Speech MCP
by Kvadratni
- src
- speech_mcp
- ui
- components
Audio visualizer component for the Speech UI.
This module provides a PyQt widget for visualizing audio levels and waveforms.
import time
import math
import random
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QTimer, QRectF
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QColor, QPen, QLinearGradient
class AudioVisualizer(QWidget):
Widget for visualizing audio levels and waveforms.
def __init__(self, parent=None, mode="user", width_factor=1.0):
Initialize the audio visualizer.
parent: Parent widget
mode: "user" or "agent" to determine color scheme
width_factor: Factor to adjust the width of bars (1.0 = full width, 0.5 = half width)
self.audio_levels = [0.0] * 50 # Store recent audio levels
self.setStyleSheet("background-color: #1e1e1e;")
self.mode = mode
self.width_factor = width_factor
self.active = False # Track if visualizer is active
# Set colors based on mode
if self.mode == "user":
self.bar_color = QColor(0, 200, 255, 180) # Blue for user
self.glow_color = QColor(0, 120, 255, 80) # Softer blue glow
self.bar_color = QColor(0, 255, 100, 200) # Brighter green for agent
self.glow_color = QColor(0, 220, 100, 100) # Stronger green glow
# Inactive colors (grey)
self.inactive_bar_color = QColor(100, 100, 100, 120) # Grey for inactive
self.inactive_glow_color = QColor(80, 80, 80, 60) # Softer grey glow
# Add a smoothing factor to make the visualization less jumpy
self.smoothing_factor = 0.3
self.last_level = 0.0
# Timer for animation
self.animation_timer = QTimer(self)
self.animation_timer.start(30) # Update at ~30fps
# Animation time for dynamic effects
self.animation_time = 0.0
# Pre-recorded animation patterns for agent mode
if self.mode == "agent":
self.current_pattern = "wave" # Default pattern
# For agent mode, we need to ensure continuous updates
# This is a backup timer in case the main animation timer stops
self.agent_update_timer = QTimer(self)
self.agent_update_timer.start(100) # Backup timer at 10fps
def continuous_update(self):
"""Ensure continuous updates for agent visualization"""
if self.mode == "agent" and self.active:
self.update() # Force a repaint
def initialize_prerecorded_patterns(self):
"""Initialize pre-recorded animation patterns for agent visualization"""
# Create different animation patterns
self.patterns = {
"wave": self.generate_wave_pattern(),
"pulse": self.generate_pulse_pattern(),
"bounce": self.generate_bounce_pattern()
self.pattern_index = 0
def generate_wave_pattern(self):
"""Generate a smooth wave pattern"""
pattern = []
# Create a smooth sine wave pattern
steps = 40
for i in range(steps):
# Sine wave with varying amplitude
angle = (i / steps) * (2 * math.pi)
level = 0.3 + 0.4 * math.sin(angle)
return pattern
def generate_pulse_pattern(self):
"""Generate a pulsing pattern"""
pattern = []
# Create a pulsing pattern
steps = 30
for i in range(steps):
# Pulse wave (higher in middle)
position = i / steps
if position < 0.5:
level = 0.3 + 1.2 * position # Rising
level = 0.3 + 1.2 * (1.0 - position) # Falling
pattern.append(level * 0.7) # Scale to appropriate range
return pattern
def generate_bounce_pattern(self):
"""Generate a bouncing pattern"""
pattern = []
# Create a bouncing pattern
steps = 25
for i in range(steps):
# Bouncing effect
position = i / steps
level = 0.7 - 0.6 * abs(math.sin(position * math.pi))
return pattern
def set_active(self, active):
"""Set the visualizer as active or inactive."""
self.active = active
if active and self.mode == "agent":
# Reset pattern index when activating
self.pattern_index = 0
# Randomly select a pattern
patterns = list(self.patterns.keys())
self.current_pattern = random.choice(patterns)
def update_level(self, level):
"""Update with a new audio level."""
if self.mode == "agent" and hasattr(self, 'patterns'):
# For agent mode, we use pre-recorded patterns instead of audio input
# This is only called to trigger animation updates
self.animation_time += 0.1
# For user mode, we still use the audio input
# Apply smoothing to avoid abrupt changes
smoothed_level = (level * (1.0 - self.smoothing_factor)) + (self.last_level * self.smoothing_factor)
self.last_level = smoothed_level
# For center-rising visualization, we just need to update the current level
# We'll shift all values in paintEvent
# Update animation time
self.animation_time += 0.1
def paintEvent(self, event):
"""Draw the audio visualization."""
