Wanaku MCP Server

GRAAL_VERSION?=21.0.2-graalce WANAKU_VERSION=0.0.2-SNAPSHOT HOST?=localhost API_ENDPOINT?=http://$(HOST):8080 mkfile_path := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) mkfile_dir := $(dir $(mkfile_path)) help: @echo Make sure to adjust your environment to use Graal. For instance, run "sdk use ${GRAAL_VERSION}" prepare: @echo sdk use java ${GRAAL_VERSION} cli-native: export GRAALVM_HOME=$(JAVA_HOME) mvn -Dnative clean package dist-native: export GRAALVM_HOME=$(JAVA_HOME) mvn -Pdist -Dnative clean package install: mkdir -p $(HOME)/bin install -m755 cli/target/cli-$(WANAKU_VERSION)-runner $(HOME)/bin/wanaku ln -sf $(HOME)/bin/wanaku $(HOME)/bin/wk load-meta: wanaku tools add -n "wanaku-tools-list" --description "List tools available on the Wanaku MCP router" --uri "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/tools/list" --type http wanaku tools add -n "wanaku-resources-list" --description "List resources available on the Wanaku MCP router" --uri "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/resources/list" --type http test-resources: wanaku resources expose --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --location=$(mkfile_dir)/samples/data/test.txt --mimeType=text/plain --description="Sample resource added via CLI" --name="sample-file" --type=file wanaku resources expose --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --location=$(mkfile_dir)./samples/data/ --mimeType=text/plain --description="Sample resource dir added via CLI" --name="sample-dir" --type=file test-tools: wanaku tools add --host $(API_ENDPOINT) -n "meow-facts" --description "Retrieve random facts about cats" --uri "https://meowfacts.herokuapp.com?count={count}" --type http --property "count:int,The count of facts to retrieve" --required count wanaku tools add --host $(API_ENDPOINT) -n "dog-facts" --description "Retrieve random facts about dogs" --uri "https://dogapi.dog/api/v2/facts?limit={count}" --type http --property "count:int,The count of facts to retrieve" --required count wanaku tools add --host $(API_ENDPOINT) -n "hello-camel-generator" --description "Generate a random quote from a Camel rider" --uri "camel://$(mkfile_dir)/samples/routes/camel-route/hello-quote.camel.yaml" --type camel-route --property "_body:string,the data to be passed to the route" test-targets: wanaku targets tools link --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --service=http --target=$(HOST):9000 wanaku targets tools link --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --service=camel-route --target=$(HOST):9001 wanaku targets tools link --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --service=kafka --target=$(HOST):9003 wanaku targets resources link --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --service=file --target=$(HOST):9002 clean-test-tools: wanaku tools remove --name "meow-facts" wanaku tools remove --name "dog-facts" wanaku tools remove --name "hello-camel-generator" clean-test-resources: wanaku resources remove --name "sample-file" wanaku resources remove --name "sample-dir" clean-targets: wanaku targets tools unlink --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --service=http wanaku targets tools unlink --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --service=camel-route wanaku targets tools unlink --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --service=kafka wanaku targets resources unlink --host $(API_ENDPOINT) --service=file wanaku targets resources list wanaku targets tools list clean-data: clean-test-resources clean-test-tools wanaku resources list wanaku tools list load-test: test-resources test-tools test-targets wanaku targets resources list wanaku targets tools list