SystemPrompt MCP Notion Server

by Ejb503

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

NOTION_API_KEYYesYour Notion integration token
SYSTEMPROMPT_API_KEYYesYour Systemprompt API key



Interactive templates invoked by user choice

Notion Page CreatorGenerates a rich, detailed Notion page that expands upon basic inputs into comprehensive, well-structured content
Notion Page EditorModifies an existing Notion page based on user instructions while preserving its core structure and content


Contextual data attached and managed by the client

Systemprompt Notion AgentAn expert agent for managing and organizing content in Notion workspaces


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

systemprompt_list_notion_pagesLists all accessible Notion pages in your workspace, sorted by last edited time. Returns key metadata including title, URL, and last edited timestamp.
systemprompt_list_notion_databasesLists all accessible Notion databases in your workspace, sorted by last edited time. Returns key metadata including database title, schema, and last edited timestamp.
systemprompt_search_notion_pagesPerforms a full-text search across all accessible Notion pages using the provided query. Searches through titles, content, and metadata to find relevant matches.
systemprompt_search_notion_pages_by_titleSearches specifically for Notion pages with titles matching the provided query. Useful for finding exact or similar title matches when you know the page name.
systemprompt_get_notion_pageRetrieves comprehensive details of a specific Notion page, including its content, properties, and metadata. Returns the complete page structure and all nested content blocks.
systemprompt_create_notion_pageCreates a rich, comprehensive Notion page that expands upon basic user inputs. Takes simple instructions and content, then generates a detailed, well-structured page with appropriate sections, formatting, and supplementary content.
systemprompt_update_notion_pageUpdates an existing Notion page with rich, comprehensive content based on user instructions. Takes simple inputs and transforms them into well-structured, detailed page content while preserving existing information. Can enhance, reorganize, or expand the current content while maintaining page integrity.
systemprompt_delete_notion_pagePermanently deletes a specified Notion page and all its contents. This action cannot be undone, so use with caution.