mcp-jina-aiJoeBuildsStuffAsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn MCP server that provides access to Jina AI's powerful web services (page reading, web search, fact checking) through Claude.3956JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
mac-apps-launcherJoshuaRileyDev-securityFlicense-qualityAn MCP server to list and launch applications on MacOS21JavaScriptApple
Apple Shortcuts ServerrecursechatAsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn MCP Server Integration with Apple Shortcuts21658JavaScriptApache 2.0Apple
MongoDBkiliczshVerified-securityAlicense-qualityA Model Context Protocol server that provides access to MongoDB databases. This server enables LLMs to inspect collection schemas and execute read-only queries.4423JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple