* BioMCP - Model Context Protocol for Protein Structure Analysis
* Main entry point that coordinates server, client, and agent components
// Re-export server components
export * from './server/index.js';
// Import placeholder for future client exports
// export * from './client/index.js';
// Import placeholder for future agent exports
// export * from './agent/index.js';
// Main function that determines which components to launch based on configuration
async function main() {
// Check command line args to determine which component(s) to launch
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
const launchMode = args[0] || 'server'; // Default to server-only mode
try {
if (launchMode === 'server' || launchMode === 'all') {
// Import and run server
const { main: runServer } = await import('./server/index.js');
await runServer();
// Future client and agent initialization will go here
// if (launchMode === 'client' || launchMode === 'all') { ... }
// if (launchMode === 'agent' || launchMode === 'all') { ... }
} catch (error) {
console.error("Fatal error in BioMCP:", error);
// Check if this file is being run directly
if (import.meta.url.endsWith(process.argv[1].replace(/^file:\/\//, ''))) {
// This is being run directly
main().catch((error) => {
console.error("Fatal error:", error);