
Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

SUPABASE_KEYYesYour Supabase service role key for admin operations
SUPABASE_URLYesYour Supabase project URL
SUPABASE_ACCESS_TOKENYesRequired for management operations; your Supabase access token



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

create_recordCreate a new record in a Supabase table
read_recordsRead records from a Supabase table
update_recordUpdate records in a Supabase table
delete_recordDelete records from a Supabase table
upload_fileUpload a file to Supabase Storage
download_fileDownload a file from Supabase Storage
invoke_functionInvoke a Supabase Edge Function
list_projectsList all Supabase projects
get_projectGet details of a specific Supabase project
create_projectCreate a new Supabase project
delete_projectDelete a Supabase project
list_organizationsList all organizations
get_organizationGet details of a specific organization
create_organizationCreate a new organization
get_project_api_keysGet API keys for a specific Supabase project
list_usersList all users in a project
get_userGet details of a specific user
create_userCreate a new user
update_userUpdate a user
delete_userDelete a user
assign_user_roleAssign a role to a user
remove_user_roleRemove a role from a user