
Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

POSTMAN_API_KEYYesYour Postman API key for authenticating and accessing the Postman resources.



Interactive templates invoked by user choice

list_workspacesShow all available workspaces and their details
list_collectionsShow all collections across workspaces
list_environmentsShow all environments and their variables
list_monitorsShow all active monitors and their status
list_mocksShow all mock servers and their configurations
analyze_collectionAnalyze a Postman collection for potential improvements and best practices
document_apiGenerate documentation for an API based on its collection and schema
suggest_testsSuggest test cases for API endpoints in a collection
review_environmentReview environment variables for security and completeness


Contextual data attached and managed by the client

Postman WorkspacesList of all available Postman workspaces
Current UserInformation about the currently authenticated user
Postman APIsList of all available API definitions
Postman CollectionsList of all available request collections
Postman EnvironmentsList of all available environments
Postman MocksList of all available mock servers
Postman MonitorsList of all available collection monitors
Collection RolesList of roles and permissions for collections
Workspace RolesList of roles and permissions for workspaces
Collection Access KeysList of access keys for collections
Private API Network ElementsList of elements in the Private API Network
WebhooksList of configured webhooks
Tagged ElementsList of elements with specific tags
Workspace TagsList of tags used in workspaces
API TagsList of tags used in APIs


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

list_workspacesList all workspaces
get_workspaceGet details of a specific workspace
list_environmentsList all environments in a workspace. If workspace not specified, lists environments in "My Workspace".
get_environmentGet details of a specific environment
create_environmentCreate a new environment in a workspace. Creates in "My Workspace" if workspace not specified.
update_environmentUpdate an existing environment. Only include variables that need to be modified.
delete_environmentDelete an environment
fork_environmentCreate a fork of an environment in a workspace
get_environment_forksGet a list of environment forks
merge_environment_forkMerge a forked environment back into its parent
pull_environmentPull changes from parent environment into forked environment
list_collectionsList all collections in a workspace. Supports filtering and pagination.
get_collectionGet details of a specific collection
create_collectionCreate a new collection in a workspace. Supports Postman Collection v2.1.0 format.
update_collectionUpdate an existing collection. Full collection replacement with maximum size of 20 MB.
patch_collectionPartially update a collection. Only updates provided fields.
delete_collectionDelete a collection
create_collection_folderCreate a new folder in a collection
get_collection_folderGet details of a specific folder in a collection
update_collection_folderUpdate a folder in a collection. Acts like PATCH, only updates provided values.
delete_collection_folderDelete a folder from a collection
create_collection_requestCreate a new request in a collection
get_collection_requestGet details of a specific request in a collection
update_collection_requestUpdate a request in a collection. Cannot change request folder.
delete_collection_requestDelete a request from a collection
create_collection_responseCreate a new response in a collection
get_collection_responseGet details of a specific response in a collection
update_collection_responseUpdate a response in a collection. Acts like PATCH, only updates provided values.
delete_collection_responseDelete a response from a collection
fork_collectionFork a collection to a workspace
get_collection_forksGet a list of collection forks
merge_collection_forkMerge a forked collection back into its parent
pull_collection_changesPull changes from parent collection into forked collection
transfer_collection_itemsTransfer items between collections
get_user_infoGet information about the authenticated user
list_apisList all APIs in a workspace
get_apiGet details of a specific API
create_apiCreate a new API
update_apiUpdate an existing API
delete_apiDelete an API
add_api_collectionAdd a collection to an API
get_api_collectionGet a specific collection from an API
create_api_schemaCreate a schema for an API
get_api_schemaGet a specific schema from an API
create_api_versionCreate a new version of an API
get_api_versionsGet all versions of an API
get_api_versionGet a specific version of an API
update_api_versionUpdate an API version
delete_api_versionDelete an API version
get_api_commentsGet comments for an API
create_api_commentCreate a new comment on an API (max 10,000 characters)
update_api_commentUpdate an existing API comment (max 10,000 characters)
delete_api_commentDelete an API comment
get_api_tagsGet tags for an API
update_api_tagsUpdate tags for an API
get_api_schema_filesGet files in an API schema
get_schema_file_contentsGet contents of a schema file
create_update_schema_fileCreate or update a schema file
delete_schema_fileDelete a schema file
sync_collection_with_schemaSync a collection with its schema
get_task_statusGet status of an asynchronous task
list_collection_access_keysList collection access keys with optional filtering by collection ID
delete_collection_access_keyDelete a collection access key
list_workspace_rolesGet all available workspace roles based on team's plan
get_workspace_rolesGet roles for a specific workspace
update_workspace_rolesUpdate workspace roles for users and groups (limited to 50 operations per call)
get_collection_rolesGet roles for a collection
update_collection_rolesUpdate collection roles (requires EDITOR role)
get_authenticated_userGet authenticated user information
list_mocksList all mock servers
create_mockCreate a new mock server. Creates in Personal workspace if workspace not specified.
get_mockGet details of a specific mock server
update_mockUpdate an existing mock server
delete_mockDelete a mock server
get_mock_call_logsGet mock call logs. Maximum 6.5MB or 100 call logs per API call. Retention period based on Postman plan.
publish_mockPublish mock server (sets Access Control to public)
unpublish_mockUnpublish mock server (sets Access Control to private)
list_server_responsesGet all server responses for a mock
create_server_responseCreate a server response. Only one server response can be active at a time.
get_server_responseGet a specific server response
update_server_responseUpdate a server response
delete_server_responseDelete a server response
list_monitorsGet all monitors
get_monitorGet details of a specific monitor
create_monitorCreate a new monitor. Cannot create monitors for collections added to an API definition.
update_monitorUpdate an existing monitor
delete_monitorDelete a monitor
run_monitorRun a monitor. For async=true, response won't include stats, executions, and failures. Use GET /monitors/{id} to get this information for async runs.
get_accountsGets Postman billing account details for the given team
list_account_invoicesGets all invoices for a Postman billing account filtered by status
resolve_comment_threadResolves a comment and any associated replies
list_pan_elementsGet all elements and folders in Private API Network
add_pan_elementAdd element or folder to Private API Network
update_pan_elementUpdate element or folder in Private API Network
remove_pan_elementRemove element or folder from Private API Network
create_webhookCreates webhook that triggers collection with custom payload
get_tagged_elementsGet elements by tag
get_workspace_tagsGet workspace tags
update_workspace_tagsUpdate workspace tags