Wordware MCP Server
by hugobiais
- src
- scripts
import inquirer from "inquirer";
import fs from "fs/promises";
import path from "path";
import OpenAI from "openai";
import { OPENAI_API_KEY } from "../utils/env.js";
// Add check for OpenAI API key
console.log("❌ OPENAI_API_KEY is not defined.");
console.log("Please add it to the env.ts file and try again.");
const openai = new OpenAI({
async function generateTool() {
// First check if deployed
const { isDeployed } = await inquirer.prompt([
type: "confirm",
name: "isDeployed",
message: "Have you deployed the flow on Wordware?",
if (!isDeployed) {
"❌ Please deploy your flow on Wordware first, then come back to generate the tool."
const answers = await inquirer.prompt([
type: "input",
name: "name",
message: "Tool name (must follow format like 'research-founder'):",
validate: (input) => {
if (!/^[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*$/.test(input)) {
return "Tool name must be in kebab-case format (e.g., research-founder)";
return true;
type: "input",
name: "description",
message: "Tool description:",
validate: (input) => input.length > 0,
type: "input",
name: "deploymentUrl",
message: "Deployment URL from Wordware:",
validate: (input) => {
const urlPattern =
if (!urlPattern.test(input)) {
return "Invalid deployment URL format";
return true;
type: "editor",
name: "schemaJson",
message: "Complete Body schema from deployment page:",
validate: (input) => {
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(input);
if (!parsed.inputs || !parsed.version) {
return "JSON must contain inputs and version fields";
return true;
} catch (e) {
return "Invalid JSON format";
// Convert kebab-case to camelCase for variable names
const varName = answers.name.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (g: string) =>
// Extract appId from deployment URL
const appId = answers.deploymentUrl
// Parse schema data to get version and inputs
const schemaData = JSON.parse(answers.schemaJson);
const version = schemaData.version;
const zodSchema = await generateZodSchema(
// Generate the tool file
const toolTemplate = `import { z } from "zod";
import { makeWordwareRequest } from "../utils/api.js";
export const ${varName}Handler = async (inputs: any) => {
const ${varName}AppId = "${appId}";
let currentText = "";
await makeWordwareRequest(
version: "${version}",
(content) => {
const value = content.value;
if (value.type === "chunk") {
currentText += value.value || "";
return {
content: [
type: "text" as const,
text: currentText || "No response generated",
export const ${varName}Schema = ${zodSchema};
// Read the current index.ts file
const indexPath = path.join(process.cwd(), "src", "index.ts");
let indexContent = await fs.readFile(indexPath, "utf-8");
// Add import statement after the last import
const importStatement = `import { ${varName}Handler, ${varName}Schema } from "./tools/${varName}.js";\n`;
const lastImportIndex = indexContent.lastIndexOf("import");
const lastImportLineEnd = indexContent.indexOf("\n", lastImportIndex) + 1;
indexContent =
indexContent.slice(0, lastImportLineEnd) +
importStatement +
// Add tool registration before the server start
const toolRegistration = `\nserver.tool("${answers.name}", "${answers.description}", ${varName}Schema, ${varName}Handler);\n`;
const serverStartIndex = indexContent.indexOf("// Start the server");
indexContent =
indexContent.slice(0, serverStartIndex) +
toolRegistration +
// Write the files
const toolsDir = path.join(process.cwd(), "src", "tools");
await fs.writeFile(path.join(toolsDir, `${varName}.ts`), toolTemplate);
await fs.writeFile(indexPath, indexContent);
console.log(`✅ Generated tool ${answers.name}`);
console.log(` - Created src/tools/${varName}.ts`);
console.log(" - Updated src/index.ts");
// Run build command
console.log("\nBuilding server...");
const { exec } = await import("child_process");
exec("npm run build-server", (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.error("❌ Error building server:", error);
console.log("✅ Server built successfully");
"\n🎉 Your new tool should now be available in Claude! Try it out! (if you don't see it, make sure to close the Desktop app and reopen it)"
async function generateZodSchema(
inputs: Record<string, string>,
toolName: string,
toolDescription: string
): Promise<string> {
const completion = await openai.chat.completions.create({
model: "gpt-4o",
response_format: { type: "json_object" },
messages: [
role: "system",
content: `You are a TypeScript expert that generates JSON Zod schemas. Return a JSON object where each key matches the input keys, and values are Zod string schemas with descriptions. Example:
"fullName": "z.string().describe('Full name of the founder')",
"company": "z.string().describe('Company name')",
"url": "z.string().describe('URL of the company')"
role: "user",
content: `Generate a Zod schema for these inputs: ${JSON.stringify(
)} given the tool name: "${toolName}" and the tool description: "${toolDescription}"`,
try {
const content = completion.choices[0].message.content;
if (!content) throw new Error("No content received from OpenAI");
const result = JSON.parse(content);
// Validate the response format
if (
typeof result !== "object" ||
Object.keys(inputs).some((key) => !result[key])
) {
throw new Error("Invalid schema format received from OpenAI");
return `{\n${Object.entries(result)
.map(([key, value]) => ` ${key}: ${value}`)
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error processing OpenAI response:", error);
throw new Error("Failed to generate schema");