k8s-interactive-mcpTaichiHoAsecurityFlicenseAqualityA MCP server that can run Kubernetes commands with a given kubeconfig path and provide interpretation of the commands.12JavaScriptApple
mcp-server-prometheusloglmhqAsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP server for interacting with Prometheus metrics and data.5JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
Sentry MCP servermodelcontextprotocol-securityAlicense-qualityThis server provides tools to inspect error reports, stacktraces, and other debugging information from your Sentry account.9,958JavaScriptMIT License
mcp-k8s-gostrowkVerified-securityAlicense-qualityThis project is intended as a both MCP server connecting to Kubernetes and a library to build more servers for any custom resources in Kubernetes.33GoMIT License
Kubernetesmcp-server-kubernetesFlux159AsecurityAlicenseAqualityTypeScript implementation of Kubernetes cluster operations for pods, deployments, services.86935JavaScriptMIT License