export const mockPdbData = { '6LU7': { struct: { title: "SARS-CoV-2 main protease in complex with an inhibitor N3" }, rcsb_primary_citation: { title: "Crystal structure of SARS-CoV-2 main protease provides a basis for design of improved α-ketoamide inhibitors", journal_abbrev: "Science", year: 2020 }, rcsb_entry_info: { molecular_weight: 34371.26, deposited_polymer_monomer_count: 306, deposited_atom_count: 2486, polymer_entity_count_protein: 1, ligand_count: 3 }, pdbx_struct_site: [ { id: "AC1", details: "ACTIVE SITE", pdbx_evidence_code: "Software", pdbx_site_details: "Catalytic dyad: HIS41, CYS145" } ], nonpolymer_entities: [ { nonpolymer_comp: { id: "N3", name: "1-{N-[(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl)carbonyl]alanyl}-N-(4-{[(3R)-1-(cyclohexylmethyl)pyrrolidin-3-yl]oxy}phenyl)pyrrolidine-2-carboxamide" }, rcsb_nonpolymer_entity_container_identifiers: { comp_id: "N3" } } ], polymer_entities: [ { rcsb_polymer_entity_container_identifiers: { uniprot_ids: ["P0DTD1"] }, rcsb_entity_polymer_type: "Protein" } ] }, // Non-existent PDB ID 'XXXX': null, // More mock data for other test cases... }; export const mockUniprotData = { 'P0DTD1': { comments: [ { commentType: "FUNCTION", texts: [ { value: "Cleaves the polyprotein at the 3C-like protease self-cleavage site to release the mature protease protein. Mediates the maturation cleavage between non-structural proteins to generate nsps essential for viral replication." } ] } ] } }; export const mockDiseaseSearchResults = { covid: { result_set: [ { identifier: "6LU7" }, { identifier: "7L0D" }, { identifier: "7BZ5" }, { identifier: "7BW4" }, { identifier: "7K3T" } ] }, alzheimer: { result_set: [ { identifier: "1IYT" }, { identifier: "2BEG" }, { identifier: "1TAU" }, { identifier: "2NAO" }, { identifier: "6VIE" } ] } };