Neo4j MCP Server

import requests import json import os from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional from dotenv import load_dotenv import argparse import sys from rich.console import Console from rich.table import Table from rich.panel import Panel from rich.syntax import Syntax from rich import print as rprint from rich.prompt import Prompt, Confirm import textwrap from openai import OpenAI # Load environment variables load_dotenv() # Configuration MCP_SERVER_URL = os.getenv("MCP_SERVER_URL", "http://localhost:8000") OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") console = Console() import os from openai import OpenAI from dotenv import load_dotenv # OpenAI configuration OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") class MCPClient: """Client for interacting with the Neo4j MCP Server""" def __init__(self, server_url: str = MCP_SERVER_URL): self.server_url = server_url self.schema = None self.prompts = None def get_schema(self) -> Dict: """Fetch the database schema from the MCP server""" try: response = requests.get(f"{self.server_url}/schema") response.raise_for_status() self.schema = response.json() return self.schema except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: console.print(f"[bold red]Error fetching schema: {str(e)}[/bold red]") return None def get_prompts(self) -> List[Dict]: """Fetch the available analysis prompts from the MCP server""" try: response = requests.get(f"{self.server_url}/prompts") response.raise_for_status() self.prompts = response.json() return self.prompts except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: console.print(f"[bold red]Error fetching prompts: {str(e)}[/bold red]") return None def execute_query(self, cypher: str, parameters: Dict = None) -> Dict: """Execute a Cypher query against the Neo4j database""" if parameters is None: parameters = {} try: response = f"{self.server_url}/query", json={"cypher": cypher, "parameters": parameters} ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: console.print(f"[bold red]Error executing query: {str(e)}[/bold red]") if hasattr(e, 'response') and e.response is not None: console.print(f"[bold red]Server response: {e.response.text}[/bold red]") return None def display_schema(self): """Display the database schema in a readable format""" if not self.schema: self.get_schema() if not self.schema: return # Display node labels node_table = Table(title="Node Labels") node_table.add_column("Label", style="cyan") node_table.add_column("Count", style="magenta") node_table.add_column("Properties", style="green") for node in self.schema.get("nodes", []): node_table.add_row( node["label"], str(node["count"]), ", ".join(node["properties"]) ) console.print(node_table) # Display relationship types rel_table = Table(title="Relationship Types") rel_table.add_column("Type", style="cyan") rel_table.add_column("Count", style="magenta") rel_table.add_column("Source → Target", style="yellow") rel_table.add_column("Properties", style="green") for rel in self.schema.get("relationships", []): rel_table.add_row( rel["type"], str(rel["count"]), f"{' | '.join(rel['source_labels'])} → {' | '.join(rel['target_labels'])}", ", ".join(rel["properties"]) ) console.print(rel_table) def display_prompts(self): """Display available analysis prompts""" if not self.prompts: self.get_prompts() if not self.prompts: return for i, prompt in enumerate(self.prompts, 1): console.print(f"[bold cyan]{i}. {prompt['name']}[/bold cyan]") console.print(f"[italic]{prompt['description']}[/italic]") console.print() def select_prompt(self) -> Dict: """Let the user select a prompt and fill in parameters""" if not self.prompts: self.get_prompts() if not self.prompts: return None self.display_prompts() # Select prompt prompt_index = Prompt.ask( "Select a prompt number", choices=[str(i) for i in range(1, len(self.prompts) + 1)] ) selected_prompt = self.prompts[int(prompt_index) - 1] console.print(f"\n[bold]Selected: {selected_prompt['name']}[/bold]\n") # Display prompt details prompt_text = selected_prompt["prompt"] console.print(Panel(prompt_text, title="Prompt Template")) # Fill in parameters parameters = {} example_parameters = selected_prompt.get("example_parameters", {}) if example_parameters: console.print("\n[bold]Example parameters:[/bold]") for key, value in example_parameters.items(): console.print(f" {key}: {value}") # Extract parameter placeholders from the prompt import re placeholders = re.findall(r'\{([^{}]+)\}', prompt_text) unique_placeholders = set(placeholders) if unique_placeholders: console.print("\n[bold]Enter values for parameters:[/bold]") for param in unique_placeholders: default = example_parameters.get(param, "") value = Prompt.ask(f" {param}", default=str(default)) parameters[param] = value # Extract and modify sample Cypher query sample_query_match ='```\s*([\s\S]+?)