
by v4lheru
/** * Example Tool Handlers * * Implements the handlers for the example tools. * Each handler processes the tool arguments and calls the appropriate service methods. * This separation of tool definitions and handlers improves maintainability. */ import { ExampleService } from '../services/example-service.js'; import { ToolHandlers } from './example-tools.js'; import { CreateResourceData, UpdateResourceData } from '../types/example-types.js'; /** * Creates and returns the handlers for all example tools * @param exampleService - The initialized ExampleService instance * @returns Object mapping tool names to their handler functions */ export function createExampleToolHandlers(exampleService: ExampleService): ToolHandlers { return { /** * Handler for the get_resources tool * Retrieves a list of resources with optional filtering */ get_resources: async (args: { status?: string; limit?: number; offset?: number }) => { try { const resources = await exampleService.getResources(args); return { resources, count: resources.length, filters: args }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error in get_resources:', error); throw new Error(`Failed to get resources: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } }, /** * Handler for the get_resource tool * Retrieves a specific resource by ID */ get_resource: async (args: { resourceId: string }) => { try { if (!args.resourceId) { throw new Error('resourceId is required'); } const resource = await exampleService.getResource(args.resourceId); return resource; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error in get_resource for ID ${args.resourceId}:`, error); throw new Error(`Failed to get resource: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } }, /** * Handler for the create_resource tool * Creates a new resource with the provided data */ create_resource: async (args: CreateResourceData) => { try { if (! { throw new Error('name is required'); } const resource = await exampleService.createResource(args); return { message: `Resource created successfully with ID: ${}`, resource }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error in create_resource:', error); throw new Error(`Failed to create resource: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } }, /** * Handler for the update_resource tool * Updates an existing resource with new data */ update_resource: async (args: UpdateResourceData & { resourceId: string }) => { try { if (!args.resourceId) { throw new Error('resourceId is required'); } // Extract resourceId from args and pass the rest as update data const { resourceId, ...updateData } = args; const resource = await exampleService.updateResource(resourceId, updateData); return { message: `Resource ${resourceId} updated successfully`, resource }; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error in update_resource for ID ${args.resourceId}:`, error); throw new Error(`Failed to update resource: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } }, /** * Handler for the delete_resource tool * Deletes a resource after confirmation */ delete_resource: async (args: { resourceId: string; confirm: boolean }) => { try { if (!args.resourceId) { throw new Error('resourceId is required'); } if (!args.confirm) { throw new Error('Deletion must be confirmed by setting confirm=true'); } await exampleService.deleteResource(args.resourceId); return { message: `Resource ${args.resourceId} deleted successfully` }; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error in delete_resource for ID ${args.resourceId}:`, error); throw new Error(`Failed to delete resource: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } }, /** * Handler for the search_resources tool * Searches for resources by name or other criteria */ search_resources: async (args: { query: string; tags?: string[]; status?: string }) => { try { if (!args.query) { throw new Error('query is required'); } // For simplicity, we're just using the name search here // In a real implementation, you might have a more sophisticated search const resources = await exampleService.searchResourcesByName(args.query); // Apply additional filters if provided let filteredResources = resources; if (args.status) { filteredResources = filteredResources.filter(r => r.status === args.status); } if (args.tags && args.tags.length > 0) { filteredResources = filteredResources.filter(r => r.tags.some(tag => args.tags!.includes(tag)) ); } return { resources: filteredResources, count: filteredResources.length, query: args.query, filters: { tags: args.tags, status: args.status } }; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error in search_resources for query "${args.query}":`, error); throw new Error(`Failed to search resources: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } }; }