import { makeApiRequest } from '../../src/server/utils'; // Need to extract makeApiRequest to a separate file or mock it for testing // At the top of the file, mock fetch to clear timeouts const mockFetch = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { return Promise.resolve({ ok: true, status: 200, text: () => Promise.resolve('{"key": "value"}') }); }); // Mock global fetch global.fetch = mockFetch; // Clear all timeouts after each test afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllTimers(); }); describe('makeApiRequest', () => { beforeEach(() => { // Reset mocks before each test jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('should successfully fetch data', async () => { // Mock successful fetch global.fetch = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, status: 200, text: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('{"key": "value"}'), } as unknown as Response); const result = await makeApiRequest('', 'GET', undefined, 30000, true); expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '', expect.objectContaining({ method: 'GET' }) ); expect(result).toEqual({ key: 'value' }); }); it('should retry on network error', async () => { // Mock fetch with network error first time, then success global.fetch = jest.fn() .mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Network error')) .mockResolvedValueOnce({ ok: true, status: 200, text: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('{"key": "value"}'), } as unknown as Response); const result = await makeApiRequest('', 'GET', undefined, 30000, true); expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(result).toEqual({ key: 'value' }); }); it('should handle timeout errors', async () => { // Mock AbortError (timeout) const abortError = new Error('Timeout'); = 'AbortError'; global.fetch = jest.fn() .mockRejectedValueOnce(abortError) .mockResolvedValueOnce({ ok: true, status: 200, text: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('{"key": "value"}'), } as unknown as Response); const result = await makeApiRequest('', 'GET', undefined, 30000, true); expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(result).toEqual({ key: 'value' }); }); it('should handle HTTP errors', async () => { // Mock 404 error global.fetch = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ok: false, status: 404, text: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('Not found'), } as unknown as Response); const result = await makeApiRequest('', 'GET', undefined, 30000, true); expect(result).toBeNull(); }); });