import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js"; import { Client } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js"; import { InMemoryTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/inMemory.js"; import { analyzeActiveSite, analyzeActiveSiteSchema } from "../../src/tools/analyzeActiveSite.js"; import { searchDiseaseProteins, searchDiseaseProteinsSchema } from "../../src/tools/searchDiseaseProteins.js"; import { mockPdbData, mockUniprotData, mockDiseaseSearchResults } from "../mocks/pdbData"; import { jest } from '@jest/globals'; // Before all tests, mock the RCSB_PDB_SEARCH_API constant beforeAll(() => { // We'll use more direct mocking jest.spyOn(global, 'fetch').mockImplementation((url, options) => { // Convert URL to string if it's a URL object const urlString = typeof url === 'string' ? url : url.toString(); if (urlString.includes('rcsbsearch/v2/query')) { return Promise.resolve({ ok: true, status: 200, json: () => Promise.resolve({ result_set: [ { identifier: '6LU7', title: 'SARS-CoV-2 main protease' }, { identifier: '7L0D', title: 'SARS-CoV-2 spike protein' } ], total_count: 2 }), text: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify({ result_set: [ { identifier: '6LU7', title: 'SARS-CoV-2 main protease' }, { identifier: '7L0D', title: 'SARS-CoV-2 spike protein' } ], total_count: 2 })) } as unknown as Response); } if (urlString.includes('/core/entry/')) { // Extract PDB ID const pdbId = urlString.split('/').pop()?.split('?')[0]; return Promise.resolve({ ok: true, status: 200, json: () => Promise.resolve({ struct: { title: `${pdbId} protein structure` }, rcsb_primary_citation: { title: `Structure of ${pdbId}`, journal_abbrev: 'Science', year: 2020 } }), text: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify({ struct: { title: `${pdbId} protein structure` }, rcsb_primary_citation: { title: `Structure of ${pdbId}`, journal_abbrev: 'Science', year: 2020 } })) } as unknown as Response); } // Default fallback return Promise.resolve({ ok: false, status: 404, text: () => Promise.resolve('Not found') } as unknown as Response); }); }); // Before the mock for makeApiRequest, add these constants jest.mock('../../src/utils', () => { return require('../../src/server/utils'); }); jest.mock('../../src/server/utils', () => ({ RCSB_PDB_DATA_API: '', UNIPROT_API_BASE: '', RCSB_PDB_SEARCH_API: '', makeApiRequest: jest.fn(async (url: string, method?: string, body?: Record<string, unknown>) => { // Handle REST API requests for PDB entries if (url.includes('/core/entry/')) { // Extract PDB ID and endpoint const urlParts = url.split('/'); const pdbIdIndex = urlParts.indexOf('entry') + 1; const pdbId = urlParts[pdbIdIndex]?.toUpperCase(); const endpoint = urlParts[pdbIdIndex + 1]; if (pdbId) { // Handle specific endpoints if (endpoint === 'struct_site') { if (pdbId === '6LU7') { return [ { id: "AC1", details: "ACTIVE SITE", pdbx_evidence_code: "Software", pdbx_site_details: "Catalytic dyad: HIS41, CYS145" } ]; } return []; } else if (endpoint === 'struct_site_gen') { return []; // Mock empty site gen data } else if (endpoint === 'nonpolymer_entity' || endpoint === 'ligands') { if (pdbId === '6LU7') { return [ { pdbx_entity_nonpoly: { comp_id: "N3", name: "Inhibitor N3" } } ]; } return []; } else if (endpoint === 'polymer_entity') { if (pdbId === '6LU7') { return [ { rcsb_polymer_entity_container_identifiers: { uniprot_ids: ["P0DTD1"] } } ]; } return []; } else { // Basic entry data if (pdbId === '6LU7') { return { struct: { title: 'SARS-CoV-2 main protease in complex with an inhibitor N3' }, rcsb_primary_citation: { title: 'Crystal structure of SARS-CoV-2 main protease', journal_abbrev: 'Science', year: 2020 }, rcsb_entry_info: { molecular_weight: 34371.26, deposited_polymer_monomer_count: 306, deposited_atom_count: 2486, polymer_entity_count_protein: 1, ligand_count: 3 } }; } else if (pdbId === '7L0D') { return { struct: { title: 'SARS-CoV-2 spike protein' }, rcsb_primary_citation: { title: 'Structure of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein', journal_abbrev: 'Nature', year: 2020 } }; } } } return null; } // Handle UniProt API requests if (url.includes('')) { const uniprotId = url.split('/').pop(); if (uniprotId === 'P0DTD1') { return { comments: [ { commentType: "FUNCTION", texts: [ { value: "Cleaves the polyprotein at the 3C-like protease self-cleavage site." } ] } ] }; } return null; } // Handle search API requests if (url.includes('rcsbsearch/v2/query') && method === 'POST') { return { result_set: [ { identifier: '6LU7', title: 'SARS-CoV-2 main protease in complex with an inhibitor N3' }, { identifier: '7L0D', title: 'SARS-CoV-2 spike protein' } ], total_count: 2 }; } return null; }) })); // Need to modify the server code to be importable for testing // or create a test instance of the server describe('MCP Server E2E Tests', () => { let server: McpServer; let client: Client; let serverTransport: InMemoryTransport; let clientTransport: InMemoryTransport; beforeAll(async () => { // Set up a test server instance server = new McpServer({ name: "bio-mcp-test", version: "0.1.0", }); // Add tools directly from our implementation server.tool( "analyze-active-site", "Analyze the active site of a protein structure", analyzeActiveSiteSchema, analyzeActiveSite ); server.tool( "search-disease-proteins", "Search for proteins related to a disease", searchDiseaseProteinsSchema, searchDiseaseProteins ); // Create a linked pair of in-memory transports [clientTransport, serverTransport] = InMemoryTransport.createLinkedPair(); // Create the client client = new Client({ name: "test-client", version: "1.0.0" }); // Connect client and server await server.connect(serverTransport); await client.connect(clientTransport); }); afterAll(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); // Add these to ensure proper cleanup jest.useRealTimers(); jest.clearAllMocks(); }); it('should analyze active site for a valid PDB ID', async () => { // Timeout to prevent infinite hanging jest.setTimeout(5000); const result = await client.callTool({ name: "analyze-active-site", arguments: { pdbId: "6LU7", } }); expect(result).toBeDefined(); // Type assertion to help TypeScript understand the structure const content = result.content as Array<{type: string, text: string}>; expect(content).toBeDefined(); expect(content.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(content[0].type).toBe("text"); expect(content[0].text).toContain("6LU7"); expect(content[0].text).toContain("SARS-CoV-2"); }, 5000); // Add explicit timeout it('should handle invalid PDB IDs gracefully', async () => { // Add timeout to prevent test from hanging jest.setTimeout(5000); const result = await client.callTool({ name: "analyze-active-site", arguments: { pdbId: "XXXX", } }); expect(result).toBeDefined(); // Type assertion to help TypeScript understand the structure const content = result.content as Array<{type: string, text: string}>; expect(content).toBeDefined(); expect(content.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(content[0].type).toBe("text"); expect(content[0].text).toContain("Failed to retrieve structure data"); }, 5000); // Add explicit timeout it('should search for disease proteins', async () => { // Add timeout to prevent test from hanging jest.setTimeout(5000); const result = await client.callTool({ name: "search-disease-proteins", arguments: { disease: "covid", } }); expect(result).toBeDefined(); // Type assertion to help TypeScript understand the structure const content = result.content as Array<{type: string, text: string}>; expect(content).toBeDefined(); expect(content.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(content[0].type).toBe("text"); expect(content[0].text).toContain("Found"); expect(content[0].text).toContain("PDB ID"); }, 5000); // Add explicit timeout });