Memory MCP Server

  • tests
"""Tests for KnowledgeGraphManager.""" import asyncio from typing import List import pytest from memory_mcp_server.interfaces import Entity, Relation from memory_mcp_server.knowledge_graph_manager import KnowledgeGraphManager from memory_mcp_server.validation import EntityValidationError, ValidationError @pytest.mark.asyncio(scope="function") async def test_create_entities( knowledge_graph_manager: KnowledgeGraphManager, ) -> None: """Test the creation of new entities in the knowledge graph. This test verifies that: 1. Entities can be created successfully 2. The created entities are stored in the graph 3. Entity attributes are preserved correctly """ print("\nStarting test_create_entities") entities = [ Entity( name="john-doe", entityType="person", observations=["loves pizza"], ) ] created_entities = await knowledge_graph_manager.create_entities(entities) print("Created entities") assert len(created_entities) == 1 graph = await knowledge_graph_manager.read_graph() print("Read graph") assert len(graph.entities) == 1 assert graph.entities[0].name == "john-doe" print("test_create_entities: Complete") @pytest.mark.asyncio(scope="function") async def test_create_relations( knowledge_graph_manager: KnowledgeGraphManager, ) -> None: """Test the creation of relations between entities. This test verifies that: 1. Relations can be created between existing entities 2. Relations are stored properly in the graph 3. Relation properties (from, to, type) are preserved """ print("\nStarting test_create_relations") entities = [ Entity(name="alice-smith", entityType="person", observations=["test"]), Entity(name="bob-jones", entityType="person", observations=["test"]), ] await knowledge_graph_manager.create_entities(entities) print("Created entities") relations = [Relation(from_="alice-smith", to="bob-jones", relationType="knows")] created_relations = await knowledge_graph_manager.create_relations(relations) print("Created relations") assert len(created_relations) == 1 assert created_relations[0].from_ == "alice-smith" assert created_relations[0].to == "bob-jones" print("test_create_relations: Complete") @pytest.mark.asyncio(scope="function") async def test_search_functionality( knowledge_graph_manager: KnowledgeGraphManager, ) -> None: """Test the search functionality across different criteria. This test verifies searching by: 1. Entity name 2. Entity type 3. Observation content 4. Case insensitivity """ # Create test entities with varied data entities = [ Entity( name="search-test-1", entityType="project", observations=["keyword1", "unique1"], ), Entity(name="search-test-2", entityType="project", observations=["keyword2"]), Entity(name="different-type", entityType="document", observations=["keyword1"]), ] await knowledge_graph_manager.create_entities(entities) # Test search by name name_result = await knowledge_graph_manager.search_nodes("search-test") assert len(name_result.entities) == 2 assert all("search-test" in for e in name_result.entities) # Test search by type type_result = await knowledge_graph_manager.search_nodes("document") assert len(type_result.entities) == 1 assert type_result.entities[0].name == "different-type" # Test search by observation obs_result = await knowledge_graph_manager.search_nodes("keyword1") assert len(obs_result.entities) == 2 assert any( == "search-test-1" for e in obs_result.entities) assert any( == "different-type" for e in obs_result.entities) @pytest.mark.asyncio(scope="function") async def test_error_handling( knowledge_graph_manager: KnowledgeGraphManager, ) -> None: """Test error handling in various scenarios. This test verifies proper error handling for: 1. Invalid entity names 2. Non-existent entities in relations 3. Empty delete requests 4. Deleting non-existent entities """ # Test invalid entity name with pytest.raises(EntityValidationError, match="Invalid entity name"): await knowledge_graph_manager.create_entities( [Entity(name="Invalid Name", entityType="person", observations=[])] ) # Test relation with non-existent entities with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="Entities not found"): await knowledge_graph_manager.create_relations( [ Relation( from_="non-existent", to="also-non-existent", relationType="knows" ) ] ) # Test deleting empty list with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cannot be empty"): await knowledge_graph_manager.delete_entities([]) # Test deleting non-existent entities result = await knowledge_graph_manager.delete_entities(["non-existent"]) assert result == [] @pytest.mark.asyncio(scope="function") async def test_graph_persistence( knowledge_graph_manager: KnowledgeGraphManager, ) -> None: """Test that graph changes persist after reloading. This test verifies that: 1. Created entities persist after a graph reload 2. Added relations persist after a graph reload 3. New observations persist after a graph reload """ # Create initial data entity = Entity( name="persistence-test", entityType="project", observations=["initial"] ) await knowledge_graph_manager.create_entities([entity]) # Force a reload of the graph by clearing the cache knowledge_graph_manager._cache = None # type: ignore # Verify data persists graph = await knowledge_graph_manager.read_graph() assert len(graph.entities) == 1 assert graph.entities[0].name == "persistence-test" assert "initial" in graph.entities[0].observations @pytest.mark.asyncio(scope="function") async def test_concurrent_operations( knowledge_graph_manager: KnowledgeGraphManager, ) -> None: """Test handling of concurrent operations. This test verifies that: 1. Multiple concurrent entity creations/deletions are handled properly 2. Cache remains consistent under concurrent operations 3. No data is lost during concurrent writes """ # Create multiple entities concurrently async def create_entity(index: int) -> List[Entity]: entity = Entity( name=f"concurrent-{index}", entityType="project", observations=[f"obs{index}"], ) return await knowledge_graph_manager.create_entities([entity]) # Delete entities concurrently async def delete_entity(index: int) -> List[str]: return await knowledge_graph_manager.delete_entities([f"concurrent-{index}"]) # First create 5 entities create_tasks = [create_entity(i) for i in range(5)] create_results = await asyncio.gather(*create_tasks) assert all(len(r) == 1 for r in create_results) # Then concurrently delete 3 of them while creating 2 more delete_tasks = [delete_entity(i) for i in range(3)] create_tasks = [create_entity(i) for i in range(5, 7)] delete_results, create_results = await asyncio.gather( asyncio.gather(*delete_tasks), asyncio.gather(*create_tasks) ) # Verify deletions assert all(len(r) == 1 for r in delete_results) # Verify creations assert all(len(r) == 1 for r in create_results) # Verify final state graph = await knowledge_graph_manager.read_graph() expected_names = {"concurrent-5", "concurrent-6", "concurrent-3", "concurrent-4"} assert len(graph.entities) == 4 assert all( in expected_names for e in graph.entities)