Wanaku MCP Server

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# Wanaku Release Guide ## Prepare the environment * Tools required: GraalVM, jreleaser, gpg (with your keys installed and available) and Apache Maven. * Hardware: Linux (x86 64) and macOS (aarch64) ### Keys Make sure you have your GPG keys installed. You can check with the following command: ```shell gpg --list-public-keys --keyid-format LONG ``` **NOTE**: make sure the configuration file is stored securely and not accessible by others. ## Before start Repeat this for every machine to be used for the release. ```shell export CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION=0.0.1 export NEXT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION=0.0.2 ``` **NOTE**: there is no need to add `-SNAPSHOT` to the versions. ## Pre-Release Checks / Dry Run **NOTE**: The steps assume you are primarily building on macOS, with a secondary step on a x86-64 Linux machine. Build the project ```shell mvn -Pdist -Dnative clean package ``` Then, check if the build can be released. **NOTE**: make sure to replace the version with the actual version you are building. ```shell jreleaser full-release -Djreleaser.project.version=${CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}-SNAPSHOT --select-platform=osx-aarch_64 --dry-run ``` Then, on your Linux host, build the project again and check if Linux artifacts can be released. ```shell jreleaser full-release -Djreleaser.project.version=${CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}-SNAPSHOT --select-platform=linux-x86_64 --exclude-distribution=cli --exclude-distribution=router --exclude-distribution=service-kafka --exclude-distribution=service-http --exclude-distribution=provider-file --exclude-distribution=service-yaml-route --exclude-distribution=provider-ftp -Djreleaser.project.snapshot.label="early-access-macos" ``` If everything goes alright, then it should be ready to release. ## Release Maven artifacts ```shell mvn release:clean mvn --batch-mode -Dtag=wanaku-${CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION} release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=${CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION} -DdevelopmentVersion=${NEXT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}-SNAPSHOT mvn -Pdist release:perform ``` After the upload is complete, go to [Maven Central](https://central.sonatype.com/publishing/deployments) and publish the deployment. ## Native Artifacts ### Publish the native artifacts for macOS (aarch64) Now, build the native artifacts for macOS (aarch64) and publish them on GitHub. ```shell mvn -Pdist -Dnative clean package ``` Perform a dry-run to check if everything is OK: ```shell jreleaser full-release -Djreleaser.project.version=${CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION} --select-platform=osx-aarch_64 --dry-run ``` If everything is OK, then publish: ```shell jreleaser full-release -Djreleaser.project.version=${CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION} --select-platform=osx-aarch_64 ``` ### Publish the native artifacts for Linux (x86 64) **NOTE**: this guide assumes the main build was performed on a macOS. If you are not running this on the machine where you cut the release, then fetch the tags ```shell git fetch --all --tags ``` Now, build the native artifacts for macOS (aarch64): ```shell mvn -Pdist -Dnative clean package ``` Check if all went well with a dry-run: ```shell jreleaser full-release -Djreleaser.project.version${CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION} --select-platform=linux-x86_64 --exclude-distribution=cli --exclude-distribution=router --exclude-distribution=service-kafka --exclude-distribution=service-http --exclude-distribution=provider-file --exclude-distribution=service-yaml-route --exclude-distribution=provider-ftp --dry-run ``` Then, run `jreleaser` filtering the source ones, and only publishing the Linux native deliverables on GitHub. ```shell jreleaser full-release -Djreleaser.project.version=${CURRENT_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION} --select-platform=linux-x86_64 --exclude-distribution=cli --exclude-distribution=router --exclude-distribution=service-kafka --exclude-distribution=service-http --exclude-distribution=provider-file --exclude-distribution=service-yaml-route --exclude-distribution=provider-ftp ``` ## Containers This process is automated, but if there is a need to run it manually, then it can be done using the following: ```shell mvn -Pdist -Dquarkus.container-image.build=true -Dquarkus.container-image.push=true clean package ``` **NOTE**: you must be logged in in Quay.io with the Podman (preferred) or Docker CLI.