var common = require('./common');
var fs = require('fs');
common.register('sort', _sort, {
canReceivePipe: true,
cmdOptions: {
'r': 'reverse',
'n': 'numerical',
// parse out the number prefix of a line
function parseNumber(str) {
var match = str.match(/^\s*(\d*)\s*(.*)$/);
return { num: Number(match[1]), value: match[2] };
// compare two strings case-insensitively, but examine case for strings that are
// case-insensitive equivalent
function unixCmp(a, b) {
var aLower = a.toLowerCase();
var bLower = b.toLowerCase();
return (aLower === bLower ?
-1 * a.localeCompare(b) : // unix sort treats case opposite how javascript does
// compare two strings in the fashion that unix sort's -n option works
function numericalCmp(a, b) {
var objA = parseNumber(a);
var objB = parseNumber(b);
if (objA.hasOwnProperty('num') && objB.hasOwnProperty('num')) {
return ((objA.num !== objB.num) ?
(objA.num - objB.num) :
unixCmp(objA.value, objB.value));
} else {
return unixCmp(objA.value, objB.value);
//@ ### sort([options,] file [, file ...])
//@ ### sort([options,] file_array)
//@ Available options:
//@ + `-r`: Reverse the results
//@ + `-n`: Compare according to numerical value
//@ Examples:
//@ ```javascript
//@ sort('foo.txt', 'bar.txt');
//@ sort('-r', 'foo.txt');
//@ ```
//@ Return the contents of the `file`s, sorted line-by-line. Sorting multiple
//@ files mixes their content (just as unix `sort` does).
function _sort(options, files) {
// Check if this is coming from a pipe
var pipe = common.readFromPipe();
if (!files && !pipe) common.error('no files given');
files = [], 1);
if (pipe) {
var lines = files.reduce(function (accum, file) {
if (file !== '-') {
if (!fs.existsSync(file)) {
common.error('no such file or directory: ' + file, { continue: true });
return accum;
} else if (common.statFollowLinks(file).isDirectory()) {
common.error('read failed: ' + file + ': Is a directory', {
continue: true,
return accum;
var contents = file === '-' ? pipe : fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
return accum.concat(contents.trimRight().split('\n'));
}, []);
var sorted = lines.sort(options.numerical ? numericalCmp : unixCmp);
if (options.reverse) {
sorted = sorted.reverse();
return sorted.join('\n') + '\n';
module.exports = _sort;