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Automating macOS using Claude Computer Use

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  1. Automate macOS using Claude Computer Use and Python
    1. System Requirements
      1. Permissions Setup
        1. How It Works
          1. Setup Guide
            2. Related Projects
              1. Another Python Project
                1. Open Interface

                Just yesterday I shared A 5-Minute Setup Guide for Claude Computer Use. Claude's Computer Use API enables automation of computer operations through screen viewing, cursor control, and text input. While the original demo focused on browser automation, this guide extends these capabilities to system-wide macOS automation.

                Automating macOS using Claude Computer Use
                Commanding Claude to open Spotify

                Automate macOS using Claude Computer Use and Python

                System Requirements

                • macOS 12 (Monterey) or later
                • Python 3.8+
                • Homebrew package manager
                • Terminal application (, iTerm2, etc.)

                Permissions Setup

                It is necessary to give Terminal (or iTerm) permission to control the computer:

                1. Open System Settings
                2. Navigate to Privacy & Security → Accessibility
                3. Enable control for your terminal application

                How It Works

                The automation system consists of three main components:

                1. Claude's Computer Use API

                  • Provides screen analysis capabilities
                  • Interprets visual elements
                  • Makes decisions about automation actions
                2. cliclick

                  • Handles low-level system interaction
                  • Manages mouse movements and clicks
                  • Controls keyboard input
                3. Python Bridge (

                  • Coordinates between Claude and system
                  • Handles scaling and coordinate translation
                  • Manages system commands

                Setup Guide

                1. Install cliclick for mouse & keyboard emulation:

                  brew install cliclick
                2. Clone the Anthropic quickstart repository:

                  git clone
                3. Navigate to the demo directory:

                  cd computer-use-demo
                4. Replace computer-use-demo/computer_use_demo/tools/ with the modified version below

                5. Run the setup script:

                6. Activate the virtual environment:

                  source .venv/bin/activate
                7. Export required environment variables:

                  export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=sk-xxxxxx # replace with your api key export WIDTH=1512 # replace with your screen resolution export HEIGHT=982 # replace with your screen resolution
                8. Start the application:

                  python -m streamlit run computer_use_demo/


                The meat and potatoes of the application.

