Fireflies MCP Server

  • src
#!/usr/bin/env node import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { CallToolRequestSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema, ErrorCode, McpError, Tool, CallToolResult, } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import { z } from 'zod'; import axios from 'axios'; // Define tool configurations const TOOLS: Tool[] = [ { name: "fireflies_get_transcripts", description: "Retrieve a list of meeting transcripts with optional filtering. By default, returns up to 20 most recent transcripts with no date filtering. Note that this operation may take longer for large datasets and might timeout. If a timeout occurs, a minimal set of transcript data will be returned.", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { limit: { type: "number", description: "Maximum number of transcripts to return (default: 20). Consider using a smaller limit if experiencing timeouts." }, from_date: { type: "string", description: "Start date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD). If not specified, no lower date bound is applied. Using a narrower date range can help prevent timeouts." }, to_date: { type: "string", description: "End date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD). If not specified, no upper date bound is applied. Using a narrower date range can help prevent timeouts." } } } }, { name: "fireflies_get_transcript_details", description: "Retrieve detailed information about a specific transcript. Returns a human-readable formatted transcript with speaker names and text, along with metadata and summary information.", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { transcript_id: { type: "string", description: "ID of the transcript to retrieve" } }, required: ["transcript_id"] } }, { name: "fireflies_search_transcripts", description: "Search for transcripts containing specific keywords, with optional date filtering. Returns a human-readable list of matching transcripts with metadata and summary information.", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { query: { type: "string", description: "Search query to find relevant transcripts" }, limit: { type: "number", description: "Maximum number of transcripts to return (default: 20)" }, from_date: { type: "string", description: "Start date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) to filter transcripts by date. If not specified, no lower date bound is applied." }, to_date: { type: "string", description: "End date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) to filter transcripts by date. If not specified, no upper date bound is applied." } }, required: ["query"] } }, { name: "fireflies_generate_summary", description: "Generate a summary of a meeting transcript", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { transcript_id: { type: "string", description: "ID of the transcript to summarize" }, format: { type: "string", enum: ["bullet_points", "paragraph"], description: "Format of the summary (bullet_points or paragraph)" } }, required: ["transcript_id"] } } ]; class FirefliesApiClient { private baseUrl: string; private apiKey: string; constructor(apiKey: string) { this.baseUrl = ''; this.apiKey = apiKey; } private async executeQuery(query: string, variables: Record<string, any> = {}): Promise<any> { try { // Log to stderr to avoid breaking MCP protocol process.stderr.write(`Executing GraphQL query with variables: ${JSON.stringify(variables)}\n`); const response = await this.baseUrl, { query, variables }, { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.apiKey}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, // Increase timeout to 60 seconds timeout: 60000 } ); if ( { process.stderr.write(`GraphQL errors: ${JSON.stringify(}\n`); throw new Error(`GraphQL error: ${[0].message}`); } return; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { process.stderr.write(`API request failed: ${error.message}\n`); if (error.response) { process.stderr.write(`Response status: ${error.response.status}\n`); process.stderr.write(`Response data: ${JSON.stringify(}\n`); } if (error.code === 'ECONNABORTED') { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `API request timed out after 60 seconds` ); } else if (error.response?.status === 400) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Bad request: ${ || 'Invalid request parameters'}` ); } else if (error.response?.status === 401) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, 'Invalid API key or unauthorized access'); } else if (error.response?.status === 404) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Resource not found'); } else { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `API request failed: ${error.message}` ); } } throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InternalError, `Unknown error: ${(error as Error).message}`); } } async getTranscripts(limit?: number, fromDate?: string, toDate?: string, minimal: boolean = false): Promise<any[]> { // Set a reasonable default limit if not provided const actualLimit = limit || 20; process.stderr.write(`Getting transcripts with limit: ${actualLimit}, fromDate: ${fromDate || 'not specified'}, toDate: ${toDate || 'not specified'}, minimal: ${minimal}\n`); // Use a