MCP Server Semgrep

  • scripts
#!/usr/bin/env node /** * This script checks for semgrep installation and provides guidance * It runs on postinstall and helps users get semgrep working */ import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import { existsSync } from 'fs'; import { join } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; // Use dynamic import for which since it's an ESM package let which; try { const whichModule = await import('which'); which = whichModule.default; } catch (error) { console.warn('Could not import "which" module. Path detection will be limited.'); which = null; } const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url)); // Common paths where semgrep might be installed const COMMON_PATHS = [ // NPM global installation join(process.env.npm_config_prefix || '/usr/local', 'bin', 'semgrep'), // Python global installation '/usr/local/bin/semgrep', '/usr/bin/semgrep', // Homebrew on macOS '/opt/homebrew/bin/semgrep', // Python user installation join(process.env.HOME || '', '.local', 'bin', 'semgrep'), // Homebrew on Linux '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/semgrep', // Snap on Linux '/snap/bin/semgrep', // Windows Python user installation join(process.env.APPDATA || '', 'Python', 'Scripts', 'semgrep.exe'), // Windows NPM global installation join(process.env.APPDATA || '', 'npm', 'semgrep.cmd'), ]; async function findSemgrep() { try { // First try to find semgrep in PATH using which if (which) { try { const semgrepPath = await which('semgrep'); if (semgrepPath) { return semgrepPath; } } catch (error) { // Continue with other methods if which fails } } // Check common installation paths for (const path of COMMON_PATHS) { if (existsSync(path)) { return path; } } // Last resort: try to run semgrep directly try { execSync('semgrep --version', { stdio: 'ignore' }); return 'semgrep'; // Available in PATH but not found by which } catch (error) { // Not found } return null; } catch (error) { console.error('Error checking for semgrep:', error); return null; } } async function checkSemgrepVersion(semgrepPath) { try { const output = execSync(`"${semgrepPath}" --version`, { encoding: 'utf8' }).trim(); return output; } catch (error) { console.error('Error checking semgrep version:', error.message); return null; } } async function main() { console.log('Checking for semgrep installation...'); const semgrepPath = await findSemgrep(); if (semgrepPath) { const version = await checkSemgrepVersion(semgrepPath); console.log(`✅ Found semgrep at: ${semgrepPath} (${version})`); console.log('MCP Server Semgrep is ready to use!'); } else { console.warn('\n⚠️ Semgrep not found on your system.'); console.warn('MCP Server Semgrep requires semgrep to be installed to function properly.'); console.warn('\nInstallation options:'); console.warn(' • NPM: npm install -g semgrep'); console.warn(' • Python: pip install semgrep'); console.warn(' • macOS: brew install semgrep'); console.warn(' • Linux: sudo apt-get install semgrep'); console.warn(' • Manual: See'); console.warn('\nAfter installing, verify with: semgrep --version'); // Exit with non-zero code to indicate a warning but not fail the installation process.exit(0); } } main().catch(error => { console.error('Unexpected error:', error); process.exit(0); // Don't fail installation });