
  • src
import { Ajv } from 'ajv'; import { ApifyClient } from 'apify-client'; import { ACTOR_ADDITIONAL_INSTRUCTIONS, defaults, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH, ACTOR_README_MAX_LENGTH } from './const.js'; import { log } from './logger.js'; import type { ActorDefinitionPruned, ActorDefinitionWithDesc, SchemaProperties, Tool } from './types.js'; export function actorNameToToolName(actorName: string): string { return actorName .replace(/\//g, '-slash-') .replace(/\./g, '-dot-') .slice(0, 64); } /** * Get actor input schema by actor name. * First, fetch the actor details to get the default build tag and buildId. * Then, fetch the build details and return actorName, description, and input schema. * @param {string} actorIdOrName - Actor ID or Actor full name. * @param {number} limit - Truncate the README to this limit. * @returns {Promise<ActorDefinitionWithDesc | null>} - The actor definition with description or null if not found. */ export async function getActorDefinition(actorIdOrName: string, limit: number = ACTOR_README_MAX_LENGTH): Promise<ActorDefinitionPruned | null> { const client = new ApifyClient({ token: process.env.APIFY_TOKEN }); const actorClient =; try { // Fetch actor details const actor = await actorClient.get(); if (!actor) { log.error(`Failed to fetch input schema for Actor: ${actorIdOrName}. Actor not found.`); return null; } // fnesveda: The default build is not necessarily tagged, you can specify any build number as default build. // There will be a new API endpoint to fetch a default build. // For now, we'll use the tagged build, it will work for 90% of Actors. Later, we can update this. const tag = actor.defaultRunOptions?.build || ''; const buildId = actor.taggedBuilds?.[tag]?.buildId || ''; if (!buildId) { log.error(`Failed to fetch input schema for Actor: ${actorIdOrName}. Build ID not found.`); return null; } // Fetch build details and return the input schema const buildDetails = await; if (buildDetails?.actorDefinition) { const actorDefinitions = buildDetails?.actorDefinition as ActorDefinitionWithDesc; =; actorDefinitions.readme = truncateActorReadme(actorDefinitions.readme || '', limit); actorDefinitions.description = actor.description || ''; actorDefinitions.actorFullName = `${actor.username}/${}`; actorDefinitions.defaultRunOptions = actor.defaultRunOptions; return pruneActorDefinition(actorDefinitions); } return null; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = `Failed to fetch input schema for Actor: ${actorIdOrName} with error ${error}.`; log.error(errorMessage); throw new Error(errorMessage); } } function pruneActorDefinition(response: ActorDefinitionWithDesc): ActorDefinitionPruned { return { id:, actorFullName: response.actorFullName || '', buildTag: response?.buildTag || '', readme: response?.readme || '', input: response?.input || null, description: response.description, defaultRunOptions: response.defaultRunOptions, }; } /** * Shortens the description and enum values of schema properties. * @param properties */ export function shortenProperties(properties: { [key: string]: SchemaProperties}): { [key: string]: SchemaProperties } { for (const property of Object.values(properties)) { if (property.description.length > MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH) { property.description = `${property.description.slice(0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH)}...`; } } return properties; } /** Prune Actor README if it is too long * If the README is too long * - We keep the README as it is up to the limit. * - After the limit, we keep heading only * - We add a note that the README was truncated because it was too long. */ export function truncateActorReadme(readme: string, limit = ACTOR_README_MAX_LENGTH): string { if (readme.length <= limit) { return readme; } const readmeFirst = readme.slice(0, limit); const readmeRest = readme.slice(limit); const lines = readmeRest.split('\n'); const prunedReadme = lines.filter((line) => line.startsWith('#')); return `${readmeFirst}\n\nREADME was truncated because it was too long. Remaining headers:\n${prunedReadme.join(', ')}`; } /** * Filters schema properties to include only the necessary fields. * @param properties */ export function filterSchemaProperties(properties: { [key: string]: SchemaProperties }): { [key: string]: SchemaProperties } { const filteredProperties: { [key: string]: SchemaProperties } = {}; for (const [key, property] of Object.entries(properties)) { const { title, description, enum: enumValues, type, default: defaultValue, prefill } = property; filteredProperties[key] = { title, description, enum: enumValues, type, default: defaultValue, prefill }; } return filteredProperties; } /** * Fetches actor input schemas by Actor IDs or Actor full names and creates MCP tools. * * This function retrieves the input schemas for the specified actors and compiles them into MCP tools. * It uses the AJV library to validate the input schemas. * * Tool name can't contain /, so it is replaced with _ * * @param {string[]} actors - An array of actor IDs or Actor full names. * @returns {Promise<Tool[]>} - A promise that resolves to an array of MCP tools. */ export async function getActorsAsTools(actors: string[]): Promise<Tool[]> { const ajv = new Ajv({ coerceTypes: 'array', strict: false }); const results = await Promise.all(; const tools = []; for (const result of results) { if (result) { if (result.input && 'properties' in result.input && result.input) { const properties = filterSchemaProperties( as { [key: string]: SchemaProperties }); = shortenProperties(properties); } try { const memoryMbytes = result.defaultRunOptions?.memoryMbytes || defaults.maxMemoryMbytes; tools.push({ name: actorNameToToolName(result.actorFullName), actorFullName: result.actorFullName, description: `${result.description} Instructions: ${ACTOR_ADDITIONAL_INSTRUCTIONS}`, inputSchema: result.input || {}, ajvValidate: ajv.compile(result.input || {}), memoryMbytes: memoryMbytes > defaults.maxMemoryMbytes ? defaults.maxMemoryMbytes : memoryMbytes, }); } catch (validationError) { log.error(`Failed to compile AJV schema for Actor: ${result.actorFullName}. Error: ${validationError}`); } } } return tools; }