Harvest Natural Language Time Entry MCP Server
by adrian-dotco
- docs
- harvest_api_docs
- 10_projects
The project object⚭
Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique ID for the project.
client object An object containing the project’s client id, name, and currency.
name string Unique name for the project.
code string The code associated with the project.
is_active boolean Whether the project is active or archived.
is_billable boolean Whether the project is billable or not.
is_fixed_fee boolean Whether the project is a fixed-fee project or not.
bill_by string The method by which the project is invoiced.
hourly_rate decimal Rate for projects billed by Project Hourly Rate.
budget decimal The budget in hours for the project when budgeting by time.
budget_by string The method by which the project is budgeted.
budget_is_monthly boolean Option to have the budget reset every month.
notify_when_over_budget boolean Whether Project Managers should be notified when the project goes over budget.
over_budget_notification_percentage decimal Percentage value used to trigger over budget email alerts.
over_budget_notification_date date Date of last over budget notification. If none have been sent, this will be null.
show_budget_to_all boolean Option to show project budget to all employees. Does not apply to Total Project Fee projects.
cost_budget decimal The monetary budget for the project when budgeting by money.
cost_budget_include_expenses boolean Option for budget of Total Project Fees projects to include tracked expenses.
fee decimal The amount you plan to invoice for the project. Only used by fixed-fee projects.
notes string Project notes.
starts_on date Date the project was started.
ends_on date Date the project will end.
created_at datetime Date and time the project was created.
updated_at datetime Date and time the project was last updated.
Required permissions⚭
You must be an Administrator or Manager with managed projects in order to interact with the /v2/projects endpoint. Insufficient permissions will result in a 403 Forbidden status code.
List all projects⚭
Returns a list of your projects. The projects are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created projects appearing first.
The response contains an object with a projects property that contains an array of up to per_page projects. Each entry in the array is a separate project object. If no more projects are available, the resulting array will be empty. Several additional pagination properties are included in the response to simplify paginating your projects.
GET /v2/projects
Parameter Type Description
is_active boolean Pass true to only return active projects and false to return inactive projects.
client_id integer Only return projects belonging to the client with the given ID.
updated_since datetime Only return projects that have been updated since the given date and time.
page integer DEPRECATED The page number to use in pagination. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 2000 records, your subsequent call can include page=2 to retrieve the next page of the list. (Default: 1)
per_page integer The number of records to return per page. Can range between 1 and 2000. (Default: 2000)
This endpoint supports cursor-based pagination and therefore deprecates the page parameter. For more information, visit the pagination guide.
Example Request:
curl "https://api.harvestapp.com/v2/projects" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Harvest-Account-Id: $ACCOUNT_ID" \
-H "User-Agent: MyApp (yourname@example.com)"
Example Response:
"name":"Online Store - Phase 1",
"name":"123 Industries",
"name":"Marketing Website",
"name":"ABC Corp",
Retrieve a project⚭
Retrieves the project with the given ID. Returns a project object and a 200 OK response code if a valid identifier was provided.
GET /v2/projects/{PROJECT_ID}
Example Request:
curl "https://api.harvestapp.com/v2/projects/14308069" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Harvest-Account-Id: $ACCOUNT_ID" \
-H "User-Agent: MyApp (yourname@example.com)"
Example Response:
"name":"Online Store - Phase 1",
"name":"123 Industries",
Create a project⚭
Creates a new project object. Returns a project object and a 201 Created response code if the call succeeded.
