Cloudinary MCP Server
by felores
Upload media (images/videos) to Cloudinary. For large files, the upload is processed in chunks and returns a streaming response. The uploaded asset will be available at:
- HTTP:{cloud_name}/{resource_type}/upload/v1/{public_id}.{format}
- HTTPS:{cloud_name}/{resource_type}/upload/v1/{public_id}.{format} where cloud_name='dadljfaoz', resource_type is 'image' or 'video', and format is determined by the file extension.
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
file | Yes | Path to file, URL, or base64 data URI to upload | |
overwrite | No | Whether to overwrite existing assets with the same public ID | |
public_id | No | Public ID to assign to the uploaded asset. This will be used in the final URL. If not provided, Cloudinary will generate one. | |
resource_type | No | Type of resource to upload. For videos, the upload will return a streaming response as it processes in chunks. | |
tags | No | Tags to assign to the uploaded asset |