
import { Protocol } from "../shared/protocol.js"; import { CreateMessageResultSchema, EmptyResultSchema, InitializedNotificationSchema, InitializeRequestSchema, LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ListPromptsRequestSchema, ListResourcesRequestSchema, ListRootsResultSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema, SetLevelRequestSchema, SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS } from "../types.js"; /** * An MCP server on top of a pluggable transport. * * This server will automatically respond to the initialization flow as initiated from the client. * * To use with custom types, extend the base Request/Notification/Result types and pass them as type parameters: * * ```typescript * // Custom schemas * const CustomRequestSchema = RequestSchema.extend({...}) * const CustomNotificationSchema = NotificationSchema.extend({...}) * const CustomResultSchema = ResultSchema.extend({...}) * * // Type aliases * type CustomRequest = z.infer<typeof CustomRequestSchema> * type CustomNotification = z.infer<typeof CustomNotificationSchema> * type CustomResult = z.infer<typeof CustomResultSchema> * * // Create typed server * const server = new Server<CustomRequest, CustomNotification, CustomResult>({ * name: "CustomServer", * version: "1.0.0" * }) * ``` */ export class Server extends Protocol { /** * Initializes this server with the given name and version information. */ constructor(_serverInfo) { super(); this._serverInfo = _serverInfo; this.setRequestHandler(InitializeRequestSchema, (request) => this._oninitialize(request)); this.setNotificationHandler(InitializedNotificationSchema, () => { var _a; return (_a = this.oninitialized) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; }); } async _oninitialize(request) { const requestedVersion = request.params.protocolVersion; this._clientCapabilities = request.params.capabilities; this._clientVersion = request.params.clientInfo; return { protocolVersion: SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS.includes(requestedVersion) ? requestedVersion : LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION, capabilities: this.getCapabilities(), serverInfo: this._serverInfo, }; } /** * After initialization has completed, this will be populated with the client's reported capabilities. */ getClientCapabilities() { return this._clientCapabilities; } /** * After initialization has completed, this will be populated with information about the client's name and version. */ getClientVersion() { return this._clientVersion; } getCapabilities() { return { prompts: this._requestHandlers.has(ListPromptsRequestSchema.shape.method.value) ? {} : undefined, resources: this._requestHandlers.has(ListResourcesRequestSchema.shape.method.value) ? {} : undefined, tools: this._requestHandlers.has(ListToolsRequestSchema.shape.method.value) ? {} : undefined, logging: this._requestHandlers.has(SetLevelRequestSchema.shape.method.value) ? {} : undefined, }; } async ping() { return this.request({ method: "ping" }, EmptyResultSchema); } async createMessage(params, onprogress) { return this.request({ method: "sampling/createMessage", params }, CreateMessageResultSchema, onprogress); } async listRoots(params, onprogress) { return this.request({ method: "roots/list", params }, ListRootsResultSchema, onprogress); } async sendLoggingMessage(params) { return this.notification({ method: "notifications/message", params }); } async sendResourceUpdated(params) { return this.notification({ method: "notifications/resources/updated", params, }); } async sendResourceListChanged() { return this.notification({ method: "notifications/resources/list_changed", }); } async sendToolListChanged() { return this.notification({ method: "notifications/tools/list_changed" }); } async sendPromptListChanged() { return this.notification({ method: "notifications/prompts/list_changed" }); } } //#