more optimized query with fewer fields to reduce response size let query; if (minimal) { // Super minimal query for fallback query = ` query Transcripts( $limit: Int $skip: Int $fromDate: DateTime $toDate: DateTime ) { transcripts( limit: $limit skip: $skip fromDate: $fromDate toDate: $toDate ) { id title date } } `; } else { // Standard optimized query query = ` query Transcripts( $limit: Int $skip: Int $fromDate: DateTime $toDate: DateTime ) { transcripts( limit: $limit skip: $skip fromDate: $fromDate toDate: $toDate ) { id title date dateString duration transcript_url speakers { id name } summary { keywords overview } } } `; } // Prepare variables const variables: Record<string, any> = { limit: actualLimit, skip: 0 }; // Add date filters if provided if (fromDate) { // Use ISO string format for DateTime variables.fromDate = fromDate; process.stderr.write(`Using fromDate: ${fromDate}\n`); } if (toDate) { // Use ISO string format for DateTime variables.toDate = toDate; process.stderr.write(`Using toDate: ${toDate}\n`); } process.stderr.write(`Executing getTranscripts query with variables: ${JSON.stringify(variables)}\n`); const startTime =; try { const data = await this.executeQuery(query, variables); const endTime =; process.stderr.write(`getTranscripts query completed in ${endTime - startTime}ms\n`); const transcripts = data.transcripts || []; process.stderr.write(`Retrieved ${transcripts.length} transcripts\n`); if (transcripts.length <= 1) { process.stderr.write(`WARNING: Only ${transcripts.length} transcript(s) returned. This might be due to:\n`); process.stderr.write(`1. Limited data in your Fireflies account\n`); process.stderr.write(`2. Date filters restricting results\n`); process.stderr.write(`3. API permissions or visibility settings\n`); } return transcripts; } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error in getTranscripts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); // If this wasn't already a minimal query and we got a timeout, try again with minimal fields if (!minimal && error instanceof Error && (error.message.includes('timeout') || error.message.includes('ECONNABORTED'))) { process.stderr.write(`Retrying with minimal fields...\n`); return this.getTranscripts(actualLimit, fromDate, toDate, true); } throw error; } } async getTranscriptDetails(transcriptId: string, formatText: boolean = false): Promise<any> { const query = ` query Transcript($transcriptId: String!) { transcript(id: $transcriptId) { id dateString privacy speakers { id name } sentences { index speaker_name speaker_id text raw_text start_time end_time ai_filters { task pricing metric question date_and_time text_cleanup sentiment } } title host_email organizer_email calendar_id user { user_id email name num_transcripts recent_meeting minutes_consumed is_admin integrations } fireflies_users participants date transcript_url audio_url video_url duration meeting_attendees { displayName email phoneNumber name location } summary { keywords action_items outline shorthand_bullet overview bullet_gist gist short_summary short_overview meeting_type topics_discussed transcript_chapters } cal_id calendar_type apps_preview { outputs { transcript_id user_id app_id created_at title prompt response } } meeting_link } } `; const variables = { transcriptId: transcriptId }; try { process.stderr.write(`Getting transcript details for ID: ${transcriptId}\n`); const data = await this.executeQuery(query, variables); const transcript = data.transcript; if (!transcript) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Transcript with ID ${transcriptId} not found`); } // If formatText is true, format the sentences as a simple string if (formatText && transcript.sentences && transcript.sentences.length > 0) { // Create a formatted text version of the transcript const formattedText = any) => { return `${sentence.speaker_name}: ${sentence.text}`; }).join('\n'); // Replace the sentences array with the formatted text transcript.formatted_text = formattedText; // Keep a minimal version of sentences for reference transcript.sentences = any) => ({ index: sentence.index, speaker_name: sentence.speaker_name, text: sentence.text })); } return transcript; } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error getting transcript details: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); throw error; } } async searchTranscripts(searchQuery: string, limit?: number, fromDate?: string, toDate?: string): Promise<any[]> { // Using the transcripts query with title parameter for search const query = ` query Transcripts( $title: String $limit: Int $skip: Int $fromDate: DateTime $toDate: DateTime ) { transcripts( title: $title limit: $limit skip: $skip fromDate: $fromDate toDate: $toDate ) { id title date dateString duration transcript_url speakers { id name } summary { keywords overview } } } `; // Set a reasonable default limit if not provided const actualLimit = limit || 20; process.stderr.write(`Searching transcripts with query: "${searchQuery}", limit: ${actualLimit}, fromDate: ${fromDate || 'not specified'}, toDate: ${toDate || 'not specified'}\n`); // Prepare variables const variables: Record<string, any> = { title: searchQuery, limit: actualLimit, skip: 0 }; // Add date filters if provided if (fromDate) { // Use ISO string format for DateTime variables.fromDate = fromDate; process.stderr.write(`Using fromDate: ${fromDate}\n`); } if (toDate) { // Use ISO string format for DateTime variables.toDate = toDate; process.stderr.write(`Using toDate: ${toDate}\n`); } try { process.stderr.write(`Executing searchTranscripts query...