Task API Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Enables configuration through environment variables to set API credentials, base URLs, and server ports for connecting to external task management services.

  • Supports browser-based clients through CDN-delivered MCP SDK, enabling web applications to connect to the task management server.

  • Supports running as a Node.js application in either STDIO mode for CLI/AI agent integration or HTTP+SSE mode for web-based access.

Task API Server - MCP TypeScript Implementation

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) implementation for Task Management API written in TypeScript. This project serves as both a reference implementation and a functional task management server.


This MCP server connects to an external Task API service and provides a standardized interface for task management. It supports two runtime modes:

  1. STDIO Mode: Standard input/output communication for CLI-based applications and AI agents
  2. HTTP+SSE Mode: Web-accessible server with Server-Sent Events for browser and HTTP-based clients

The server offers a complete set of task management operations, extensive validation, and robust error handling.


  • Task Management Operations:
    • List existing tasks with filtering capabilities
    • Create new tasks with customizable properties
    • Update task details (description, status, category, priority)
    • Delete tasks when completed or no longer needed
  • Dual Interface Modes:
    • STDIO protocol support for command-line and AI agent integration
    • HTTP+SSE protocol with web interface for browser-based access
  • MCP Protocol Implementation:
    • Complete implementation of the Model Context Protocol
    • Resources for task data structures
    • Tools for task operations
    • Error handling and informative messages
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Comprehensive test client for validation
    • Automatic server shutdown after tests complete
    • Detailed validation of API responses

Getting Started


  • Node.js 16.x or higher
  • npm or pnpm package manager


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/mcp-template-ts.git cd mcp-template-ts
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
    or using pnpm:
    pnpm install
  3. Create an .env file with your Task API credentials:
    TASK_MANAGER_API_BASE_URL=https://your-task-api-url.com/api TASK_MANAGER_API_KEY=your_api_key_here TASK_MANAGER_HTTP_PORT=3000
  4. Build the project:
    npm run build

Running the Server

STDIO Mode (for CLI/AI integration)

npm start


node dist/index.js

HTTP Mode (for web access)

npm run start:http


node dist/http-server.js

By default, the HTTP server runs on port 3000. You can change this by setting the TASK_MANAGER_HTTP_PORT environment variable.


Run the comprehensive test suite to verify functionality:

npm test

This will:

  1. Build the project
  2. Start a server instance
  3. Connect a test client to the server
  4. Run through all task operations
  5. Verify correct responses
  6. Automatically shut down the server

Using the MCP Client

STDIO Client

To connect to the STDIO server from your application:

import { Client } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js"; import { StdioClientTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/stdio.js"; import * as path from 'path'; // Create transport const transport = new StdioClientTransport({ command: 'node', args: [path.resolve('path/to/dist/index.js')] }); // Initialize client const client = new Client( { name: "your-client-name", version: "1.0.0" }, { capabilities: { prompts: {}, resources: {}, tools: {} } } ); // Connect to server await client.connect(transport); // Example: List all tasks const listTasksResult = await client.callTool({ name: "listTasks", arguments: {} }); // Example: Create a new task const createTaskResult = await client.callTool({ name: "createTask", arguments: { task: "Complete project documentation", category: "Documentation", priority: "high" } }); // Clean up when done await client.close();

HTTP Client

To connect to the HTTP server from a browser:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Task Manager</title> <script type="module"> import { Client } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/dist/esm/client/index.js'; import { SSEClientTransport } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/dist/esm/client/sse.js'; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => { // Create transport const transport = new SSEClientTransport('http://localhost:3000/mcp'); // Initialize client const client = new Client( { name: "browser-client", version: "1.0.0" }, { capabilities: { prompts: {}, resources: {}, tools: {} } } ); // Connect to server await client.connect(transport); // Now you can use client.callTool() for tasks }); </script> </head> <body> <h1>Task Manager</h1> <!-- Your interface elements here --> </body> </html>

Available Tools


Lists all available tasks.

const result = await client.callTool({ name: "listTasks", arguments: { // Optional filters status: "pending", // Filter by status category: "Work", // Filter by category priority: "high" // Filter by priority } });


Creates a new task.

const result = await client.callTool({ name: "createTask", arguments: { task: "Complete the project report", // Required: task description category: "Work", // Optional: task category priority: "high" // Optional: low, medium, high } });


Updates an existing task.

const result = await client.callTool({ name: "updateTask", arguments: { taskId: 123, // Required: ID of task to update task: "Updated task description", // Optional: new description status: "done", // Optional: pending, started, done category: "Personal", // Optional: new category priority: "medium" // Optional: low, medium, high } });


Deletes a task.

const result = await client.callTool({ name: "deleteTask", arguments: { taskId: 123 // Required: ID of task to delete } });

Environment Variables

TASK_MANAGER_API_BASE_URLURL for the external Task APINone (Required)
TASK_MANAGER_API_KEYAPI key for authenticationNone (Required)
TASK_MANAGER_HTTP_PORTPort for the HTTP server3000
PORTAlternative port name (takes precedence)None

Project Structure

mcp-template-ts/ ├── dist/ # Compiled JavaScript files ├── src/ # TypeScript source files │ ├── index.ts # STDIO server entry point │ ├── http-server.ts # HTTP+SSE server entry point │ ├── test-client.ts # Test client implementation ├── .env # Environment variables ├── package.json # Project dependencies ├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration └── README.md # Project documentation


  1. Start the TypeScript compiler in watch mode:
    npm run watch
  2. Run tests to verify changes:
    npm test


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • This project uses the @modelcontextprotocol/sdk for MCP protocol implementation
  • Built for integration with AI tooling and web applications

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

A Model Context Protocol implementation that provides a standardized interface for task management, supporting both STDIO mode for CLI/AI applications and HTTP+SSE mode for browser-based clients.

  1. Overview
    1. Features
      1. Getting Started
        1. Prerequisites
          1. Installation
            1. Running the Server
              1. STDIO Mode (for CLI/AI integration)
                1. HTTP Mode (for web access)
                2. Testing
                3. Using the MCP Client
                  1. STDIO Client
                    1. HTTP Client
                    2. Available Tools
                      1. listTasks
                        1. createTask
                          1. updateTask
                            1. deleteTask
                            2. Environment Variables
                              1. Project Structure
                                1. Development
                                  1. License
                                    1. Acknowledgments