Gauntlet-Incept MCP

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Connects to an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL instance for storing educational content and associated metadata

  • Enables containerized deployment of the Gauntlet Incept system, including the MCP server and API components

  • Provides version control for the project codebase and documentation


A system for generating high-quality educational content tailored to students' knowledge levels and interests.

Project Description

This repository contains the code and resources for the Gauntlet-Incept project, which aims to build a system that generates high-quality educational content for K-8 students. The initial scope focuses on developing educational content in the form of articles and question banks for specific subject areas.


Project Structure

gauntlet-incept/ ├── docs/ # Documentation files ├── src/ # Source code │ ├── api/ # API routes │ ├── models/ # Data models │ ├── services/ # Business logic │ ├── utils/ # Utility functions │ ├── data/ # Data files │ ├── tests/ # Test files │ ├── index.js # Entry point for REST API │ └── mcp-server.js # Model Context Protocol server ├── services/ # Microservices │ ├── qti-service/ # QTI service for content storage │ └── llm-service/ # LLM service for content generation ├── .env.example # Example environment variables ├── .gitignore # Git ignore file ├── package.json # Node.js package file ├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration ├── Dockerfile # Docker configuration └── # This file

API Endpoints

The project implements six core API endpoints:

Question Endpoints

  • POST /api/question/tag - Tag a question with subject, grade, standard, lesson, and difficulty
  • POST /api/question/grade - Grade a tagged question against quality standards
  • POST /api/question/generate - Generate a question based on tags or an example question

Article Endpoints

  • POST /api/article/tag - Tag an article with subject, grade, standard, and lesson
  • POST /api/article/grade - Grade a tagged article against quality standards
  • POST /api/article/generate - Generate an article based on tags or an example article

Model Context Protocol (MCP) Server

In addition to the REST API, this project includes an MCP server that allows Claude Desktop to interact with the Gauntlet Incept system. This enables Claude to generate, tag, and grade educational content directly.

See the MCP Server Guide for details on how to set up and use the MCP server with Claude Desktop.

Getting Started


  • Git
  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • Access to the RDS PostgreSQL database (credentials provided by administrator)
  • SSH key for database connection (if connecting through SSH tunnel)
  • Docker and Docker Compose (optional, for containerized deployment)


  1. Clone the repository
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory
    cd Gauntlet-Incept
  3. Install dependencies
    npm install
  4. Copy the example environment file and update it with your values
    cp .env.example .env
  5. Run the project
    npm start

Running with Docker

  1. Build and start the containers
    docker-compose up -d
  2. Access the API at http://localhost:3000
  3. Access the MCP server at http://localhost:3001

Database Connection

This project connects to an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL instance with the following details:

  • Host:
  • Port: 5432
  • Database: core
  • Username: postgres

Note: The password is stored in environment variables and not directly in the code for security reasons.

If you need to connect through an SSH tunnel, you'll need to set up the tunnel separately before starting the application.


Running in Development Mode

npm run dev

Running the MCP Server

npm run mcp

Running Tests

npm test


npm run lint

Project Checklist

  • Initialize Git repository
  • Create basic project structure
  • Add .gitignore file
  • Create initial commit
  • Set up project documentation
  • Create implementation checklist
  • Set up API routes and service structure
  • Implement placeholder functionality for core services
  • Set up Docker containerization
  • Implement MCP server for Claude Desktop integration
  • Configure connection to RDS PostgreSQL database
  • Implement actual functionality with LLM integration
  • Add tests
  • Review and finalize




[Your contact information]

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Enables Claude Desktop to interact with the Gauntlet Incept system for generating, tagging, and grading educational content for K-8 students directly through natural language.

  1. Project Description
    1. Documentation
      1. Project Structure
        1. API Endpoints
          1. Question Endpoints
            1. Article Endpoints
            2. Model Context Protocol (MCP) Server
              1. Getting Started
                1. Prerequisites
                  1. Installation
                    1. Running with Docker
                      1. Database Connection
                      2. Development
                        1. Running in Development Mode
                          1. Running the MCP Server
                            1. Running Tests
                              1. Linting
                              2. Project Checklist
                                1. License
                                  1. Contact