** - `listFn`: Any function on the Notion client that represents a paginated API (i.e. accepts `start_cursor`.) Example: `notion.blocks.children.list`. - `firstPageArgs`: Arguments that should be passed to the API on the first and subsequent calls to the API, for example a `block_id`. **Returns:** An [async iterator]( over results from the API. **Example:** ```javascript for await (const block of iteratePaginatedAPI(notion.blocks.children.list, { block_id: parentBlockId, })) { // Do something with block. } ``` #### `collectPaginatedAPI(listFn, firstPageArgs)` This utility accepts the same arguments as `iteratePaginatedAPI`, but collects the results into an in-memory array. Before using this utility, check that the data you are dealing with is small enough to fit in memory. **Parameters:** - `listFn`: Any function on the Notion client that represents a paginated API (i.e. accepts `start_cursor`.) Example: `notion.blocks.children.list`. - `firstPageArgs`: Arguments that should be passed to the API on the first and subsequent calls to the API, for example a `block_id`. **Returns:** An array with results from the API. **Example:** ```javascript const blocks = await collectPaginatedAPI(notion.blocks.children.list, { block_id: parentBlockId, }) // Do something with blocks. ``` ## Requirements This package supports the following minimum versions: - Runtime: `node >= 12` - Type definitions (optional): `typescript >= 4.5` Earlier versions may still work, but we encourage people building new applications to upgrade to the current stable. ## Getting help If you want to submit a feature request for Notion's API, or are experiencing any issues with the API platform, please email us at ``. To report issues with the SDK, it is possible to [submit an issue]( to this repo. However, we don't monitor these issues very closely. We recommend you reach out to us at `` instead.