var common = require('./common');
var os = require('os');
var fs = require('fs');
common.register('tempdir', _tempDir, {
allowGlobbing: false,
wrapOutput: false,
// Returns false if 'dir' is not a writeable directory, 'dir' otherwise
function writeableDir(dir) {
if (!dir || !fs.existsSync(dir)) return false;
if (!common.statFollowLinks(dir).isDirectory()) return false;
var testFile = dir + '/' + common.randomFileName();
try {
fs.writeFileSync(testFile, ' ');
return dir;
} catch (e) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
return false;
// Variable to cache the tempdir value for successive lookups.
var cachedTempDir;
//@ ### tempdir()
//@ Examples:
//@ ```javascript
//@ var tmp = tempdir(); // "/tmp" for most *nix platforms
//@ ```
//@ Searches and returns string containing a writeable, platform-dependent temporary directory.
//@ Follows Python's [tempfile algorithm](
function _tempDir() {
if (cachedTempDir) return cachedTempDir;
cachedTempDir = writeableDir(os.tmpdir()) ||
writeableDir(process.env.TMPDIR) ||
writeableDir(process.env.TEMP) ||
writeableDir(process.env.TMP) ||
writeableDir(process.env.Wimp$ScrapDir) || // RiscOS
writeableDir('C:\\TEMP') || // Windows
writeableDir('C:\\TMP') || // Windows
writeableDir('\\TEMP') || // Windows
writeableDir('\\TMP') || // Windows
writeableDir('/tmp') ||
writeableDir('/var/tmp') ||
writeableDir('/usr/tmp') ||
writeableDir('.'); // last resort
return cachedTempDir;
// Indicates if the tempdir value is currently cached. This is exposed for tests
// only. The return value should only be tested for truthiness.
function isCached() {
return cachedTempDir;
// Clears the cached tempDir value, if one is cached. This is exposed for tests
// only.
function clearCache() {
cachedTempDir = undefined;
module.exports.tempDir = _tempDir;
module.exports.isCached = isCached;
module.exports.clearCache = clearCache;