painter = QPainter(self)
# Draw background
painter.fillRect(event.rect(), QColor(30, 30, 30))
# Draw waveform
width = self.width()
height = self.height()
mid_height = height / 2
# Choose colors based on active state
if self.active:
bar_color = self.bar_color
glow_color = self.glow_color
bar_color = self.inactive_bar_color
glow_color = self.inactive_glow_color
# Set pen for waveform
pen = QPen(bar_color)
# Draw the center-rising waveform
# We'll draw bars at different positions with heights based on audio levels
bar_count = 40 # Number of bars to draw
bar_width = (width / bar_count) * self.width_factor
bar_spacing = 2 # Pixels between bars
# Calculate animation phase for dynamic effects
# Use system time to ensure continuous animation even if update calls are irregular
phase = time.time() % (2 * math.pi)
# Special handling for agent mode with pre-recorded patterns
if self.mode == "agent" and hasattr(self, 'patterns') and self.active:
pattern = self.patterns[self.current_pattern]
pattern_length = len(pattern)
# Use time-based animation instead of incrementing an index
# This ensures smooth animation even if paintEvent calls are delayed
time_index = int((time.time() * 10) % pattern_length)
# Draw bars using the pre-recorded pattern
for i in range(bar_count):
# Calculate pattern index with wrapping
pattern_idx = (time_index + i) % pattern_length
base_level = pattern[pattern_idx]
# Add subtle wave effect to make visualization more dynamic
wave_effect = 0.05 * math.sin(phase + i * 0.2)
level = max(0.0, min(1.0, base_level + wave_effect))
# Calculate bar height based on level
bar_height = level * mid_height * 0.95
# Calculate x position (centered)
x = (width / 2) + (i * bar_width / 2) - (bar_width / 2)
x_mirror = (width / 2) - (i * bar_width / 2) - (bar_width / 2)
# Draw the bar (right side)
if i < bar_count / 2:
# Draw glow effect first (larger, more transparent)
glow_rect = QRectF(
x - bar_width * 0.2,
mid_height - bar_height * 1.1,
(bar_width - bar_spacing) * 1.4,
bar_height * 2.2
painter.fillRect(glow_rect, QColor(
80 - i * 2
# Draw the main bar
rect = QRectF(x, mid_height - bar_height, bar_width - bar_spacing, bar_height * 2)
painter.fillRect(rect, QColor(
180 - i * 3
# Draw the mirrored bar (left side)
if i < bar_count / 2:
# Draw glow effect first
glow_rect_mirror = QRectF(
x_mirror - bar_width * 0.2,
mid_height - bar_height * 1.1,
(bar_width - bar_spacing) * 1.4,
bar_height * 2.2
painter.fillRect(glow_rect_mirror, QColor(
80 - i * 2
# Draw the main bar
rect_mirror = QRectF(x_mirror, mid_height - bar_height, bar_width - bar_spacing, bar_height * 2)
painter.fillRect(rect_mirror, QColor(
180 - i * 3
# Request another update to keep the animation going
# Original code for user mode or inactive agent mode
for i in range(bar_count):
# Calculate the position in the audio_levels array
# Center bars use the most recent values
if i < len(self.audio_levels):
# For bars in the middle, use the most recent levels
level_idx = len(self.audio_levels) - 1 - i
if level_idx >= 0:
level = self.audio_levels[level_idx]
level = 0.0
level = 0.0
# If inactive, flatten the visualization
if not self.active:
level = level * 0.2 # Reduce height significantly when inactive
# Add subtle wave effect to make visualization more dynamic
wave_effect = 0.05 * math.sin(phase + i * 0.2)
level = max(0.0, min(1.0, level + wave_effect))
# Calculate bar height based on level
bar_height = level * mid_height * 0.95
# Calculate x position (centered)
x = (width / 2) + (i * bar_width / 2) - (bar_width / 2)
x_mirror = (width / 2) - (i * bar_width / 2) - (bar_width / 2)
# Draw the bar (right side)
if i < bar_count / 2:
# Draw glow effect first (larger, more transparent)
glow_rect = QRectF(
x - bar_width * 0.2,
mid_height - bar_height * 1.1,
(bar_width - bar_spacing) * 1.4,
bar_height * 2.2
painter.fillRect(glow_rect, QColor(
80 - i * 2
# Draw the main bar
rect = QRectF(x, mid_height - bar_height, bar_width - bar_spacing, bar_height * 2)
painter.fillRect(rect, QColor(
180 - i * 3
# Draw the mirrored bar (left side)
if i < bar_count / 2:
# Draw glow effect first
glow_rect_mirror = QRectF(
x_mirror - bar_width * 0.2,
mid_height - bar_height * 1.1,
(bar_width - bar_spacing) * 1.4,
bar_height * 2.2
painter.fillRect(glow_rect_mirror, QColor(
80 - i * 2
# Draw the main bar
rect_mirror = QRectF(x_mirror, mid_height - bar_height, bar_width - bar_spacing, bar_height * 2)
painter.fillRect(rect_mirror, QColor(
180 - i * 3
# Draw a thin center line with a gradient
gradient = QLinearGradient(0, mid_height, width, mid_height)
gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(100, 100, 100, 0))
gradient.setColorAt(0.5, QColor(100, 100, 100, 100))
gradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(100, 100, 100, 0))
painter.setPen(QPen(gradient, 1))
painter.drawLine(0, int(mid_height), width, int(mid_height))