\n`); const startTime =; const data = await this.executeQuery(query, variables); const endTime =; process.stderr.write(`searchTranscripts query completed in ${endTime - startTime}ms\n`); const transcripts = data.transcripts || []; process.stderr.write(`Found ${transcripts.length} matching transcripts\n`); return transcripts; } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error in searchTranscripts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); throw error; } } async generateTranscriptSummary(transcriptId: string, format: string = 'bullet_points'): Promise<string> { // First, get the transcript details with focus on summary fields const query = ` query Transcript($transcriptId: String!) { transcript(id: $transcriptId) { id title summary { keywords action_items overview topics_discussed } } } `; const variables = { transcriptId: transcriptId }; try { process.stderr.write(`Generating summary for transcript ID: ${transcriptId}\n`); const data = await this.executeQuery(query, variables); const transcript = data.transcript; // Extract the summary based on the requested format if (!transcript || !transcript.summary) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Summary not available for this transcript'); } // Log the summary structure to help with debugging process.stderr.write(`Summary structure: ${JSON.stringify(transcript.summary)}\n`); // Helper function to safely check if a field is an array const isArray = (field: any): boolean => Array.isArray(field); // Helper function to safely join array elements or handle non-array values const safeJoin = (field: any, separator: string): string => { if (isArray(field)) { return field.join(separator); } else if (field && typeof field === 'string') { return field; } else if (field) { return String(field); } return ''; }; if (format === 'bullet_points') { // Return bullet point format const bullets = []; if (transcript.summary.overview) { bullets.push(`Overview: ${transcript.summary.overview}`); } // Safely handle action_items which might not be an array if (transcript.summary.action_items) { if (isArray(transcript.summary.action_items) && transcript.summary.action_items.length > 0) { bullets.push('Action Items:'); transcript.summary.action_items.forEach((item: string) => { bullets.push(`- ${item}`); }); } else if (typeof transcript.summary.action_items === 'string' && transcript.summary.action_items.trim()) { bullets.push('Action Items:'); bullets.push(`- ${transcript.summary.action_items}`); } } // Safely handle topics_discussed which might not be an array if (transcript.summary.topics_discussed) { if (isArray(transcript.summary.topics_discussed) && transcript.summary.topics_discussed.length > 0) { bullets.push('Topics Discussed:'); transcript.summary.topics_discussed.forEach((topic: string) => { bullets.push(`- ${topic}`); }); } else if (typeof transcript.summary.topics_discussed === 'string' && transcript.summary.topics_discussed.trim()) { bullets.push('Topics Discussed:'); bullets.push(`- ${transcript.summary.topics_discussed}`); } } // Safely handle keywords which might not be an array if (transcript.summary.keywords) { if (isArray(transcript.summary.keywords) && transcript.summary.keywords.length > 0) { bullets.push(`Keywords: ${transcript.summary.keywords.join(', ')}`); } else if (typeof transcript.summary.keywords === 'string' && transcript.summary.keywords.trim()) { bullets.push(`Keywords: ${transcript.summary.keywords}`); } } return bullets.join('\n'); } else { // Return paragraph format let summary = ''; if (transcript.summary.overview) { summary += transcript.summary.overview + ' '; } // Safely handle topics_discussed if (transcript.summary.topics_discussed) { summary += 'Topics discussed include: ' + safeJoin(transcript.summary.topics_discussed, '; ') + '. '; } // Safely handle action_items if (transcript.summary.action_items) { summary += 'Action items include: ' + safeJoin(transcript.summary.action_items, '; ') + '. '; } // Safely handle keywords if (transcript.summary.keywords) { summary += 'Key topics: ' + safeJoin(transcript.summary.keywords, ', ') + '.'; } return summary; } } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error generating summary: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); throw error; } } } class FirefliesServer { private apiClient: FirefliesApiClient; private server: Server; constructor() { // Check if API key is provided const apiKey = process.env.FIREFLIES_API_KEY; if (!apiKey) { console.error('Error: FIREFLIES_API_KEY environment variable is required'); process.exit(1); } this.apiClient = new FirefliesApiClient(apiKey); this.server = new Server( { name: "fireflies-mcp-server", version: "1.0.0", }, { capabilities: { tools: {}, }, } ); this.setupHandlers(); this.setupErrorHandling(); } private setupErrorHandling(): void { this.server.onerror = (error) => { // Write to stderr instead of using console.log to