
'use strict'; var callBind = require('../'); var hasStrictMode = require('has-strict-mode')(); var forEach = require('for-each'); var inspect = require('object-inspect'); var v = require('es-value-fixtures'); var test = require('tape'); test('callBindBasic', function (t) { forEach(v.nonFunctions, function (nonFunction) { t['throws']( // @ts-expect-error function () { callBind([nonFunction]); }, TypeError, inspect(nonFunction) + ' is not a function' ); }); var sentinel = { sentinel: true }; /** @type {<T, A extends number, B extends number>(this: T, a: A, b: B) => [T | undefined, A, B]} */ var func = function (a, b) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this return [!hasStrictMode && this === global ? undefined : this, a, b]; }; t.equal(func.length, 2, 'original function length is 2'); /** type {(thisArg: unknown, a: number, b: number) => [unknown, number, number]} */ var bound = callBind([func]); /** type {((a: number, b: number) => [typeof sentinel, typeof a, typeof b])} */ var boundR = callBind([func, sentinel]); /** type {((b: number) => [typeof sentinel, number, typeof b])} */ var boundArg = callBind([func, sentinel, /** @type {const} */ (1)]); // @ts-expect-error t.deepEqual(bound(), [undefined, undefined, undefined], 'bound func with no args'); // @ts-expect-error t.deepEqual(func(), [undefined, undefined, undefined], 'unbound func with too few args'); // @ts-expect-error t.deepEqual(bound(1, 2), [hasStrictMode ? 1 : Object(1), 2, undefined], 'bound func too few args'); // @ts-expect-error t.deepEqual(boundR(), [sentinel, undefined, undefined], 'bound func with receiver, with too few args'); // @ts-expect-error t.deepEqual(boundArg(), [sentinel, 1, undefined], 'bound func with receiver and arg, with too few args'); t.deepEqual(func(1, 2), [undefined, 1, 2], 'unbound func with right args'); t.deepEqual(bound(1, 2, 3), [hasStrictMode ? 1 : Object(1), 2, 3], 'bound func with right args'); t.deepEqual(boundR(1, 2), [sentinel, 1, 2], 'bound func with receiver, with right args'); t.deepEqual(boundArg(2), [sentinel, 1, 2], 'bound func with receiver and arg, with right arg'); // @ts-expect-error t.deepEqual(func(1, 2, 3), [undefined, 1, 2], 'unbound func with too many args'); // @ts-expect-error t.deepEqual(bound(1, 2, 3, 4), [hasStrictMode ? 1 : Object(1), 2, 3], 'bound func with too many args'); // @ts-expect-error t.deepEqual(boundR(1, 2, 3), [sentinel, 1, 2], 'bound func with receiver, with too many args'); // @ts-expect-error t.deepEqual(boundArg(2, 3), [sentinel, 1, 2], 'bound func with receiver and arg, with too many args'); t.end(); });