Microsoft SQL Server MCP Server (MSSQL)

by dperussina
// mssql-client.mjs import dotenv from 'dotenv'; import sql from 'mssql'; // Load environment variables dotenv.config(); // Get configuration from environment variables const config = { user: process.env.DB_USER, password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD, server: process.env.DB_SERVER, database: process.env.DB_NAME, options: { encrypt: process.env.DB_ENCRYPT === 'true', trustServerCertificate: process.env.DB_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE === 'true', }, connectionTimeout: 30000, requestTimeout: 30000, pool: { max: 10, min: 0, idleTimeoutMillis: 30000 } }; // Pool for reusing connections let pool = null; /** * Get a SQL Server client with connection pooling * @returns {Promise<sql.ConnectionPool>} Connected SQL client */ export async function getSqlServerClient() { if (!pool) { try { console.log('🔌 Creating new SQL Server connection pool'); pool = await sql.connect(config); // Set up event handlers for the pool pool.on('error', err => { console.error('❌ SQL Pool Error:', err); pool = null; // Reset the pool on error }); console.log('✅ Connected to SQL Server database'); } catch (err) { console.error('❌ Failed to connect to SQL Server:', err.message); // For connection errors, log additional details that might help debugging if (err.code) { console.error(` Error code: ${err.code}`); } if (err.originalError) { console.error(` Original error: ${err.originalError.message}`); } throw err; } } return pool; } /** * Execute a query and get the results * @param {string} query - SQL query to execute * @param {Object} params - Query parameters * @returns {Promise<Array>} Query results */ export async function executeQuery(query, params = {}) { const client = await getSqlServerClient(); try { console.log('🔍 Executing SQL query'); const result = await client.request() .input('params', sql.NVarChar, JSON.stringify(params)) .query(query); console.log(`✅ Query executed successfully, returned ${result.recordset?.length || 0} rows`); return result.recordset || []; } catch (err) { console.error('❌ Query execution error:', err.message); throw err; } } /** * Close the database connection pool */ export async function closeConnection() { if (pool) { try { await pool.close(); console.log('🔌 SQL Server connection pool closed'); pool = null; } catch (err) { console.error('❌ Error closing SQL Server connection:', err.message); throw err; } } } // Export the sql library for direct access if needed export { sql }; /** * MS SQL Server client module * Provides a simple wrapper around the mssql library */ /** * Creates and returns an MS SQL Server client with a specific configuration * @param {Object} dbConfig - Database configuration options * @returns {Object} SQL Server client */ export function createSqlClient(dbConfig) { return { /** * Execute a query against MS SQL Server * @param {string} sqlQuery - SQL query to execute * @returns {Promise<Object>} Query result */ executeQuery: async (sqlQuery) => { try { const pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); try { console.log(`Executing SQL: ${sqlQuery.substring(0, 100)}${sqlQuery.length > 100 ? '...' : ''}`); const result = await pool.request().query(sqlQuery); return result; } finally { await pool.close(); } } catch (err) { console.error('Database query error:', err); throw err; } }, /** * Get a list of all tables in the database * @returns {Promise<Array>} List of table names */ getTables: async () => { try { const pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); try { const result = await pool.request().query(` SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES ORDER BY TABLE_NAME `); return => t.TABLE_NAME); } finally { await pool.close(); } } catch (err) { console.error('Error getting tables:', err); throw err; } }, /** * Get schema information for the database * @returns {Promise<Array>} Schema information */ getSchema: async () => { try { const pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); try { const result = await pool.request().query(` SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, IS_NULLABLE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS ORDER BY TABLE_NAME, ORDINAL_POSITION `); return result.recordset; } finally { await pool.close(); } } catch (err) { console.error('Error getting schema:', err); throw err; } } }; }