PostgreSQL Multi-Schema MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

PostgreSQL Multi-Schema MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol server that provides read-only access to PostgreSQL databases with enhanced multi-schema support. This server enables LLMs to inspect database schemas across multiple namespaces and execute read-only queries while maintaining schema isolation.

Key Features

  • Multi-Schema Support: Explicitly specify which schemas to expose through command-line configuration
  • Schema Isolation: Strict access control to only authorized schemas listed during server startup
  • Cross-Schema Discovery: Unified view of tables across multiple schemas while maintaining schema boundaries
  • Metadata Security: Filters system catalogs to only expose user-defined tables in specified schemas



  • query
    • Execute read-only SQL queries against the connected database
    • Input: sql (string): The SQL query to execute
    • All queries are executed within a READ ONLY transaction
    • Schema context maintained through search_path restriction


The server provides schema information for each table across authorized schemas:

  • Table Schemas (postgres://<host>/<db_schema>/<table>/schema)
    • JSON schema information for each table
    • Includes column names, data types, and type modifiers
    • Automatically discovered from database metadata
    • Multi-schema support with explicit schema allow-list


The server requires a database URL and accepts a comma-separated list of schemas to expose:

npx -y mcp-server-postgres-multi-schema <database-url> [schemas]
  • database-url: PostgreSQL connection string (e.g., postgresql://localhost/mydb)
  • schemas: Comma-separated list of schemas to expose (defaults to 'public' if not specified)


# Connect with default public schema npx -y mcp-server-postgres-multi-schema postgresql://localhost/mydb # Connect with multiple schemas npx -y mcp-server-postgres-multi-schema postgresql://localhost/mydb public,analytics,staging

Usage with Claude Desktop

Configure the "mcpServers" section in your claude_desktop_config.json:


{ "mcpServers": { "postgres": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "mcp-server-postgres-multi-schema", "postgresql://localhost/mydb", "public,audit" ] } } }


This multi-schema MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. You may use, modify, and distribute the software according to the terms in the LICENSE file.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that provides read-only access to PostgreSQL databases with enhanced multi-schema support, allowing LLMs to inspect database schemas across multiple namespaces and execute read-only queries while maintaining schema isolation.

  1. Key Features
    1. Components
      1. Tools
        1. Resources
        2. Usage
          1. Examples
          2. Usage with Claude Desktop
            1. NPX
            2. License