
  • src
  • modal_mcp_toolbox
from pathlib import Path from typing import Annotated import modal from mcp import ErrorData, McpError from mcp.types import INVALID_PARAMS, Annotations, TextContent from pydantic import Field async def run_python_code_in_sandbox( code: Annotated[str, Field(description="The python code to run.")], requirements: Annotated[list[str] | None, Field(description="The requirements to install.")] = None, python_version: Annotated[str, Field(description="The python version to use. If not provided defaults to 3.13")] = "3.13", mount_directory: Annotated[ str | None, Field( description="Allows you to make a local directory available at `/mounted-dir` for the code in `code`. Needs to be an absolute path. " "Writes to this directory will NOT be reflected in the local directory." ), ] = None, pull_files: Annotated[ list[tuple[str, str]] | None, Field( description="List of tuples (absolut_path_sandbox_file, absolute_path_local_file). " "When provided downloads the file(s) from the sandbox to the local file(s)." ), ] = None, ) -> TextContent: """ Runs python code in a safe environment and returns the output. Usage: run_python_code_in_sandbox("print('Hello, world!')") run_python_code_in_sandbox("import requests\nprint(requests.get('https://icanhazip.com').text)", requirements=["requests"]) """ app = modal.App.lookup("mcp-toolbox--code", create_if_missing=True) image = modal.Image.debian_slim(python_version=python_version).pip_install(requirements or []) mounts: list[modal.Mount] = [] if mount_directory: mounts.append(modal.Mount.from_local_dir(mount_directory, remote_path="/mounted-dir")) sb = modal.Sandbox.create(image=image, app=app, mounts=mounts) try: exc = sb.exec("python", "-c", code) exc.wait() if exc.returncode != 0: stderr = exc.stderr.read() raise McpError( ErrorData( code=INVALID_PARAMS, message=f"Error running code:\n{stderr}", ) ) if pull_files: for remote_file, local_file in pull_files: if not Path(local_file).parent.exists(): Path(local_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if Path(local_file).exists(): raise McpError( ErrorData( code=INVALID_PARAMS, message=f"File {local_file} already exists.", ) ) with sb.open(remote_file, "rb") as f: with open(local_file, "wb") as f2: f2.write(f.read()) return TextContent(type="text", text=exc.stdout.read(), annotations=Annotations(audience=["user", "assistant"], priority=0.5)) finally: sb.terminate()