avoid breaking MCP protocol process.stderr.write(`[MCP Error] ${error.message}\n`); }; process.on('SIGINT', async () => { await this.stop(); process.exit(0); }); // Handle uncaught exceptions process.on('uncaughtException', (error) => { process.stderr.write(`[Uncaught Exception] ${error.message}\n`); process.exit(1); }); // Handle unhandled promise rejections process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason) => { process.stderr.write(`[Unhandled Rejection] ${reason}\n`); }); } private setupHandlers(): void { // List available tools this.server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => ({ tools: TOOLS })); // Handle tool calls this.server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => this.handleToolCall(, request.params.arguments ?? {}) ); } /** * Handles tool call requests */ private async handleToolCall(name: string, args: any): Promise<{ toolResult: CallToolResult }> { try { switch (name) { case "fireflies_get_transcripts": { const { limit, from_date, to_date } = args; process.stderr.write(`Handling fireflies_get_transcripts with args: ${JSON.stringify(args)}\n`); try { // Create a promise that will timeout after 90 seconds const timeoutPromise = new Promise<never>((_, reject) => { setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Request timed out after 90 seconds')), 90000); }); // Race the actual API call against the timeout const transcripts = await Promise.race([ this.apiClient.getTranscripts(limit, from_date, to_date), timeoutPromise ]); process.stderr.write(`Successfully retrieved ${transcripts.length} transcripts\n`); let resultText = JSON.stringify(transcripts, null, 2); // Add helpful message if only a few results were returned if (transcripts.length <= 1) { resultText += `\n\nNote: Only ${transcripts.length} transcript(s) were found. This might be due to: 1. Limited data in your Fireflies account 2. Date filters restricting results 3. API permissions or visibility settings To retrieve more transcripts, you can: - Specify a wider date range using from_date and to_date parameters - Increase the limit parameter (default is 20) - Check your Fireflies account permissions and settings`; } return { toolResult: { content: [{ type: "text", text: resultText }] } }; } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error in fireflies_get_transcripts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); // If we hit a timeout, try with minimal fields if (error instanceof Error && error.message.includes('timeout')) { process.stderr.write(`Trying with minimal fields due to timeout...\n`); const minimalTranscripts = await this.apiClient.getTranscripts(limit, from_date, to_date, true); let resultText = JSON.stringify(minimalTranscripts, null, 2); // Add helpful message resultText += `\n\nNote: Due to timeout, only minimal transcript data was retrieved. For more details, try requesting specific transcripts using their IDs. If you're only seeing a few results, this might be due to: 1. Limited data in your Fireflies account 2. Default date range (no specific dates were provided) 3. API permissions or visibility settings To retrieve more transcripts, you can: - Specify a wider date range using from_date and to_date parameters - Increase the limit parameter (default is 20) - Check your Fireflies account permissions and settings`; return { toolResult: { content: [{ type: "text", text: resultText }] } }; } // Re-throw if it's not a timeout throw error; } } case "fireflies_get_transcript_details": { const { transcript_id } = args; if (!transcript_id) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'transcript_id parameter is required' ); } process.stderr.write(`Getting transcript details for ID: ${transcript_id}\n`); try { // Get the transcript with formatted text const transcript = await this.apiClient.getTranscriptDetails(transcript_id, true); // Create a more readable output let resultText = `Title: ${transcript.title}\n`; resultText += `Date: ${transcript.dateString}\n`; resultText += `Duration: ${Math.floor(transcript.duration / 60)}m ${Math.floor(transcript.duration % 60)}s\n`; if (transcript.participants && transcript.participants.length > 0) { resultText += `Participants: ${transcript.participants.join(', ')}\n`; } resultText += `\n--- Transcript ---\n\n`; // Use the formatted text if available if (transcript.formatted_text) { resultText += transcript.formatted_text; } else { // Fallback to formatting the sentences array resultText += any) => `${sentence.speaker_name}: ${sentence.text}` ).join('\n'); } // Add summary if available if (transcript.summary) { resultText += `\n\n--- Summary ---\n\n`; if (transcript.summary.overview) { resultText += `Overview: ${transcript.summary.overview}\n\n`; } if (transcript.summary.action_items && Array.isArray(transcript.summary.action_items) && transcript.summary.action_items.length > 0) { resultText += `Action Items:\n`; transcript.summary.action_items.forEach((item: string) => { resultText += `- ${item}\n`; }); resultText += '\n'; } if (transcript.summary.keywords && Array.isArray(transcript.summary.keywords) && transcript.summary.keywords.length > 0) { resultText += `Keywords: ${transcript.summary.keywords.join(', ')}\n`; } } return { toolResult: { content: [{ type: "text", text: resultText }] } }; } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error in fireflies_get_transcript_details: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); if (error instanceof McpError) { throw error; } throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Error retrieving transcript details: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}` ); } } case "fireflies_search_transcripts": { const { query, limit, from_date, to_date } = args; if (!query) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'query parameter is required' ); } process.stderr.write(`Searching transcripts with query: "${query}", limit: ${limit || 'default'}, from_date: ${from_date || 'not specified'}, to_date: ${to_date || 'not specified'}\n`); try { const transcripts = await this.apiClient.searchTranscripts(query, limit, from_date, to_date); // Create a more readable output let resultText = `Found ${transcripts.length} matching transcripts for query: "${query}"\n\n`; if (transcripts.length === 0) { resultText += `No transcripts found matching your search criteria. Try:\n`; resultText += `- Using different search terms\n`; resultText += `- Widening your date range\n`; resultText += `- Increasing the limit parameter\n`; } else { transcripts.forEach((transcript: any, index: number) => { resultText += `${index + 1}. ${transcript.title}\n`; resultText += ` ID: ${}\n`; resultText += ` Date: ${transcript.dateString}\n`; resultText += ` Duration: ${Math.floor(transcript.duration / 60)}m ${Math.floor(transcript.duration % 60)}s\n`; if (transcript.summary && transcript.summary.overview) { resultText += ` Overview: ${transcript.summary.overview}\n`; } if (transcript.summary && transcript.summary.keywords && Array.isArray(transcript.summary.keywords) && transcript.summary.keywords.length > 0) { resultText += ` Keywords: ${transcript.summary.keywords.join(', ')}\n`; } resultText += `\n`; }); resultText += `To view the full transcript, use the fireflies_get_transcript_details tool with the transcript ID.`; } return { toolResult: { content: [{ type: "text", text: resultText }] } }; } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error in fireflies_search_transcripts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); if (error instanceof McpError) { throw error; } throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Error searching transcripts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}` ); } } case "fireflies_generate_summary": { const { transcript_id, format = 'bullet_points' } = args; if (!transcript_id) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'transcript_id parameter is required' ); } process.stderr.write(`Generating summary for transcript ID: ${transcript_id} with format: ${format}\n`); try { const summary = await this.apiClient.generateTranscriptSummary(transcript_id, format); return { toolResult: { content: [{ type: "text", text: summary }] } }; } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error generating summary: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); // If the error is related to missing summary data, provide a helpful message if (error instanceof McpError && error.message.includes('Summary not available')) { return { toolResult: { content: [{ type: "text", text: `No summary is available for this transcript (ID: ${transcript_id}). This might be because: 1. The transcript is still being processed 2. The transcript is too short to generate a meaningful summary 3. The summary feature is not enabled for your account You can try: - Checking the transcript details to see if it has been fully processed - Using a different transcript ID - Contacting Fireflies support if you believe this is an error` }] } }; } // For other errors, re-throw throw error; } } default: throw new McpError( ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, `Unknown tool: ${name}` ); } } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error in handleToolCall for ${name}: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); if (error instanceof McpError) { throw error; } // Ensure we're returning a proper McpError if (error instanceof Error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Error processing request: ${error.message}` ); } else { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Unknown error occurred` ); } } } /** * Starts the server */ async start(): Promise<void> { const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await this.server.connect(transport); // Write to stderr to avoid breaking MCP protocol process.stderr.write('Fireflies MCP server is running\n'); } /** * Stops the server */ async stop(): Promise<void> { try { await this.server.close(); } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Error while stopping server: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); } } } // Main execution async function main() { const server = new FirefliesServer(); try { await server.start(); } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Server failed to start: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); process.exit(1); } } main().catch((error) => { process.stderr.write(`Fatal server error: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}\n`); process.exit(1); });