POST /v2/projects
Parameter Type Required Description
client_id integer required The ID of the client to associate this project with.
name string required The name of the project.
code string optional The code associated with the project.
is_active boolean optional Whether the project is active or archived. Defaults to true.
is_billable boolean required Whether the project is billable or not.
is_fixed_fee boolean optional Whether the project is a fixed-fee project or not.
bill_by string required The method by which the project is invoiced. Options: Project, Tasks, People, or none.
hourly_rate decimal optional Rate for projects billed by Project Hourly Rate.
budget decimal optional The budget in hours for the project when budgeting by time.
budget_by string required The method by which the project is budgeted. Options: project (Hours Per Project), project_cost (Total Project Fees), task (Hours Per Task), task_fees (Fees Per Task), person (Hours Per Person), none (No Budget).
budget_is_monthly boolean optional Option to have the budget reset every month. Defaults to false.
notify_when_over_budget boolean optional Whether Project Managers should be notified when the project goes over budget. Defaults to false.
over_budget_notification_percentage decimal optional Percentage value used to trigger over budget email alerts. Example: use 10.0 for 10.0%.
show_budget_to_all boolean optional Option to show project budget to all employees. Does not apply to Total Project Fee projects. Defaults to false.
cost_budget decimal optional The monetary budget for the project when budgeting by money.
cost_budget_include_expenses boolean optional Option for budget of Total Project Fees projects to include tracked expenses. Defaults to false.
fee decimal optional The amount you plan to invoice for the project. Only used by fixed-fee projects.
notes string optional Project notes.
starts_on date optional Date the project was started.
ends_on date optional Date the project will end.
Example Request:
curl "https://api.harvestapp.com/v2/projects" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Harvest-Account-Id: $ACCOUNT_ID" \
-H "User-Agent: MyApp (yourname@example.com)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_id":5735776,"name":"Your New Project","is_billable":true,"bill_by":"Project","hourly_rate":100.0,"budget_by":"project","budget":10000}'
Example Response:
"name":"Your New Project",
"name":"123 Industries",
Update a project⚭
Updates the specific project by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. Returns a project object and a 200 OK response code if the call succeeded.
PATCH /v2/projects/{PROJECT_ID}
Parameter Type Description
client_id integer The ID of the client to associate this project with.
name string The name of the project.
code string The code associated with the project.
is_active boolean Whether the project is active or archived. Defaults to true.
is_billable boolean Whether the project is billable or not.
is_fixed_fee boolean Whether the project is a fixed-fee project or not.
bill_by string The method by which the project is invoiced. Options: Project, Tasks, People, or none.
hourly_rate decimal Rate for projects billed by Project Hourly Rate.
budget decimal The budget in hours for the project when budgeting by time.
budget_by string The method by which the project is budgeted. Options: project (Hours Per Project), project_cost (Total Project Fees), task (Hours Per Task), task_fees (Fees Per Task), person (Hours Per Person), none (No Budget).
budget_is_monthly boolean Option to have the budget reset every month. Defaults to false.
notify_when_over_budget boolean Whether Project Managers should be notified when the project goes over budget. Defaults to false.
over_budget_notification_percentage decimal Percentage value used to trigger over budget email alerts. Example: use 10.0 for 10.0%.
show_budget_to_all boolean Option to show project budget to all employees. Does not apply to Total Project Fee projects. Defaults to false.
cost_budget decimal The monetary budget for the project when budgeting by money.
cost_budget_include_expenses boolean Option for budget of Total Project Fees projects to include tracked expenses. Defaults to false.
fee decimal The amount you plan to invoice for the project. Only used by fixed-fee projects.
notes string Project notes.
starts_on date Date the project was started.
ends_on date Date the project will end.
Example Request:
curl "https://api.harvestapp.com/v2/projects/14308112" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Harvest-Account-Id: $ACCOUNT_ID" \
-H "User-Agent: MyApp (yourname@example.com)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"New project name"}'
Example Response:
"name":"New project name",
"name":"123 Industries",
Delete a project⚭
Deletes a project and any time entries or expenses tracked to it. However, invoices associated with the project will not be deleted. If you don’t want the project’s time entries and expenses to be deleted, you should archive the project instead.
DELETE /v2/projects/{PROJECT_ID}
Example Request:
curl "https://api.harvestapp.com/v2/projects/14308112" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Harvest-Account-Id: $ACCOUNT_ID" \
-H "User-Agent: MyApp (yourname@example.com)" \