                import asyncio import base64 import os import shlex import shutil from enum import StrEnum from pathlib import Path from typing import Literal, TypedDict from uuid import uuid4 from anthropic.types.beta import BetaToolComputerUse20241022Param from .base import BaseAnthropicTool, ToolError, ToolResult from .run import run OUTPUT_DIR = "/tmp/outputs" TYPING_DELAY_MS = 12 TYPING_GROUP_SIZE = 50 IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH = 1200 Action = Literal[ "key", "type", "mouse_move", "left_click", "left_click_drag", "right_click", "middle_click", "double_click", "screenshot", "cursor_position", ] class Resolution(TypedDict): width: int height: int class ScalingSource(StrEnum): COMPUTER = "computer" API = "api" class ComputerToolOptions(TypedDict): display_height_px: int display_width_px: int display_number: int | None def chunks(s: str, chunk_size: int) -> list[str]: return [s[i : i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(s), chunk_size)] class ComputerTool(BaseAnthropicTool): """ A tool that allows the agent to interact with the screen, keyboard, and mouse of the current computer. The tool parameters are defined by Anthropic and are not editable. """ name: Literal["computer"] = "computer" api_type: Literal["computer_20241022"] = "computer_20241022" width: int height: int display_num: int | None _screenshot_delay = 2.0 _scaling_enabled = True @property def options(self) -> ComputerToolOptions: width, height = self.scale_coordinates( ScalingSource.COMPUTER, self.width, self.height ) return { "display_width_px": width, "display_height_px": height, "display_number": self.display_num, } def to_params(self) -> BetaToolComputerUse20241022Param: return {"name":, "type": self.api_type, **self.options} def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.width = int(os.getenv("WIDTH") or 0) self.height = int(os.getenv("HEIGHT") or 0) assert self.width and self.height, "WIDTH, HEIGHT must be set" if (display_num := os.getenv("DISPLAY_NUM")) is not None: self.display_num = int(display_num) self._display_prefix = f"DISPLAY=:{self.display_num} " else: self.display_num = None self._display_prefix = "" self.xdotool = f"{self._display_prefix}xdotool" async def __call__( self, *, action: Action, text: str | None = None, coordinate: tuple[int, int] | None = None, **kwargs, ): if action in ("mouse_move", "left_click_drag"): if coordinate is None: raise ToolError(f"coordinate is required for {action}") if text is not None: raise ToolError(f"text is not accepted for {action}") if not isinstance(coordinate, list) or len(coordinate) != 2: raise ToolError(f"{coordinate} must be a tuple of length 2") if not all(isinstance(i, int) and i >= 0 for i in coordinate): raise ToolError(f"{coordinate} must be a tuple of non-negative ints") x, y = self.scale_coordinates( ScalingSource.API, coordinate[0], coordinate[1] ) if action == "mouse_move": return await"cliclick m:{x},{y}") elif action == "left_click_drag": return await"cliclick dd:{x},{y}") if action in ("key", "type"): if text is None: raise ToolError(f"text is required for {action}") if coordinate is not None: raise ToolError(f"coordinate is not accepted for {action}") if not isinstance(text, str): raise ToolError(output=f"{text} must be a string") if action == "key": return await"cliclick kp:{text.lower()}") elif action == "type": results: list[ToolResult] = [] for chunk in chunks(text, TYPING_GROUP_SIZE): cmd = f"cliclick t:'{chunk}'" results.append(await, take_screenshot=False)) screenshot_base64 = (await self.screenshot()).base64_image return ToolResult( output="".join(result.output or "" for result in results), error="".join(result.error or "" for result in results), base64_image=screenshot_base64, ) if action in ( "left_click", "right_click", "double_click", "middle_click", "screenshot", "cursor_position", ): if text is not None: raise ToolError(f"text is not accepted for {action}") if coordinate is not None: raise ToolError(f"coordinate is not accepted for {action}") if action == "screenshot": return await self.screenshot() elif action == "cursor_position": result = await f"cliclick p", take_screenshot=False, ) output = result.output or "" x, y = self.scale_coordinates( ScalingSource.COMPUTER, int(output.split("X=")[1].split("\n")[0]), int(output.split("Y=")[1].split("\n")[0]), ) return result.replace(output=f"X={x},Y={y}") else: click_arg = { "left_click": "c:.", "right_click": "rc:.", "middle_click": "tc:.", "double_click": "dc:.", }[action] return await"cliclick {click_arg}") raise ToolError(f"Invalid action: {action}") async def screenshot(self): """Take a screenshot of the current screen and return the base64 encoded image.""" output_dir = Path(OUTPUT_DIR) output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) path = output_dir / f"screenshot_{uuid4().hex}.png" screenshot_cmd = f"{self._display_prefix}screencapture {path}" result = await, take_screenshot=False) if self._scaling_enabled: x, y = self.scale_coordinates( ScalingSource.COMPUTER, self.width, self.height ) await f"convert {path} -resize {x}x{y}! {path}", take_screenshot=False ) if path.exists(): return result.replace( base64_image=base64.b64encode(path.read_bytes()).decode() ) raise ToolError(f"Failed to take screenshot: {result.error}") async def shell(self, command: str, take_screenshot=True) -> ToolResult: """Run a shell command and return the output, error, and optionally a screenshot.""" _, stdout, stderr = await run(command) base64_image = None if take_screenshot: # delay to let things settle before taking a screenshot await asyncio.sleep(self._screenshot_delay) base64_image = (await self.screenshot()).base64_image return ToolResult(output=stdout, error=stderr, base64_image=base64_image) def scale_coordinates(self, source: ScalingSource, x: int, y: int): """Scale coordinates to a target maximum resolution.""" if not self._scaling_enabled: return x, y ratio = self.width / self.height target_dimension = { "width": IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH, "height": IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH / ratio } # should be less than 1 x_scaling_factor = target_dimension["width"] / self.width y_scaling_factor = target_dimension["height"] / self.height if source == ScalingSource.API: if x > self.width or y > self.height: raise ToolError(f"Coordinates {x}, {y} are out of bounds") # scale up return round(x / x_scaling_factor), round(y / y_scaling_factor) # scale down return round(x * x_scaling_factor), round(y * y_scaling_factor)

                Shoutout to wong2 who is the original author of this code. Here shared the snippet of this code on his Twitter and Reddit. Consider contributing improvements to the original gist.

                Never leave automated sessions unattended - The tool can control your mouse and keyboard, which could lead to unintended actions

                By using this tool, you accept responsibility for any actions performed through the automation interface. When in doubt, test in a safe environment first.

                Related Projects

                Another Python Project

                Open Interface

                Full Autopilot for All Computers Using LLMs
                "Make me a meal plan in Google Docs"

                Open Interface is the most impressive open-source projects I've seen so far in this category.


                • Self-drives computers by sending user requests to an LLM backend (GPT-4V, etc) to figure out the required steps.
                • Automatically executes the steps by simulating keyboard and mouse input.
                • Course-corrects by sending the LLMs a current screenshot of the computer as needed.

                The codebase is also written in Python.