Twitter MCP Server
by takiAA
# Docker Setup for Twitter Client with Proxy
This setup creates a Docker environment that routes all network traffic through a proxy, solving connection timeout issues when accessing Twitter's API.
## Prerequisites
- Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system
- A working proxy server (the default configuration uses
## Configuration
1. The proxy URL is configured in multiple places:
- In your `.env` file as `PROXY_URL`
- In the Docker container as environment variables `HTTP_PROXY` and `HTTPS_PROXY`
2. The Docker setup uses `host.docker.internal` to access the host machine's proxy. This allows the container to connect to a proxy running on your local machine.
## How to Use
### Building and Running the Container
# Build and start the container
docker-compose up --build
# Run in detached mode (background)
docker-compose up -d --build
# View logs
docker-compose logs -f
### Stopping the Container
docker-compose down
## How It Works
1. The Dockerfile:
- Uses Node.js 18 as the base image
- Sets global proxy environment variables
- Installs dependencies and compiles TypeScript
- Configures the container to use the proxy for all network requests
2. The docker-compose.yml file:
- Sets up the service with the necessary environment variables
- Mounts the local directory to allow for code changes without rebuilding
- Configures host.docker.internal to access the host machine's proxy
3. The modified index.ts:
- Checks for proxy configuration from multiple environment variables
- Ensures the Scraper instance is properly configured to use the proxy
## Troubleshooting
If you still experience connection issues:
1. Verify your proxy is running and accessible
2. Check if the proxy URL is correct in both `.env` and `docker-compose.yml`
3. Try increasing the timeout value in `index.ts`
4. Ensure your proxy allows connections from Docker containers
For proxy servers that require authentication, modify the proxy URLs to include credentials:
## 开发实践
### 1.启动交互式终端进入容器,在容器内部进行操作
docker-compose exec twitter-client bash
yarn tsc
node dist/index.js