\s*```', prompt_text) if sample_query_match: sample_query = # Replace placeholders with user values for param, value in parameters.items(): sample_query = sample_query.replace(f"{{{param}}}", value) console.print("\n[bold]Generated Cypher query:[/bold]") syntax = Syntax(sample_query, "cypher", theme="monokai", line_numbers=True) console.print(syntax) if Confirm.ask("Execute this query?", default=True): return self.execute_prompt_query(sample_query) else: console.print("[yellow]No sample query found in the prompt.[/yellow]") return None def execute_prompt_query(self, query: str) -> Dict: """Execute the query generated from a prompt template""" result = self.execute_query(query) if result: self.display_query_results(result) return result def display_query_results(self, result: Dict): """Display query results in a readable format""" records = result.get("results", []) metadata = result.get("metadata", {}) if not records: console.print("[yellow]No results returned.[/yellow]") return # Get all unique keys from all records all_keys = set() for record in records: all_keys.update(record.keys()) # Create a table with all columns table = Table(title=f"Query Results ({len(records)} records)") for key in all_keys: table.add_column(key) # Add rows to the table for record in records: row_values = [] for key in all_keys: value = record.get(key, "") # Handle different data types for display if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): value = json.dumps(value, indent=2) # Truncate long values if len(value) > 50: value = value[:47] + "..." elif value is None: value = "" row_values.append(str(value)) table.add_row(*row_values) console.print(table) # Display metadata if metadata: console.print("\n[bold]Query Metadata:[/bold]") for key, value in metadata.items(): console.print(f" {key}: {value}") def interactive_query(self): """Allow the user to enter a custom Cypher query""" console.print("\n[bold]Enter a Cypher query:[/bold]") console.print("[italic](Press Enter twice when finished)[/italic]") lines = [] while True: line = input() if not line and lines and not lines[-1]: # Empty line after content, break break lines.append(line) query = "\n".join(lines).strip() if not query: console.print("[yellow]No query entered.[/yellow]") return syntax = Syntax(query, "cypher", theme="monokai", line_numbers=True) console.print("\n[bold]Executing query:[/bold]") console.print(syntax) result = self.execute_query(query) if result: self.display_query_results(result) class MCPClientWithLLM(MCPClient): """Extended MCP Client with OpenAI LLM integration""" def __init__(self, server_url=MCP_SERVER_URL, model="gpt-4"): super().__init__(server_url) self.openai_client = OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) self.model = model def generate_query_with_llm(self, user_input, schema=None): """Use OpenAI to generate a Cypher query based on user input and schema""" if not schema: schema = self.get_schema() # Create a system message with the database schema system_message = f""" You are a Neo4j database expert. Given the following database schema: Nodes: {', '.join([node['label'] for node in schema['nodes']])} Relationships: {', '.join([rel['type'] for rel in schema['relationships']])} Generate a Cypher query that answers the user's question. Return ONLY the Cypher query without any explanations. """ # Call the OpenAI API response = model=self.model, messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": system_message}, {"role": "user", "content": user_input} ], temperature=0.1 # Low temperature for more deterministic outputs ) # Extract the generated Cypher query cypher_query = response.choices[0].message.content.strip() # Remove markdown code blocks if present if cypher_query.startswith("``````"): cypher_query = cypher_query.strip("```") if cypher_query.startswith("cypher"): cypher_query = cypher_query[6:].strip() return cypher_query def analyze_results_with_llm(self, user_query, results): """Use OpenAI to analyze and explain query results""" if not results: return "No results found." # Create a prompt for analyzing the results prompt = f""" The user asked: "{user_query}" The database returned these results: {results} Please analyze these results and provide a clear, concise explanation. """ # Call the OpenAI API response = model=self.model, messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}], temperature=0.7 ) # Correctly access the content of the response return response.choices[0].message.content def main(): """Main entry point for the CLI""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Neo4j MCP Client") parser.add_argument("--server", help="MCP server URL", default=MCP_SERVER_URL) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", help="Command to execute") # Schema command subparsers.add_parser("schema", help="Display database schema") # Query command query_parser = subparsers.add_parser("query", help="Execute a Cypher query") query_parser.add_argument("--file", help="File containing the Cypher query") query_parser.add_argument("--query", help="Cypher query string") # Prompts command prompt_parser = subparsers.add_parser("prompts", help="Work with analysis