MCP Server

import { validateAndFormatColumnValues, validateCreateItemInput, } from "../types.js"; import { z } from "zod"; // Query Definitions export const GET_ITEMS_QUERY = ` query ($boardId: ID!) { boards (ids: [$boardId]) { items_page (limit: 100) { cursor items { id name state created_at updated_at creator { id name } column_values { column { id title type } id text value } subitems { id name state } } } } } `; export const GET_ITEM_QUERY = ` query ($itemId: ID!) { items(ids: [$itemId]) { id name state created_at updated_at creator { id name } board { id name } group { id title } column_values { column { id title } type text value } subitems { id name state } } } `; export const createItemMutation = (hasColumnValues, hasGroupId) => ` mutation ($boardId: ID!, $itemName: String!${hasColumnValues ? ", $columnValues: JSON" : ""}${hasGroupId ? ", $groupId: String" : ""}) { create_item ( board_id: $boardId item_name: $itemName${hasColumnValues ? "\n column_values: $columnValues" : ""}${hasGroupId ? "\n group_id: $groupId" : ""}\n create_labels_if_missing: true ) { id name column_values { column { id title } type text value } } } `; export const CREATE_ITEM_MUTATION = createItemMutation(true, true); export const DELETE_ITEM_MUTATION = ` mutation ($itemId: ID!) { delete_item ( item_id: $itemId ) { id } } `; // Schema Definitions export const GetItemsSchema = z.object({ boardId: z.string().or(z.number()), limit: z.number().optional(), }); export const GetItemSchema = z.object({ itemId: z.string().or(z.number()), }); export const CreateItemSchema = z.object({ boardId: z.string().or(z.number()), itemName: z.string(), columnValues: z.record(z.any()).optional(), groupId: z.string().optional(), }); export const DeleteItemSchema = z.object({ itemId: z.string().or(z.number()), }); // Tool Definitions export const GET_ITEMS_TOOL = { name: "get_items", description: "Get all items from a specific board", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { boardId: { type: "number", description: "The ID of the board to fetch items from", }, }, required: ["boardId"], }, }; export const GET_ITEM_TOOL = { name: "get_item", description: "Get detailed information about a specific item", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { itemId: { type: "number", description: "The ID of the item to fetch", }, }, required: ["itemId"], }, }; export const CREATE_ITEM_TOOL = { name: "create_item", description: "Create a new item in a board", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { boardId: { type: "number", description: "The ID of the board to create the item in", }, itemName: { type: "string", description: "The name of the new item", }, groupId: { type: "string", description: "Optional group ID to create the item in", }, columnValues: { type: "object", description: "Optional column values for the new item (as key-value pairs)", additionalProperties: true, }, }, required: ["boardId", "itemName"], }, }; export const DELETE_ITEM_TOOL = { name: "delete_item", description: "Delete an item from a board", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { itemId: { type: "number", description: "The ID of the item to delete", }, }, required: ["itemId"], }, }; // Operation Functions export async function getItems(monday, boardId) { try { const response = await monday.api(GET_ITEMS_QUERY, { variables: { boardId: boardId.toString() }, }); if (response.errors) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: ` API Error: ${JSON.stringify(response.errors)}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } if ( > 0) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify([0].items_page.items, null, 2), }, ], }; } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Board with ID ${boardId} not found`, }, ], isError: true, }; } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Failed to fetch items: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } } export async function getItem(monday, itemId) { try { const response = await monday.api(GET_ITEM_QUERY, { variables: { itemId: itemId.toString() }, }); if (response.errors) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: ` API Error: ${JSON.stringify(response.errors)}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } if ( > 0) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify([0], null, 2), }, ], }; } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Item with ID ${itemId} not found`, }, ], isError: true, }; } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Failed to fetch item: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } } export async function createItem(monday, boardId, itemName, groupId, columnValues) { try { const validatedInput = validateCreateItemInput({ boardId, itemName, groupId, columnValues: columnValues ? validateAndFormatColumnValues(columnValues) : undefined, }); const mutation = createItemMutation(!!validatedInput.columnValues, !!validatedInput.groupId); const response = await monday.api(mutation, { variables: { boardId: validatedInput.boardId.toString(), itemName: validatedInput.itemName, ...(validatedInput.groupId && { groupId: validatedInput.groupId }), ...(validatedInput.columnValues && { columnValues: JSON.stringify(validatedInput.columnValues), }), }, }); if (response.errors) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: ` API Error: ${JSON.stringify(response.errors)}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(, null, 2), }, ], }; } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Failed to create item: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } } export async function deleteItem(monday, itemId) { try { const response = await monday.api(DELETE_ITEM_MUTATION, { variables: { itemId: itemId.toString() }, }); if (response.errors) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: ` API Error: ${JSON.stringify(response.errors)}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(, null, 2), }, ], }; } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Failed to delete item: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } }