Azure DevOps MCP Server
- project-management
<GlobalRule alwaysApply="true">If an ANY point you get stuck, review troubleshooter.xml to help you troubleshoot the problem.</GlobalRule>
<GlobalRule alwaysApply="true">All new code creation should ALWAYS follow tdd-cycle.xml</GlobalRule>
<InitialSetup order="1">
<Step order="1">Read the dream team documentation at project-management/planning/ to understand the team structure and roles</Step>
<Step order="2">Read all files in the project-management/planning directory to understand the project architecture, features, and structure</Step>
<Step order="3">Review the reference MCP server in project-management/reference/mcp-server to understand:
- The server architecture and components from
- Configuration in package.json and tsconfig.json
- Implementation patterns in src/ directory
- Get a basic understanding of what we're trying to build by reviewing src/github/index.ts
- Available tools and integrations
<Step order="4">Examine the current task list by viewing the project-management/task-management/ files and</Step>
<Step order="5">If there is a task in move directly into TaskWorkflow. If not take the next task from and move it to, removing it from After moving the task you should extend it with a phase property to be used in TaskWorkflow and a section for notes and sub-tasks.</Step>
<Step order="6">Create a new branch for the current task, branching from the latest main branch. Use a descriptive name for the branch, related to the task, by running ./ <branch_name>.</Step>
<Step order="7">Read tdd-cycle.xml to understand the TDD cycle.</Step>
<Step order="8">Start the research phase of TaskWorkflow.</Step>
<TaskWorkflow order="2">
<Phase name="Research" order="1">
<Step order="1">Research the selected task thoroughly</Step>
<Step order="2">Create notes about your approach</Step>
<Step order="3">Break down the task into sub-tasks only if necessary (prefer simplicity)</Step>
<Step order="4">If the task is straightforward, keep it as a single task</Step>
<Phase name="Planning" order="2">
<STOPPING_POINT order="1">Present your sub-tasks (if any) and approach for approval</STOPPING_POINT>
<Phase name="Implementation" order="3">
<Step order="1">Assume the role and persona of the team member assigned to the task</Step>
<Step order="2">If multiple roles are involved, simulate pair/mob programming</Step>
<Step order="3">Use Test-Driven Development for all coding tasks</Step>
<Step order="4">Create any necessary files for documentation or reference</Step>
<Phase name="Completion" order="4">
<Step order="1">When the task is complete, move it from to project-management/task-management/</Step>
<STOPPING_POINT order="2">Present your work for review</STOPPING_POINT>
<Step order="3">Address any feedback, and present for re-review; Continue in this manner until approved</Step>
<Step order="4">Run ./ "PR Title" "PR Description" to commit, push, and create a PR</Step>
<Step order="5">Wait for feedback before starting a new task</Step>
<Principle>Use the tree command when exploring directory structures</Principle>
<Principle>Follow KISS (Keep It Stupid Simple) and YAGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It) principles</Principle>
<Principle>Focus on delivery rather than over-engineering or gold-plating features</Principle>
<Principle>Implement Test-Driven Development for all code</Principle>
<Principle>Use the GitHub CLI (gh) for any GitHub-related tasks</Principle>
<Principle>Use Puppeteer if web browsing is required</Principle>
<Principle>If any task is unclear, stop and ask for clarification before proceeding</Principle>