prompts") prompt_parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", help="List available prompts") prompt_parser.add_argument("--select", action="store_true", help="Select and use a prompt") # Interactive mode subparsers.add_parser("interactive", help="Start interactive mode") args = parser.parse_args() client = MCPClientWithLLM(server_url=args.server) if args.command == "schema": client.display_schema() elif args.command == "query": if args.file: try: with open(args.file, 'r') as f: query = except Exception as e: console.print(f"[bold red]Error reading file: {str(e)}[/bold red]") return elif args.query: query = args.query else: client.interactive_query() return result = client.execute_query(query) if result: client.display_query_results(result) elif args.command == "prompts": if args.list: client.display_prompts() elif client.select_prompt() else: client.display_prompts() client.select_prompt() elif args.command == "interactive" or not args.command: llm_interactive_mode(client) else: parser.print_help() def interactive_mode(client: MCPClient): """Run the client in interactive mode""" console.print("[bold]Neo4j MCP Client[/bold] - Interactive Mode") console.print("Type 'help' for available commands, 'exit' to quit\n") while True: command = Prompt.ask("mcp").lower() if command == "exit" or command == "quit": break elif command == "help": console.print("\n[bold]Available commands:[/bold]") console.print(" schema - Display database schema") console.print(" query - Enter and execute a Cypher query") console.print(" prompts - List and select analysis prompts") console.print(" examples - Show example queries") console.print(" clear - Clear the screen") console.print(" exit - Exit the client\n") elif command == "schema": client.display_schema() elif command == "query": client.interactive_query() elif command == "prompts": client.select_prompt() elif command == "examples": console.print("\n[bold]Example queries:[/bold]") examples = [ ("Get all node labels", "MATCH (n) RETURN DISTINCT labels(n) AS labels, COUNT(*) AS count"), ("Get all relationship types", "MATCH ()-[r]->() RETURN DISTINCT type(r) AS type, COUNT(*) AS count"), ("Find a specific node", "MATCH (n:Loan {loanId: 105}) RETURN n"), ("Find connected nodes", "MATCH (n:Borrower)-[r]-(m) RETURN, type(r), m LIMIT 10"), ("Find paths between nodes", "MATCH path = (a:Borrower)-[*1..3]-(b:Borrower) WHERE a.borrowerId <> b.borrowerId RETURN path LIMIT 5"), ] for i, (desc, query) in enumerate(examples, 1): console.print(f"\n[bold cyan]{i}. {desc}[/bold cyan]") syntax = Syntax(query, "cypher", theme="monokai") console.print(syntax) example_index = Prompt.ask( "\nSelect an example to run (or 0 to skip)", choices=["0"] + [str(i) for i in range(1, len(examples) + 1)], default="0" ) if example_index != "0": query = examples[int(example_index) - 1][1] result = client.execute_query(query) if result: client.display_query_results(result) elif command == "clear": os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') else: console.print("[yellow]Unknown command. Type 'help' for available commands.[/yellow]") def llm_interactive_mode(client: MCPClientWithLLM): """Run the client in LLM-assisted interactive mode""" console.print("[bold]Neo4j MCP Client with OpenAI[/bold] - Interactive Mode") console.print("Type 'help' for available commands, 'exit' to quit\n") while True: command = Prompt.ask("mcp").lower() if command == "exit" or command == "quit": break elif command == "help": console.print("\n[bold]Available commands:[/bold]") console.print(" schema - Display database schema") console.print(" query - Enter and execute a Cypher query") console.print(" ask - Ask a natural language question") console.print(" prompts - List and select analysis prompts") console.print(" clear - Clear the screen") console.print(" exit - Exit the client\n") elif command == "schema": client.display_schema() elif command == "query": client.interactive_query() elif command == "ask": question = Prompt.ask("\n[bold]Enter your question about the database[/bold]") console.print("[italic]Generating Cypher query...[/italic]") # Generate Cypher query using LLM cypher_query = client.generate_query_with_llm(question) # Display and execute the query console.print("\n[bold]Generated Cypher query:[/bold]") syntax = Syntax(cypher_query, "cypher", theme="monokai", line_numbers=True) console.print(syntax) if Confirm.ask("Execute this query?", default=True): result = client.execute_query(cypher_query) if result: client.display_query_results(result) # Analyze results with LLM console.print("\n[bold]Analysis:[/bold]") analysis = client.analyze_results_with_llm(question, result) console.print(Panel(analysis, title="AI Analysis")) elif command == "prompts": client.select_prompt() elif command == "clear": os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') else: console.print("[yellow]Unknown command. Type 'help' for available commands.[/yellow]") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: console.print("\n[bold]Exiting...[/bold]") sys.exit(0)