• Communication
security – no known vulnerabilities (report Issue)
license - permissive license (MIT)
quality - confirmed to work

MCP Server for the Slack API, enabling Claude to interact with Slack workspaces.

  1. Tools
  2. Prompts
  3. Resources
  4. Server Configuration
  5. README.md


Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

slack_list_channelsList public channels in the workspace with pagination
slack_post_messagePost a new message to a Slack channel
slack_reply_to_threadReply to a specific message thread in Slack
slack_add_reactionAdd a reaction emoji to a message
slack_get_channel_historyGet recent messages from a channel
slack_get_thread_repliesGet all replies in a message thread
slack_get_usersGet a list of all users in the workspace with their basic profile information
slack_get_user_profileGet detailed profile information for a specific user

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

SLACK_TEAM_IDYesYour Slack Team ID, starts with 'T'
SLACK_BOT_TOKENYesThe Bot User OAuth Token for your Slack app, starts with 'xoxb-'

Slack MCP Server

MCP Server for the Slack API, enabling Claude to interact with Slack workspaces.


  1. slack_list_channels
    • List public channels in the workspace
    • Optional inputs:
      • limit (number, default: 100, max: 200): Maximum number of channels to return
      • cursor (string): Pagination cursor for next page
    • Returns: List of channels with their IDs and information
  2. slack_post_message
    • Post a new message to a Slack channel
    • Required inputs:
      • channel_id (string): The ID of the channel to post to
      • text (string): The message text to post
    • Returns: Message posting confirmation and timestamp
  3. slack_reply_to_thread
    • Reply to a specific message thread
    • Required inputs:
      • channel_id (string): The channel containing the thread
      • thread_ts (string): Timestamp of the parent message
      • text (string): The reply text
    • Returns: Reply confirmation and timestamp
  4. slack_add_reaction
    • Add an emoji reaction to a message
    • Required inputs:
      • channel_id (string): The channel containing the message
      • timestamp (string): Message timestamp to react to
      • reaction (string): Emoji name without colons
    • Returns: Reaction confirmation
  5. slack_get_channel_history
    • Get recent messages from a channel
    • Required inputs:
      • channel_id (string): The channel ID
    • Optional inputs:
      • limit (number, default: 10): Number of messages to retrieve
    • Returns: List of messages with their content and metadata
  6. slack_get_thread_replies
    • Get all replies in a message thread
    • Required inputs:
      • channel_id (string): The channel containing the thread
      • thread_ts (string): Timestamp of the parent message
    • Returns: List of replies with their content and metadata
  7. slack_get_users
    • Get list of workspace users with basic profile information
    • Optional inputs:
      • cursor (string): Pagination cursor for next page
      • limit (number, default: 100, max: 200): Maximum users to return
    • Returns: List of users with their basic profiles
  8. slack_get_user_profile
    • Get detailed profile information for a specific user
    • Required inputs:
      • user_id (string): The user's ID
    • Returns: Detailed user profile information


  1. Create a Slack App:
    • Visit the Slack Apps page
    • Click "Create New App"
    • Choose "From scratch"
    • Name your app and select your workspace
  2. Configure Bot Token Scopes: Navigate to "OAuth & Permissions" and add these scopes:
    • channels:history - View messages and other content in public channels
    • channels:read - View basic channel information
    • chat:write - Send messages as the app
    • reactions:write - Add emoji reactions to messages
    • users:read - View users and their basic information
  3. Install App to Workspace:
    • Click "Install to Workspace" and authorize the app
    • Save the "Bot User OAuth Token" that starts with xoxb-
  4. Get your Team ID (starts with a T) by following this guidance

Usage with Claude Desktop

Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "slack": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-slack" ], "env": { "SLACK_BOT_TOKEN": "xoxb-your-bot-token", "SLACK_TEAM_ID": "T01234567" } } } }


If you encounter permission errors, verify that:

  1. All required scopes are added to your Slack app
  2. The app is properly installed to your workspace
  3. The tokens and workspace ID are correctly copied to your configuration
  4. The app has been added to the channels it needs to access


This MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT License. For more details, please see the LICENSE file in the project repository.

GitHub Badge

Glama performs regular codebase and documentation scans to:

  • Confirm that the MCP server is working as expected.
  • Confirm that there are no obvious security issues with dependencies of the server.
  • Extract server characteristics such as tools, resources, prompts, and required parameters.

Our directory badge helps users to quickly asses that the MCP server is safe, server capabilities, and instructions for installing the server.

Copy the following code to your README.md file:

Alternative MCP servers

  • -
    This server provides a comprehensive integration with Zendesk. Retrieving and managing tickets and comments. Ticket analyzes and response drafting. Access to help center articles as knowledge base.
  • A
    A Model Context Protocol server that provides read and write access to Airtable databases. This server enables LLMs to inspect database schemas, then read and write records.
  • -
    MCP Server for the Notion API, enabling Claude to interact with Notion workspaces.